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Could Venezuela see her future in the oily crystal ball of Libya?

Franz J. T. Lee | 01.03.2011 02:36 | Analysis | Anti-militarism

On the 'Dark Continent' the Twilight of the 'Wretched of the Earth' is casting an obscure anticipatory awakening on the northern part of the continent ...

The Twilight of the 'Wretched of the Earth'

What is behind the series of popular uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East? What or who triggered them off? The CIA or hunger, or both? And 'Cui bono?' - whose interests do they really serve? Is Venezuela next? Can she see her future in the oily crystal ball of Libya, of Gaddafi?

The capitalist system globally has reproduced itself in all walks of life; it has internalized itself in the very psyche of the 'wretched of the earth'. By sacrificing their very lives millions defend and save their future butchers, the new ruling classes. Hunger, famine and poverty have been magnified ever since the original accumulation of capital, they are root causes of many popular revolts. What is special, new about the current uprisings? Are we making revolution and/or human emancipation, the New?

These and many other questions have seriously to be studied in Venezuela. Like in the 1960s very easily the African sparks could set the American prairie on fire. The common factors of Venezuela and Libya are dangerously similar: 'dictators' who are producing bloodbaths for their peaceful, poor citizens. Apart from these, they have oil, gas, water (under the Sahara Desert and in the Orinoco Delta), oxygen, strategic metals and minerals but also exotic hot weather and blue skies, still void of toxic 'chemtrails' and HAARP geophysical terrorism.

Just to possess the greatest oil reserves of the world is reason enough to receive bellicose royal treatment from the Fourth Fleet or NATO.

Hence, Venezuela, beware!

Let us look at some aspects of the current uprisings in Africa.

Foremost, in the current epoch of the post-Orwellian global disaster, what should be studied and debated urgently before we, the 'wretched of the earth', as international working classes, could get down concretely to emancipate ourselves as still breathing and fighting humanity? It is pertinent to identify the real global syndicates of organized war crimes and not to be fooled by bourgeois ruling class ideology and practices; in modern terms, by the Murdoch Empire, which preaches that 'Great Men', ... that is, 'dictators', like 'Muammar Gaddafi' or 'Hugo Chavez Frias', or 'saints' like 'Bush I and II, ... who were both losers but they 'took it all' ..., that is, that these 'great heroes' of the 'fatherland' all alone could make or break history. The problem is that most of us, but also the billions of the 'wretched of the earth' believe in such ideological, messianic, political grandeur. Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Frantz Fanon, Bertolt Brecht and Ernst Bloch have taught us, as a result of rigorous, stringent, theoretical analysis, that emancipated 'Man' should not strive to be 'great', not become a 'great dictator', but rather a homo novum, a New Man, the New per se. In the current corporate vandalism in Africa, especially in the land-grabbing, we could perceive that nowhere the new, the hopeful, the emancipatory, are on the agenda of the African Union, NEPAD, Africom or the 'African Standby Force' (ASF).

The latter is opening a new market for a flourishing arms sales industry in Africa, to serve the belligerent necessities of United Nations' 'peace-keeping' forces on the continent, but also violently to keep a macro-migratory exodus in search for food at bay.

Yes, corporate imperialism is not interested in the millions of starving children, in the spreading of pestilence, illness and AIDS, the new black elites just talk about business, about Great Business, about arms production in South Africa, corruption, about preparing for Great Wars.

Neither on the placards nor in the political speeches of the revolting, starving masses in North Africa and the Middle East, could be detected traces of the radical anti-capitalist New. It seems that the quo vadis, the whither, the future of whole Africa is truncated by world fascism. It seems that twilight is darkening the 'Cradle of Humanity'.

The major demand of all uprisings was that a dictatorial great man must step down from decades of autocratic power.

For pharisaic reasons, even Berlin and Washington D.C. favored and defended this 'human right'; all over the army and the State continued to serve the metropolitan interests of their corporate masters.

Venezuela and Libya, we should recall that
there exists no revolution without 'violent' class struggles. If the latter are absent in any region, or if we try to annihilate workers' class struggles on a continental scale, then this is the best proof that no social revolution is taking place there. Class reconciliation is not revolution, it is capitulation.

With emancipatory transhistoric processes the situation is more transcendental. There is no human emancipation possible when anywhere still exist labor and capital, master and slave relations, that is, exploitation, domination, racism. genocide and alienation. At the end of the first millennium, early North African and Arab materialist philosophers like Avicenna and Averroes, were already expressing the creative quintessence of human emancipation as natura naturans and natura naturata, namely, as that what is created, creative and creating, that is, Mother Nature, Mother Africa, Pacha Mama, Gaia and Isis. Creation signifies theoretical Praxis, the emancipation of Mother Nature, Mother Africa, the New, of the Woman.


The Novum is the emancipatory specter that is haunting the contemporary world order, it could be setting North America also ablaze. Since centuries capitalism brutally suppressed all possible emancipatory endeavors. Corporatism launched an avalanche of physical and mental holocausts to control the toiling masses. Since yore, the masters called these authoritarian and totalitarian machinations and mechanisms humanism, peace, education, transition, democracy, 'one world government', culture, faith, good manners, etiquette, civilization, customs, credos, commandments, laws, morals, ideology and religion.

The low degree of class consciousness and the high level of inculcated ignorance about socialism by no means belittle the courage, optimism and heroic resistance of all the contemporary workers' struggles. However, it is important to note why corporate imperialism could silence these brave fighters again, can 'nip them in the bud'. This occurred in all the social democratic revolutions of the 20th century. Today, where are the novel, creative fruits of the heroic social revolutions of Vietnam, China, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Ghana, Eritrea, Djibouti, Mauritania, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa?

Is the current state of affairs in Africa the freedom for which we fought ... for which many millions 'peacefully' were maimed, mutilated and massacred? In Africa, are we confronting a new maafa (Swahili: disaster), a new type of Conquest, a modern Transatlantic Wage Slave Trade, a new Bermuda Triangle? What is Africom doing on the soil of Mother Africa, and why did we, a billion African human beings, allow it to settle there to kill us 'softly' one by one?

If our autocratic, theocratic, technocratic and bureaucratic 'great leaders', especially those in Humania South, could be accepted by corporate America, then by the grace of the 'great gods', who own 'great ideas' ... and by the 'superiority of the great master races' ... they would be ordained as the loyal guardians, the fascist 'storm troopers' of the apocalypse', as the Chief Executive Officers of the oil, gas, gold, metal and mineral supply and shipment to the USA, to the metropolitan opulent tycoons.

However, the danger is that we see all over colorful 'revolutions', hundreds, millions of them. We do not realize that there is only one single revolution: the capitalist, bourgeois, democratic revolution, the father of all reformist vipers.

In his writing, 'The Jewish Question', as early as 1843, Marx himself informed us that our objective is to topple bourgeois revolution by means of proletarian human emancipation.

In the epoch of globalization where systemic revolutions are already becoming obsolete, we should seriously reflect and think about our basic liberatory concepts, about their corresponding anti-capitalist praxis.

As far as we could reflect, publicly, nowhere in the recent popular uprisings, the capitalist mode of destruction has been negated radically, is being transcended towards the real, true New, towards planetary emancipation.

On the 'Dark Continent' the Twilight of the 'Wretched of the Earth' is casting an obscure anticipatory awakening on the northern part of the continent; soon dusk will set in and remind us of how black, how mysterious, the natural nights could still be.

Franz J. T. Lee
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They're back!

01.03.2011 05:35

Hey Franny, like the way you don't explicitly blame the Joooooz, but slip in the reference to the "Jewish question" so everybody knows where you're really coming from. You should get together with Ken O'Keefe. The Chavmeister will soon be swinging from a lamp post anyway, along with Monkey Man in Iran and Kim Jong Dead.

Nutter and Jutta alert

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Say what you want but...

01.03.2011 10:19

I seems that anyone or anything that criticises Cuba will be instantly deleted from this site as "innacurate", lke the "Ladies in White face Repression story" which was quickly, (and bizzarely) hidden when the comments, (and the story itself), didn't reflect the opinions of some of the, (supposed to be impartial), moderators:

The accuracy of the story, and the contents of the comments, seemed to be pretty well spot on...but according to someone, (who took it upon themselves to unilaterally hide the story), it was "innaccurate":

I wonder if this story is accurate, or whether it will be hidden too? I know this comment is definitely "innaccurate" because it's illustrated with uncomfortable facts, a bit like he Ladies in White I'll just monitor how long it takes to hide it, after all the truth shall not be spoken on Indymedia UK, (if it doesn't fit the world view of the moderation illuminati)!

You've been told already,

Don't criticise Cuba!!!

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And as if by magic...

01.03.2011 12:33

Don't believe me, have a look here:

It seems any mention of unreasonable censorship will be instantly surpressed, (in less than two hours!), I wonder what the reason will be this time, telling the truth? Or maybe it's because I'm a zionist/imperialist conspirator???

To the moderator(s) who fear the truth, you should be ashamed of yourselves!!!

Now hide this comment too...and I'll just expose you on one of the aggregating platforms that still allow free speech, because fortunately some of the regional IMs aren't such fraudsters!

Hiding this comment in 3, 2, 1...

Another reasonable comment has been hidden!

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Free speech site?

01.03.2011 12:45

Indymedia has never claimed to be a free speech site. It has editorial guidelines for starters.

If you have a compaint about moderation, take it to the list.

"Concerns about editorial guidelines or queries about moderation are dealt with on the imc-uk-moderation list. These issues are not dealt with through the newswire, and newswire posts on these topics will be hidden."

Repeatedly complaining about moderation through comments breaches that guideline, along with the 'disruptive user' guideline.


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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

We know the tricks that IMC uses

01.03.2011 14:19

The old trick of, "take it to the lists" doesn't work anymore. Everybody knows the Moderation list is pre-moderated by the List admins who block any emails that raise questions like this allowing the mods to claim that no communication was received.

Still rather like the "we don't log IP details" claim I'm sure this will also show that many IMC admins are liars.

Not fooled by IMC censorship

in addition

01.03.2011 15:18

Press Statement of the CHAVEZ FOUNDATION supporting Moammar Gaddafi and denoucing the “corrup media”
by Elac Committees on Monday, 28 February 2011 at 18:58
Communiqué de Presse des Comités ELAC

Euro-Libyan Action Committees

26 février 2011

Retransmission of a Press Statement of the HCI-FPFS suporting Moammar Gaddafi and denoucing the “corrup media” :


23 February, 2011.

Bamako, Republic of Mali

This is the second statement to the Press issued by the Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity (HCI-FPFS), in the light of the situation in Libya. It is no more a secret to state in this Press Release that foreign powers, opposed to peace, unity and progress of Africa are in action again, leading a wicked campaign of treachery, deception and terrorism against Libyan leader, Muammar Al-Qathafi and the people of Libya. This time, the enemies of Africa are hiding behind the corrupt foreign media in their criminal attempts to attack and destroy Libya.

The international conspiracy to destroy Muammar Al-Qathafi through a carefully-calculated media frenzy constitutes the burden of each of our position statement on current events in Libya, especially the wide, vicious, hypocritical gap between the US and Western powers’ “democratic” avowal and the state terrorism associated with the activities of these so-called civilized nations towards the people of Africa, Middle East, the Caribbean and Latin America. In the first place, the Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace,

Friendship and Solidarity (HCI-FPFS) wonders how British Foreign Secretary William Hague can feel so comfortable in the company of anti-Libyan organized crime groups that seek the devastation and destruction of Libya. For instance, it was the British Foreign Secretary-turned-coat anti-Libyan, anti-Qathafi, anti-Africa, anti-Arab, anti-Hugo Chavez, anti-Venezuelan whom led the malicious lie to the world that Libyan leader Muammar Al-Qathafi had ran away and sought refuge in Venezuela. The malicious lie was doctored at a time British Prime Minister David Cameron was on an unannounced visit to Egypt, ostensibly to urge the military junta in Cairo to respect the so-called timetable for holding elections.

The other lies, deceptions and ill-thought-out propaganda associated with the ongoing anti-Libyan campaign in the corrupt media include the following misguided allegations, that:


It is innuendos and reckless dissipation for any foreign government, organization or the corrupt media to suggest that the competent authorities in Tripoli used Libya’s fighter jet planes against Libyan civilians. It has never happened and there is no evidence to convince any sane person to believe that the Government of Muammar Al-Qathafi ever used fighter planes against the Libyan people, since the dawn of the era of the Great September 1st Al-Fateh Revolution in 1969. As a matter of fact, there are all evidences available to conclude that the Government of Muammar Al-Qathafi does not need importing foreign mercenaries to protect Libyan life and property against the terrorist activities of organized crime groups and the corrupt media.

It is now clear that the “corrupt international media” disproportionately covers human rights violations in Libya beyond an attempted distraction from the actual situation on the North African nation. For example when Israeli army massacred Palestinian men, women and children in the occupied Arab lands and territories, there is little media coverage compared to the coverage generated over the drown attacks directed by the White House in Washington against tribes men, women and children in Afghanistan. The extrajudicial execution of Egyptian opposition leaders by US/Israeli trained agents of former government of the disgraced dictator Hosni Mubarrak was not covered by the “corporate media” despite it being a heinous crime against humanity. We assert that, the assumption that Libyan fighter planes deployed by the Libyan Government against civilians is without basis. This is further evidence that the corporate media’s claims about happenings in Libya are without substance.


The corporate media got it wrong from the beginning when it made and repeated the claim that Saif Al-Islam Qathafi, the President of the Gadafi Foundation threatened the Libyan people. When weighing the claims of the corporate media against the President of the Gadafi Foundation, one should look at Saif Al-Islam’s background. This is a man who leads a respectable Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), the Gadafi Foundation that has been instrumental in enforcing the principles of the Green Charter International (GCI), for peace, human rights, rule of law, democracy, freedom and human dignity in Libya and world over.

Saif Al-Islam’s statement on attempts by criminals to rob the Libyan people of their peace, freedom and dignity was crystal clear and made to urge the Libyan people to resist any foreign attempts to destroy their country. The accusations against Sail Al-Islam are false and reveal that the corporate media is ever willing to blatantly lie in order to attempt to damage the reputation and illuminating personality of Sail Al-Islam.

Thus far we have seen how a simple, clear-cut national security case became a wider, more serious problem through unwillingness on the part of the enemies of Libya to respect the sovereignty and independence of the North African nation. Instead they (the enemies of Libya) deliberately buried facts and began a campaign of gossip, tale bearing and slander against Sail Al-Islam. We have also learned how the US and Western imperialists encouraged the corporate media’s anti-Libya terrorism by listening to their unfounded and baseless allegations and treating them as true.


A number of heretics, racists and anti-Libyans have gone mad and resorted to advocate for a “no fly zone” be imposed on Libya. The objective, it is now clear-to create a corridor for aggression and violation of Libya’s sovereignty and integrity. Those who advocate for this subversive action plan are themselves collaborators of organized crime groups intending to destroy Libya.

On whether Muammar Al-Qathafi is in control of Libya, we would leave it to the sane international community to read the writings on the wall. There is no gain saying the fact Muammar Qathafai is well, kicking and performing his duties as Leader and Guide of the Revolution, and remains the legitimate leader of the Libyan masses. The Libyan Government is fully in control of its country’s internal situation, and as repeatedly said by Muammar Qathafi, the Libyan Government would not sit idle and allow any body pursue vested personal agendas, or derail the country from path of economic prosperity and sustained development.

The competent authorities in Tripoli have undertaken full duties and responsibilities through decisive action in the face of a well planned international covert agenda, and managed to restore security and protect human life and property in Libya. The US and Western governments hate-filled attacks on Colonel Muammar Qathafi are mere “propaganda” aimed at diverting growing international concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Iraq, occupied Palestine, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Anger and frustration at the collapse of the anti-Arab, pro-zionist regime in Egypt is completely understandable and shared by us, in the Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity (HCI-FPFS), yet that anger must not be directed at destroying.

Concluding we call upon the civilized international community to exert pressure on the military junta in Cairo not to allow any part of Egypt be use as staging posts for the destabilization of Libya.

Signed :

Alimamy Bakarr Sankoh


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