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Car injures cyclists in Porto Alegre critcial mass, Brazil

critical masser | 01.03.2011 01:23 | Climate Chaos | Technology

a link to a BBC news report about a driver who drove into approx 20 cyclists, injuring 9, during a monthly critical mass ride

critical masser


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01.03.2011 14:13

To wheels good - four wheels bad!


we should be arguing for Public Transport

02.03.2011 12:35

not bicycles. neither everyone is healthy enough to ride a bicycle, nor everyone lives close to their workplaces or willing to spend hours on the road. i am sure this bicycle thing is the product of some middle-class hippies with shit politics(its not surprising to read that crirical mass started in san francisco)

class struggle communists should argue for free, enviroment-friendly transportation for everyone and leave aside absurd, primitivist ('lets return back 200 yrs where cars dont exist') ideas.

PS: i wrote this as a response to the pic above


we should be arguing for Public Transport

02.03.2011 12:36

not bicycles. neither everyone is healthy enough to ride a bicycle, nor everyone lives close to their workplaces or willing to spend hours on the road. i am sure this bicycle thing is the product of some middle-class hippies with shit politics(its not surprising to read that crirical mass started in san francisco)

class struggle communists should argue for free, enviroment-friendly transportation for everyone and leave aside absurd, primitivist ('lets return back 200 yrs where cars dont exist') ideas.

PS: i wrote this as a response to the pic above


@Nabat: why not both public transport AND bicycles?

03.03.2011 11:09

It isn't a choice of either public transport OR bicycles. Maybe this is a mind-blowing concept for you, but maybe we could have BOTH?

I don't hear cyclists asking for public transport to be dismantled. Cycling isn't absurd primitivism, it has many benefits.
