Pics: Natwest Marylebone H St Shut by #Ukuncut (circus resist) | 26.02.2011 15:22 | London
Having moved off occupying Lloyds TSB on Oxford street for the big society teach in, the crowd of around 100 people marched over to Marylebone High Street, to find the Natwest there already shut down ahead of the protest (it's getting easier and easier to shut down the banks!).
There they continued the teach in, handing out hundreds more leaflets to passers by, chanting and holding up banners including one saying "Demo March 26th London - Join Us!"
Today this was part of an increasingly global revolt - with uncut actions taking place in over 50 places in the US and spreading further to Canada and France. And a nod of respect to the inspiring Wisconsin protesters :)
Later they returned to Oxford Street to continue handing out leaflets chanting "No ifs, no buts, no public sector cuts" and "David Cameron can't you see, we're the big society!". (circus resist)
Original article on IMC London: