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Thousands protest as Libya attacks Libyans

hurriyah | 22.02.2011 20:17 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World

Thousands joined the protest outside the Libyan Embassy this evening, before marching on Downing Street.. The Socialist Worker reports that 10 coaches travelled from Manchester alone, and that some protestors have declared that they will spend the night outside the Embassy. More joined protests outside Downing Street.

Message to Gadaffi from Downing Street protest
Message to Gadaffi from Downing Street protest

Protests have been held on a daily basis since Sunday, and plans are afoot for the largest yet on Sunday 27th Feb, if Gadaffi manages to hold onto power for that long. This afternoon Qadaffi made another appearance on Libyan State TV. In a rambling speech he called on his supporters to attack the pro-democracy protestors and vowed to die a martyr. Declaring that "Libya wants glory, Libya wants to be at the pinnacle, at the pinnacle of the world", he again accused the west of providing mind-altering drugs to the protestors.

Later students at London School of Economics occupied the Senior Common Room in protest at the links between the university and the Gaddafi regime. Although LSE suspended its Libya funded programmes yesterday, the students are demanding that the funding that LSE received should be returned "to the people of Libya".

Yesterdays protest outside the Embassy saw the Libyan flag removed and replaced with the Libyan Independence Flag.

Hizb ut-Tahrir turned up at Sunday's protest, and such was the displeasure of the protesters, that police cordoned off a seperate area for them.

Tomorrow's protest will start from 3pm outside the Libyan Embassy 15 Knightsbridge London SW1X 7LY



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Revolution is coming

23.02.2011 09:27

The Society of the Muslim Brothers الإخوان will soon be taking control and saving the people from the dicatator Muʿammar al-Qaḏḏāfī - praise be to God.

As the Western and Zionist backed dogs fall across the lands of Allah (Allāhu Akbar) we see the people crying out for the hand of the Brotherhood to guide them and help them.

The revolution can also come to England, embrace your Muslim brothers, come to Islam.

Subhan-Allah !


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We must choose well who we support

23.02.2011 10:51

Although most activists in the UK would of course support the Egyptian people in the struggle against the US/Israel backed regime the situation in Libya is very different.

Libya has a unique political system which combines Socialism, Islam, and the revolutionary philosophy of Moamer al-Kaddhafi. The 1977 constitution created an Islamic Socialist state, and the government is designed to allow the greatest possible popular involvement, through a large congress and smaller secretariats and committees. There is a General People's Congress (GPC) of 1,112 members that elects a secretary general who is intended to be head of state. The GPC is serviced by a general secretariat, which is Libya's nearest equivalent to a legislature. The executive organ of the state is the General People's Committee, which replaces the structure of ministries that operated before the 1969 revolution. There are also Local People's Congresses in towns and rural regions. The Arab Socialist Union (ASU) has won every election since the revolution indicating the support of the people for the Islamic Socialist state.

Those who have been instigating the violence are likely to be counter revolutionary Zionist backed forces seeking to instill a Western friendly regime who will steal the people's owned natural resources.

Defend Socialism

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My o my

23.02.2011 12:48

I see my previous comments about defending a Socialist state (which the country is) have been hidden. Looks like the rumours concerning police infiltration of IMC-UK are true.

Defend Socialism

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" rumours concerning police infiltration of IMC-UK are true "

23.02.2011 13:26

Nah don't worry - it's just that all the good mods went off to IMC London, Notts and Northern so it's only the Jew hating nutters of the 'Mayday' group that are left.

Once the new sites are up and running and the Mayday site becomes an outlet for Stormfront as everyone expects it to be then the 'real' Indy can get back to the roots of the project.


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23.02.2011 14:36

...the " good mods (who) went off to IMC London, Notts and Northern" would have left up nonsense about Libya being a socialist state (people live on less than $2 per day despite the oil wealth) and the entreaty to support a state against its people - maybe they aren't anarchists at all. Maybe they're also Islamophobes and would have left up the disinformation in the first comment as well. Although its unlikely as they let much less through than uk on their own sites, and their hidden comments can't be read at all.

How hiding them proves IMC uk is infiltrated is harder to work out. I shouldn't think the cops have any interest in the comments at all

half asleep

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Indymedia UK, what on Earth happened ?

23.02.2011 15:30

perhaps most people couldn't give a toss about the Indymedia UK infighting and Judean Popular Front crap that has dominated the network meetings and mailing lists for months,

perhaps they don't really care who does moderation as long as it is done with respect for the editorial guidelines,

perhaps they don't like any comments that suggest an alternative view dismissed as 'disinformation',

perhaps they find Holocaust denial being defended at odds with the ethos of the Indymedia project

perhaps they find being lied to over IP logging distasteful

perhaps they find the talk of a 'fork' so that nobody uses the word 'split' childish and irrelevant

perhaps they gave up reading and contributing to the site months ago and have moved on to other types of electronic media that IMCisters sneer at.

ex moderator

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@ex moderator

23.02.2011 15:42

"perhaps they find being lied to over IP logging distasteful"

So why did you do it then?

You're either a fool or a troll

or both

half asleep

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To put you straight

23.02.2011 15:53

In my defence I was not involved with the IP logging as I stopped mod work on the UK site some years ago.

Please do not fall into the easy response of calling everybody who has a view different to yours a 'troll' it's very boring and simply shows how you are unable to engage with the argument.

If you care about Indy I suggest you take the time to become involved, like I have, with one of the local IMC projects. They don't share the UK sites' 'eccentric' views on Jews, 9/11, Palestine and the rest. Try joining us and becoming involved in an Indy project that's actualy relevant to the scene.
is a good start.

ex mod

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So predictable

23.02.2011 16:09

Point out an Indymedia alternative to the UK site and surprise, surprise the comment gets hidden and the Mayday group wonders why we in the rest of the network think you are unhinged

ex moderator

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ex moderator

23.02.2011 16:37

Screw Mayday!

Theres another thread on Libya which is linked to from the front page on uk.

Why not post your comments there where the uk mods can't do anything about them?


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@ agreed

23.02.2011 17:09

Thanks for the advice and I agree the Indymedia Northern site is very good however I am involved with the London collective and am in fact writing a feature piece right now that should be published soon. Here I have been able to speak with a number of people in the London area who have links with the protestors and can give the perspective of a Libyan Londoner.

Do keep and eye out for it at London Indymedia - a Mayday Group free zone :-)

ex moderator
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