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Ban Police Kettling Campaign

Petra Brady | 22.02.2011 14:07 | Free Spaces | Public sector cuts | Repression | World

Kettling is being used to suppress dissent rather than to prevent violence. In fact it is a cause of violence. You can join this campaign and vote to ban kettling.

Policing of demonstrations is increasingly becoming political policing. Although the police claim that kettling is designed to prevent violence and disorder, it is more accurate to say that it is being used to protect an illegitimate government (with no mandate for some of its major policies) from the legitimate anger of democratic dissent.

There is ample evidence that kettling provokes violence rather than prevents it. It is designed to intimidate individuals and to discourage democratic protest. More often than not,protests where kettling has not been used, did not result in violence. However, when kettling and other vicious tactics have been used, almost inevitably violence occurs.

A clear message needs to go out prior to March 26th that protestors will resist and will refuse to be kettled by police. This gives the police time to consider other strategies which facilitate peaceful protest (as they are legally obliged to do.) If, after this clear advance message, the police still resport to the use of kettling, it will be abundantly clear exactly who is provoking the ensuing violence.

In the meantime, it's useful to draw attention to two campaigns which are keeping kettling in the news. Firstly, there is an Early Day Motion condemning kettling being presented to the House of Commons by Katy Clark, MP. Has your MP signed yet?

Secondly, there is a campaign building up on the 38 Degrees website on the subject of kettling. Individuals comment and VOTE for a proposal that kettling should be banned. There is also some useful info on how to avoid being kettled. The campaign needs more votes. Please encourage people to give 3 votes to "Ban kettling". Just go to the 38 Degrees website, sign in with an email address (not published) and a username and click on Vote (1, 2 0r 3 Votes). #kettling.

Petra Brady
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Trust yourself and your companeros but nothing else!

22.02.2011 15:03

Despite all good intentions this proposal shows a lack of understanding of how power works and how the State protects itself and interested parties (companies). The police is there not to provide justice but to protect the interests of the State and the elites that it is in cohorts with. If the police do not do the job then the army is sent in.

All armies, not just the Libyan or Egyptian armed forces, are ultimately there to protect the interests of the State. The soldiers will fire on civilians, on peaceful protests. In fact the British army has a track record of gunning down peaceful protestors to protect the status quo.

A strategy may be to try to persuade police or soldiers to disobey orders but practically this cannot be a first option since these 'people' are conditioned to follow orders and unquestionally acept what their masters tell them.

For the protest at the end of March a better option would be to be well protected physically, to have solidarity and to be ready to fight back.

Love and rage,


What is this liberal shite?

22.02.2011 21:05

ALL policing is "political policing".

No Liberal Parasites Campaign

I signed the petition

26.02.2011 02:45

If you want to know why, anybody, I'm happy to debate it with you.
