The damage drugs do to others
Denny | 19.02.2011 12:41 | Culture
Dear Indymedia. I don't think this article attacks anyone specifically or breaks your guidelines. Please don't hide it, I'm trying to get people to think about the damage they could be doing to others. I'm not being offensive or insulting to anyone and you let plenty of "non-news" articles on to the website every day. It's only short, I'm not hurting anyone.
Now to the article.
We hear plenty from the government and other sources that drugs do a lot of harm to ourselves, but so few people, including in the scenes I'm involved in, think about the damage that drugs do to others.
Now to the article.
We hear plenty from the government and other sources that drugs do a lot of harm to ourselves, but so few people, including in the scenes I'm involved in, think about the damage that drugs do to others.
If you're growing your own drugs, it's up to you - you know how they're grown, what they've been grown with and you've only put yourself at risk by doing so.
How many people reading this take drugs that have come from a dealer that have come from another dealer that have come from... well, where? How many of those people are involved in some kind of campaigning for human rights, enviornmentalism, anarchism, etc? And how many boycott certain countries, brands or products because they deem them to be unethical?
How many of those would give up drugs because they couldn't be sure where they came from?
Let's just take Latin America as an example. Bolivia, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuala... Hundreds of thousands of lives are lost every year because of drugs, because of battles between gangs, mistaken identity and so on. The US "war on drugs" is said to have made the probelm worse, with thousands more people (those involved in drugs and those who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time) being killed in clashes between police and traffickers. The legislation being brought in and removed in various countries makes it worse and more confusing, with some countries decriminalising drugs, or decriminalising possession of a certain amount, and others reinforcing their drugs laws.
Now you may think that, even if you stopped taking drugs, this wouldn't stop people being killed and the drugs being made, but why do we boycott other products? Because of supply and demand. Because we don't want to be part of the problem. Yes, there's not much we can actively do to stop drug gangs and lords and people being killed and the laws (unsurprisingly) make things worse the majority of the time. So let's try and do something and stop being part of the problem and spread the message. Make it yourself or don't take it.
True anarchy can only exist in a society where laws aren't needed because people have more respect for eachother and don't want to kill or fuck eacother over. Once the trust is abused more than a few times, is it any wonder people welcome in new laws and new attacks on their civil liberties?
How many people reading this take drugs that have come from a dealer that have come from another dealer that have come from... well, where? How many of those people are involved in some kind of campaigning for human rights, enviornmentalism, anarchism, etc? And how many boycott certain countries, brands or products because they deem them to be unethical?
How many of those would give up drugs because they couldn't be sure where they came from?
Let's just take Latin America as an example. Bolivia, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Venezuala... Hundreds of thousands of lives are lost every year because of drugs, because of battles between gangs, mistaken identity and so on. The US "war on drugs" is said to have made the probelm worse, with thousands more people (those involved in drugs and those who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time) being killed in clashes between police and traffickers. The legislation being brought in and removed in various countries makes it worse and more confusing, with some countries decriminalising drugs, or decriminalising possession of a certain amount, and others reinforcing their drugs laws.
Now you may think that, even if you stopped taking drugs, this wouldn't stop people being killed and the drugs being made, but why do we boycott other products? Because of supply and demand. Because we don't want to be part of the problem. Yes, there's not much we can actively do to stop drug gangs and lords and people being killed and the laws (unsurprisingly) make things worse the majority of the time. So let's try and do something and stop being part of the problem and spread the message. Make it yourself or don't take it.
True anarchy can only exist in a society where laws aren't needed because people have more respect for eachother and don't want to kill or fuck eacother over. Once the trust is abused more than a few times, is it any wonder people welcome in new laws and new attacks on their civil liberties?
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get rid of this...
19.02.2011 12:47