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Protests in Libya, Yemen, Jordan and Bahrain

protesting and testing | 19.02.2011 12:20 | World

contact your rep

Protests in Libya, Yemen, Jordan and Bahrain

After the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, the upsurge of people power in spreading to Libya, Yemen, Jordan and Bahrain

Contact your Member of Parliament, all your members of the European parliament, and members of devolved parliaments or assemblies. Ask them to voice their support for the protestors, and to do all what they can to act in support of the protestors.

You can contact all of the above at
just input your post code

The people of Northern Africa and the middle-east is rising against authoritarian regimes and governments backed by foreign western powers. They want the freedom to protest, and the freedom to change their governments. For those taking to the streets people power is their only option, and we in the west need to give and show moral support for the protestors.





protesting and testing