Really Free School ( London)
Luka Bulla | 19.02.2011 00:30 | Education | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
The Really Free School..After Occupying the House of Guy Richie in Snooty Fitzroy Square ( London) for a While, a court Order was issued for the occupiers to leave.
Today ( Friday) saw all the Schools Books, desks, furniture, piano in a heap ...outside Ritchie's house.
Around the Chattel Was a Party going on with food, drink as well as People singing all the old songs whilst Police guarded the Rich Richie's front door.
Suddenly the call went out to all to pick up a piece of furniture about 100 people started to carry it through the streets of the West End in a Ritual Procession.
Was an amazing Sight ! Eventually arriving at a Squatted empty Pub in Rathbone Place
( near oxford St) Where Food and drink were served.
Today ( Friday) saw all the Schools Books, desks, furniture, piano in a heap ...outside Ritchie's house.
Around the Chattel Was a Party going on with food, drink as well as People singing all the old songs whilst Police guarded the Rich Richie's front door.
Suddenly the call went out to all to pick up a piece of furniture about 100 people started to carry it through the streets of the West End in a Ritual Procession.
Was an amazing Sight ! Eventually arriving at a Squatted empty Pub in Rathbone Place
( near oxford St) Where Food and drink were served.
Luka Bulla
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not cool
19.02.2011 12:07
Call me old school, call me copyleft, but I'm anti-copyright
to copyright images
19.02.2011 12:39
Got any links to appropriate license stuff?
19.02.2011 14:17
creative commons info
19.02.2011 18:45
CC offers a number of recognised licenses so, for example, you can license your work for anyone to use providing they aren't making money out of it.... so that stops the Mail... or you can say anyone can use it for anything.
CC applies to any work/material, not just pics.
Of course, the Mail (et al) are cunts so may just use it anyway :)
don't be so weak!!!
20.02.2011 11:29
section 6 is their law. its not ours. don't try an claim it. what is ours is our power and strength in numbers and unity. get out of central london and come to the communities where the poeple are at - not the rich elite.
but -these squatters are probably the kids oft he rich elite anyway.
20.02.2011 18:09
So, basically, what you are saying is that you are a Socialist (ie. telling other people what they can and can't do with their life and their belongings)
Interestingly, the same with the squatters.
What gives these people a right to walk off with all this person's belongings?
If the police so much as tried to take a half smoked rollup off one of you, you'd be crying theft and how "illegal" it is.
And why the fuck arnt the police arresting you for basically what amounts to theft and burglary?
I tell you why, its because the police regard you as children, not adults. Its pathetic.
If someone steals someone elses furniture then thats not cool. Its theft.
my arsehole
Dear "squatter"
21.02.2011 10:21
I'm sorry the actions of the really free school do not measure up to your high ideals and radical stance. I forgot this is indymedia uk, where you should always slag off what other people are doing and claim the moral highground.
What ever happened to a diversity of tactics?
100 people helping to move kit from one house to another place and occupying it to continue the high profile project of the free school, which has now hosted hundreds of events, and continues to do so... yeah man, it's rubbish isn't it!
Oh yeah, and these are the same free school people that have hosted several all day skillshare and practical workshop events about squatting.
And of course everyone who lives in central london is rich, of course.
not a squatter
21.02.2011 14:12
you forget your own basic words, and there is a complete lack of resistance. you move when the plod come and ask you to scarper with their court order. how very nice and english of you. and in the last place you "returned the place undamaged without its owner having to go to court to seek possession". again, how nice of you, making sure the millionaire property owners are not inconvenienced.
times are going to get harder. we need to get harder in response. take what you want from what i say. i did the whole central london squatting/free school/workshop thing years ago. just trying to pass on some friendly advice and criticism.
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