Solidarity in defiance
People's Assembly | 17.02.2011 02:09 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
Politician’s keep saying they want the Bigger society, the people directing change, so let us all rise to this challenge and give them what they want, to be held to account and remove them along with the bankers.
Politician’s keep saying they want the Bigger society, the people directing change, so let us all rise to this challenge and give them what they want, to be held to account and remove them along with the bankers..
Every year the people are paying out more and more to councils, government, private firms and the like, whilst getting less and less in return for their efforts.
And the public’s assets continue to be sold off without referendum or consultation with the people.
We are not dogs who sit by a masters table waiting for scraps whilst the wealth of the families and lands are being sold off. Where is the integrity, where is the honour?
Austerity Cuts suck. All the bankers’ bonuses should be taken back and put toward essential public resources. Vodafone owes literally billions in unpaid taxes to the UK government; these taxes alone would elevate much of the financial cost of education. This self elected quango government is acting illegally by not carrying out the wishes of the people.
It is as clear as the light of day that those who profess to be in power do not have the people’s best interests at heart. We must remember that the true power is with the People
We are rational people with the hearts of lions.
We all know the truth of what exactly is going on within our country.
This great injustice forced upon us.
It is “Now Time” the time for all of Britain United to say NO under one umbrella. This daylight robbery and unaccountability to the people by politicians, government officials, Law Lords, councils and the banks cannot be allowed to betray people and country.
Though police will not acknowledge the use of the word, “Kettling” it is becoming a label associated with this type of police anti people action since the G20 in 2010
This was and is a direct infringement of both civil and human rights. The late Ian Tomlinson became a victim of this type of indiscriminate policing method, treating everyone as guilty and removing their human and civil rights. This is unacceptable.
Peaceful demonstrations should be welcomed with celebration and peace, not oppression and bullying
1. make a new people's constitution where all are accountable to the people
2. fully transparent system run by the people for the people with the environment taking the lead
3. network
Oppression, tyranny and injustice must be met by integrity, valour and truth.
We are the people this is NOW TIME, the time for changes, be part of your present to build your future for you, your children and your children’s children
So don’t be an armchair revolutionary, get up and get out with your people.
Get on with Freedom.
How about this scenario; the People don't all go to Hyde Park, instead the People go to the Houses of Parliament, Downing Street, and the surrounding streets.
How about if the People go not just for one day, but for as long as it takes to remove this self elected quango illegal government? How about the people not only taking their smiles and laughter, but also taking their tents and provisions for more than a day.
What if all the People arrived at the point where the People's constitutional change needs to take place? Where is the front door to democracy?
What if the People all held in hand a demand for truth justice and integrity?
What if you had the People's Charter in hand to give to any and all who claimed to be in authority?
Where will you find common ground, and answers to your problems, individually and collectively, will you find them in Hyde Park? Is that where you all want to march, to talk and share, to have a party, then, with smiling faces and feeling tired, then what will you do with yourselves?
Will it be your will, to then go home?
Go home? Where is this home you speak of? Is it not right here, are you not in it, land, country, and People.
General strike, general action, direct actions, with peaceful minds and integrity. So what do you think?? Where will you go to bring around "Change?"
Please note; we would just like to make it clear and reaffirm to one and all, that we do not hold with any political movement/s or persuasions, our allegiance are to our country/environment & people, without prejudice.
We hold fast and stand by the People in mass, and their call for fairness with an end to injustice.
We demand positive sustainable changes for every man, woman, child and our country/environment.
Though we realize that there are many who strive for the above who have politics as their guides, or on their agenda
respectfully, we do not wish to be affiliated with any named political persuasions or ideals.
We believe in the growth of positive, sustainable ideas and all creative input by the people that benefit everyone and their environment equally.
We thanks you for your time efforts and persistence of vision
Police should step up and apply their oath to their job and defend the people's rights.
Police oath;
I, ... of ... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and
truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity,
diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according
equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the
peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and
property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best
of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according
to law.
Word up for 2011
We are all in "Now Time" 2011
Increasingly around the World we are seeing many more people rising up and fighting against oppression from their so called leaders of the People.
So far this year 2011 Tunisia's People have stood united in their fight against tyranny and injustice. Rightfully the people demand their rights to autonomy and justice.
In recent weeks we have seen the youths and adults of Egypt take to the streets to demand their rights as people. Though little is mentioned of Iran, people are still marching and fighting against their oppression.
If we look around the world we will see the people are waking up, and standing up against tyranny, oppression and injustice.
Can you feel the force?
Stand up and be counted individual in you, strive for all that is your best.
United with all we are on the front line and we must lead by example as a democracy and resist cuts and irregular/illegal activities by the governments.
We must not allow our heritage to be stolen and sold off so that the fat cat's gets fatter. All we, as people, have fought and strived for cannot be allowed to be blatantly thrown onto the scrap heap.
We must unite to fight for what is right.
Banks must be forced to pay back all bonuses paid out since the economic crash last year 2010.
The Government must allow the people their rights to fairness and justice
If we want change, then we must be the change we wish to see.
Substantial change needed
Bonus season £81 billion in public sector cuts
Meanwhile banks are set to once again increase their bonuses by millions of pounds.
RBS government
Public share holder £65 billion pounds input to keep bank afloat
Square mile banker’s banquette ball for charity
Champaign Boris Johnson, says banks need to step up to the new measures to stop the bonus culture, but bankers say they care not that people do not trust them and will not moderate their bonus structure.
£640,000 topped up with £1 million, this years bonuses said to reach £7 billion pounds.
20,000 jobs lost in Lloyds banking jobs.
Redundant staff felt that they were failed by their employees.
50,000 job losses in financial sector
Gerant Anderson talks money and the ruthlessness involved with little or no risk to bankers. This encourages reckless gambling with monies.
70% of the public have no trust in banks or bankers.
After treasury enquiry £8.3 million given to top boss
RBS deputy given 13.5 million pension pot, now works for another company owned by RBS
75% people are not happy with the lack of accountability and responsibility of banks.
Integrated finance cost the public many billions of pounds
Bankers who made bad decisions should not be employed in this sector, these are failed bankers.
If people want to see public investment as a good investment in banks then why do banks continue to give the funds away in bonuses?
Tens of thousands of people affected by banks
Crisis not over £81 billion public sector cuts
With public owning a large percent of RBS and Lloyds how many bankers receive more than £1 million pound, RBS has set aside 2 billion for bonuses
Lloyd paid out £200 million in bonuses last year.
$142,000 prime ministers wage
Bankers earn 6 – 8 times more than the prime minister
Bankers are paid offensive amounts of money
Even a 50% tax didn’t curb the bonus culture
It was set as a one off tax; this has been replaced by a banking levy resulting in less that 10% of the banks revenue being used to pay back public monies.
March 26: NUS and TUC spending cuts demo
The NUS and TUC will join forces again in March for a demonstration against the spending cuts. March for the Alternative: Jobs, Growth, Justice will see both groups marching to a rally in Hyde Park calling for a Robin Hood tax on the banks, the closing of tax loopholes and policies for jobs and green growth.
The Government has also been charged with acting unreasonably after it took £250 million from Servicemen’s allowances but failed to deal with bankers’ bonuses.
Legislation’s that are being debated that will effect a majority of British citizen’s
Ask Her Majesty’s Government what is their policy regarding the growing gap between the rich and the poor in the United Kingdom.
Ask; whether they have any plans to limit bonuses to be paid to senior Royal Bank of Scotland staff.
Ask the to call attention to the language and terminology used in the House of Lords and their impact on public understanding of the work of the House
Ask what plans they have to offer support to 16–18-year-old students in full-time education.
Ask what steps they are taking to improve corporate governance and accountability with respect to social and environmental issues.
Every year the people are paying out more and more to councils, government, private firms and the like, whilst getting less and less in return for their efforts.
And the public’s assets continue to be sold off without referendum or consultation with the people.
We are not dogs who sit by a masters table waiting for scraps whilst the wealth of the families and lands are being sold off. Where is the integrity, where is the honour?
Austerity Cuts suck. All the bankers’ bonuses should be taken back and put toward essential public resources. Vodafone owes literally billions in unpaid taxes to the UK government; these taxes alone would elevate much of the financial cost of education. This self elected quango government is acting illegally by not carrying out the wishes of the people.
It is as clear as the light of day that those who profess to be in power do not have the people’s best interests at heart. We must remember that the true power is with the People
We are rational people with the hearts of lions.
We all know the truth of what exactly is going on within our country.
This great injustice forced upon us.
It is “Now Time” the time for all of Britain United to say NO under one umbrella. This daylight robbery and unaccountability to the people by politicians, government officials, Law Lords, councils and the banks cannot be allowed to betray people and country.
Though police will not acknowledge the use of the word, “Kettling” it is becoming a label associated with this type of police anti people action since the G20 in 2010
This was and is a direct infringement of both civil and human rights. The late Ian Tomlinson became a victim of this type of indiscriminate policing method, treating everyone as guilty and removing their human and civil rights. This is unacceptable.
Peaceful demonstrations should be welcomed with celebration and peace, not oppression and bullying
1. make a new people's constitution where all are accountable to the people
2. fully transparent system run by the people for the people with the environment taking the lead
3. network
Oppression, tyranny and injustice must be met by integrity, valour and truth.
We are the people this is NOW TIME, the time for changes, be part of your present to build your future for you, your children and your children’s children
So don’t be an armchair revolutionary, get up and get out with your people.
Get on with Freedom.
How about this scenario; the People don't all go to Hyde Park, instead the People go to the Houses of Parliament, Downing Street, and the surrounding streets.
How about if the People go not just for one day, but for as long as it takes to remove this self elected quango illegal government? How about the people not only taking their smiles and laughter, but also taking their tents and provisions for more than a day.
What if all the People arrived at the point where the People's constitutional change needs to take place? Where is the front door to democracy?
What if the People all held in hand a demand for truth justice and integrity?
What if you had the People's Charter in hand to give to any and all who claimed to be in authority?

Where will you find common ground, and answers to your problems, individually and collectively, will you find them in Hyde Park? Is that where you all want to march, to talk and share, to have a party, then, with smiling faces and feeling tired, then what will you do with yourselves?
Will it be your will, to then go home?
Go home? Where is this home you speak of? Is it not right here, are you not in it, land, country, and People.
General strike, general action, direct actions, with peaceful minds and integrity. So what do you think?? Where will you go to bring around "Change?"
Please note; we would just like to make it clear and reaffirm to one and all, that we do not hold with any political movement/s or persuasions, our allegiance are to our country/environment & people, without prejudice.
We hold fast and stand by the People in mass, and their call for fairness with an end to injustice.
We demand positive sustainable changes for every man, woman, child and our country/environment.
Though we realize that there are many who strive for the above who have politics as their guides, or on their agenda
respectfully, we do not wish to be affiliated with any named political persuasions or ideals.
We believe in the growth of positive, sustainable ideas and all creative input by the people that benefit everyone and their environment equally.
We thanks you for your time efforts and persistence of vision
Police should step up and apply their oath to their job and defend the people's rights.
Police oath;
I, ... of ... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and
truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity,
diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according
equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the
peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and
property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best
of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according
to law.
Word up for 2011

We are all in "Now Time" 2011
Increasingly around the World we are seeing many more people rising up and fighting against oppression from their so called leaders of the People.
So far this year 2011 Tunisia's People have stood united in their fight against tyranny and injustice. Rightfully the people demand their rights to autonomy and justice.
In recent weeks we have seen the youths and adults of Egypt take to the streets to demand their rights as people. Though little is mentioned of Iran, people are still marching and fighting against their oppression.
If we look around the world we will see the people are waking up, and standing up against tyranny, oppression and injustice.
Can you feel the force?
Stand up and be counted individual in you, strive for all that is your best.
United with all we are on the front line and we must lead by example as a democracy and resist cuts and irregular/illegal activities by the governments.
We must not allow our heritage to be stolen and sold off so that the fat cat's gets fatter. All we, as people, have fought and strived for cannot be allowed to be blatantly thrown onto the scrap heap.
We must unite to fight for what is right.
Banks must be forced to pay back all bonuses paid out since the economic crash last year 2010.
The Government must allow the people their rights to fairness and justice
If we want change, then we must be the change we wish to see.
Substantial change needed
Bonus season £81 billion in public sector cuts
Meanwhile banks are set to once again increase their bonuses by millions of pounds.
RBS government
Public share holder £65 billion pounds input to keep bank afloat
Square mile banker’s banquette ball for charity
Champaign Boris Johnson, says banks need to step up to the new measures to stop the bonus culture, but bankers say they care not that people do not trust them and will not moderate their bonus structure.
£640,000 topped up with £1 million, this years bonuses said to reach £7 billion pounds.
20,000 jobs lost in Lloyds banking jobs.
Redundant staff felt that they were failed by their employees.
50,000 job losses in financial sector
Gerant Anderson talks money and the ruthlessness involved with little or no risk to bankers. This encourages reckless gambling with monies.
70% of the public have no trust in banks or bankers.
After treasury enquiry £8.3 million given to top boss
RBS deputy given 13.5 million pension pot, now works for another company owned by RBS
75% people are not happy with the lack of accountability and responsibility of banks.
Integrated finance cost the public many billions of pounds
Bankers who made bad decisions should not be employed in this sector, these are failed bankers.
If people want to see public investment as a good investment in banks then why do banks continue to give the funds away in bonuses?
Tens of thousands of people affected by banks
Crisis not over £81 billion public sector cuts
With public owning a large percent of RBS and Lloyds how many bankers receive more than £1 million pound, RBS has set aside 2 billion for bonuses
Lloyd paid out £200 million in bonuses last year.
$142,000 prime ministers wage
Bankers earn 6 – 8 times more than the prime minister
Bankers are paid offensive amounts of money
Even a 50% tax didn’t curb the bonus culture
It was set as a one off tax; this has been replaced by a banking levy resulting in less that 10% of the banks revenue being used to pay back public monies.
March 26: NUS and TUC spending cuts demo
The NUS and TUC will join forces again in March for a demonstration against the spending cuts. March for the Alternative: Jobs, Growth, Justice will see both groups marching to a rally in Hyde Park calling for a Robin Hood tax on the banks, the closing of tax loopholes and policies for jobs and green growth.
The Government has also been charged with acting unreasonably after it took £250 million from Servicemen’s allowances but failed to deal with bankers’ bonuses.
Legislation’s that are being debated that will effect a majority of British citizen’s

Ask Her Majesty’s Government what is their policy regarding the growing gap between the rich and the poor in the United Kingdom.
Ask; whether they have any plans to limit bonuses to be paid to senior Royal Bank of Scotland staff.
Ask the to call attention to the language and terminology used in the House of Lords and their impact on public understanding of the work of the House
Ask what plans they have to offer support to 16–18-year-old students in full-time education.
Ask what steps they are taking to improve corporate governance and accountability with respect to social and environmental issues.
People's Assembly