The Common Purpose.
The Prisoner Number 6. | 15.02.2011 10:53
A sinister organisation which is operating at highlevels in all sections of the UK today. It is powerful in government, both central and local.
The efforts to keep it out of the public eye appear to be successful.
The efforts to keep it out of the public eye appear to be successful.
A secretive operation is gaining more and more power in the UK today. This is accled "The Common Purpose".
It has succeeded in penetrating the most powerful companies, universities and public bodies.
The agenda seems to be very similar to that of the present Con/Dim coalition.
It is funded by public monies in the main. Councils pay contributions to it especially.
The name of Mandelson seems prominent in this shady outfit.
It has succeeded in penetrating the most powerful companies, universities and public bodies.
The agenda seems to be very similar to that of the present Con/Dim coalition.
It is funded by public monies in the main. Councils pay contributions to it especially.
The name of Mandelson seems prominent in this shady outfit.
The Prisoner Number 6.
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Paranoia squad
15.02.2011 14:11 identifies the following "faults" with Common Purpose
They are a front for DEMOS
Replacing UK democracy with a EU superstate.
Threatening ‘free will’ in adults, teenagers and children. identifies "12 top scams" listed at
These include "Make sure the global warming fraud goes to plan."
Thank you for drawing these sites to my attention. I had never bothered to look into the accusations about Common Purpose before. It is clear that these attacks on Common Purpose are right-wing bollocks. Glad I was able to find that out.
Common Purpose shouldn't have attacked web sites criticising them, letting these sites speak for themselves so people can laugh at them is the best strategy.
I know several of the people listed in my area by The idea that they are plotting to introduce an EU superstate, threatening free will and so on is complete and utter bollocks.
I have given a point of view on a couple of their courses in the past. This year I'm going to get in touch and offer to do the same again.
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