Wikileaks Wars (A Nonny Mouse) | 15.02.2011 05:26
WHILE it is not, as some have called it, the "first great cyberwar", the digital conflict over information sparked by WikiLeaks amounts to the greatest incursion of the online world into the real one yet seen.
In response to the taking down of the WikiLeaks website after it released details of secret diplomatic cables, a leaderless army of activists has gone on the offensive. It might not have started a war, but the conflict is surely a sign of future battles.
No one is quite sure what the ultimate political effect of the leaks will be. What the episode has done, though, is show what happens when the authorities attempt to silence what many people perceive as a force for freedom of information. It has also shone a light on the evolving world of cyber-weapons (see "The cyber-weapon du jour"). (A Nonny Mouse)
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