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Dissident Island - Jan. 21 show ready for download (Dissident Island) | 15.02.2011 05:25

Episode 74 was a busy one for us, so put on your listening hat(s) as we begin by hearing a discussion about resistance to GM and the plans for January's Stop GM gathering. Live in the studio we had two of the occupiers of the new Bloomsbury Freeskool, telling us about where they're at and their plans for the building.

Next us we had one of the many anti cuts updates from groups such as the IWW, UK Uncut, UCL Occupation, Disabled People Against the Cuts, and Right to Work. These are dotted throughout the show so keep your pen at the ready for some good dates for your diary!

We then had words from pirate and free radio veterans is Amsterdam discussing their feelings about the medium and the messages. This was followed by an update on the Thessaloniki 4 trial by Simon Chapman as well as some messages of solidarity for him.

Last, but not least, we heard from the director and producer of Drowned City, an upcoming documentary film about the world of Pirate Radio in London - the life, the music, the people...

Sarah Bear were live in the studio for a sweet acoustic set featuring Sarah Bear on guitar & vocals, and Youseff on the cajon (it's a drum).

Enjoy (Dissident Island)
- Original article on IMC Northern England: