reclaim love - pics and report (2 of 2)
rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki) | 13.02.2011 01:29 | Culture | London
second part of report (see for part one)
nb. if you click on pics you get to see larger versions. all pics are copyright, but are free to use non-commercially if credited 'rikki indymedia'
back at piccadilly circus, the sun shone warmer, the sky turned bluer, and people all around were smiling and hugging.
a string of performers took to the sound system, with rappers, poets, singers and speakers, while all around the square among endless small random acts of kindness, there were circus skills performers, drummers, and free huggers.
the planet venus shone brightly in the sky along piccadilly. two chinese fire lanterns were launched, one disappearing across the city, while the other bobbed up and down nearby.
in the moonlight, the eros statue looked magical, with a huge 'reclaim love' banner hanging from it. and then, spontaneously, everyone decided to form another circle, like the one earlier in the park. the pavement cleared as hundreds joined hands around the edge and once again chanted for peace. this ended in a huge group hug, and more music.
as people started clearing up and preparing for the after-party, suddenly a large crowd of jubilant egyptians entered the square, joining the drummers and chanting egyptian peace slogans. with the amazing news coming out of cairo today we shared their joy, and the resonance was profound.
today's 'reclaim love' was probably the best yet, and with news coming in of mirror events around the world including jerusalem and egypt, the movement grows stronger each year.
if you missed it, come next year. it's on the nearest saturday to valentine's day each year and starts at 2pm in piccadilly circus. you can check out venus's website at
rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki)
Original article on IMC London: