Marianne Birkby | 11.02.2011 21:56 | Analysis | Climate Chaos | Health | Birmingham | World
The Lakes are well known for Lakeland springs flowing from leaky geology.
Leaky geology is brilliant for Lakeland springs but disastrous as a geological barrier to prevent high level nuclear wastes percolating to the top.
Leaky geology is brilliant for Lakeland springs but disastrous as a geological barrier to prevent high level nuclear wastes percolating to the top.
Tomorrow, to coincide with Keswick Film Festival's screening of the
award winning film 'Into Eternity' a petition is being launched to strongly
oppose the geological dumping of radioactive wastes in Cumbria. The petition has
been authored by Radiation Free Lakeland in partnership with West Cumbria and North Lakes Friends of the Earth, North Cumbria Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Sustainable Carlisle, Cumbria Action on Climate Change and Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment.
The petition is directed to Allerdale, Copeland Borough Councils and Cumbria
County Council and says:
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose the UK government's "steps towards the geological disposal of nuclear wastes" The process is meant to include two key elements, the right geology and a volunteer community. Eminent geologists and the Inspector of the 1995-6 Nirex Planning Inquiry looked at the disposal of intermediate nuclear wastes in this region and concluded that the geology is wrong. They ruled out the whole of West Cumbria, as well as Furness. They have recently reaffirmed their views.
Given that the geology is known to be unsound for Intermediate nuclear wastes and that the Managing Radioactive Wastes Safely process now includes heat-generating High Level Wastes & spent fuel, we call on all three Councils to halt the MRWS process.
Cumbria is being aggressively groomed to accept the "geological disposal of nuclear waste" this acceptance is essential to the government's insane push for new nuclear build.
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award winning film 'Into Eternity' a petition is being launched to strongly
oppose the geological dumping of radioactive wastes in Cumbria. The petition has
been authored by Radiation Free Lakeland in partnership with West Cumbria and North Lakes Friends of the Earth, North Cumbria Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Sustainable Carlisle, Cumbria Action on Climate Change and Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment.
The petition is directed to Allerdale, Copeland Borough Councils and Cumbria
County Council and says:
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose the UK government's "steps towards the geological disposal of nuclear wastes" The process is meant to include two key elements, the right geology and a volunteer community. Eminent geologists and the Inspector of the 1995-6 Nirex Planning Inquiry looked at the disposal of intermediate nuclear wastes in this region and concluded that the geology is wrong. They ruled out the whole of West Cumbria, as well as Furness. They have recently reaffirmed their views.
Given that the geology is known to be unsound for Intermediate nuclear wastes and that the Managing Radioactive Wastes Safely process now includes heat-generating High Level Wastes & spent fuel, we call on all three Councils to halt the MRWS process.
Cumbria is being aggressively groomed to accept the "geological disposal of nuclear waste" this acceptance is essential to the government's insane push for new nuclear build.
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Marianne Birkby