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Mubarak Left Cairo .. gone to Sharm El-Sheikh

gar | 11.02.2011 15:41 | World

And according to State TV Mubarak is officially at Sharm El-Sheikh , this is confirmed by AP and various sources as reported earlier .
While we are waiting for Communique no.3 from the army , we find the Egyptian TV saying that there will be a statement released soon by Egyptian presidency !! Now we are waiting for two statements !!
Fathi Sorror , the speaker of the parliament is saying now we
There are protests in Alexandria , Suez, Asuit, Bani Sawif, Cairo , Mahalla, Mansoura, Tanta, Damnhur, Damietta, Sohag, Port Said and Ismailia.
The protesters managed to encircled the ERTU building.
More to come insh Allah.

And according to State TV Mubarak is officially at Sharm El-Sheikh , this is confirmed by AP and various sources as reported earlier .
While we are waiting for Communique no.3 from the army , we find the Egyptian TV saying that there will be a statement released soon by Egyptian presidency !! Now we are waiting for two statements !!
Fathi Sorror , the speaker of the parliament is saying now we
There are protests in Alexandria , Suez, Asuit, Bani Sawif, Cairo , Mahalla, Mansoura, Tanta, Damnhur, Damietta, Sohag, Port Said and Ismailia.
The protesters managed to encircled the ERTU building.
More to come insh Allah.

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