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Related? "Forum of the Future"

Adam Cont | 11.02.2011 01:41 | Ecology | Terror War

In a recent cable on Wikileaks, a NGO is mentioned: "Forum of the Future", which I didn't know, but saw a wesite in the US, but also one in the UK, Bristol region.

W.L. Cable - Recently released

10CAIRO145 2010-01-31 14:02 2011-02-09 CONFIDENTIAL Embassy Cairo

DE RUEHEG #0145/01 0311459
R 311459Z JAN 10
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 CAIRO 000145


E.O. 12958: DECL: 2035/01/31

REF: CAIRO 64; CAIRO 47; 09 CAIRO 2111; 09 CAIRO 1997; 09 CAIRO 1977

CLASSIFIED BY: Margaret Scobey, Ambassador; REASON: 1.4(B), (D)

¶1. Key Points:

-- (C) In meetings January 13-14, A/S Posner told activists and opposition politicians that the U.S. is seeking ways to advance human rights and political participation over the coming 12-18 months.

-- (C) Activists urged the U.S. to end a "double standard" on Israeli human rights violations, close Guantanamo and speak out against GOE repression.

-- (C) Opposition political leaders agreed that prospects for significant political reform are slim while President Mubarak remains in office. Most expected Mubarak to be a candidate in 2011, and predicted the military would play a role in succession to ensure stability.

-- (C) Former Presidential candidate Ayman Nour urged A/S Posner to press the GOE to stop interfering with opposition political activity, and to allow him to work and travel.

¶2. (C) A/S Posner told activists the U.S. is interested in how to advance human rights in Egypt over the next 12-18 months to improve people's lives. He said the U.S. would pursue a traditional human rights agenda to address police brutality, restrictions on NGOs, freedom of expression and assembly problems, sectarian tensions, and the State of Emergency. Posner noted that the U.S. is engaged on the coming Egyptian elections, and is working on issues of observation, participation and training. Posner said that the UN Human Rights Council focuses disproportionately on Israel. He described the Goldstone Report as flawed for not being able to include the Israeli government position, and called for Israeli and Palestinian domestic investigations into human rights violations during the Gaza war.

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Civil Society Recommendations for the U.S.

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¶3. (C) Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights Executive Director Hossam Bahgat urged the U.S. to "practice what it preaches" on human rights by closing the Guantanamo Bay prison. Bahgat called on the U.S. to end a "double standard on Israeli human rights violations," and expressed disappointment with the U.S. position on the Goldstone Report, which he asserted "makes it harder for us to cooperate with you" on human rights. Bahgat recommended the State Department human rights report assess that the situation in Egypt declined in 2009. Bahgat asserted that many Egyptians believe the GOE hasinterpreted the current administration's relative "silence" on human rights andpolitical issues as a signal of support.


Activists' Concerns and Criticism


¶4. (C) Director-General of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies Bahey Al-Din Hassan said he was unsure of what current U.S. human rights policy is. He expressed concern over lack of U.S. public criticism of Syria for human rights violations, and U.S. support for Yemeni President Saleh while he represses his people. Hassan expected increasing GOE repression leading up to the 2010 parliamentary and 2011 presidential elections. Hassan said he was initially optimistic when the Forum for the Future was launched that it would strengthen partnerships between Arab governments and civil society. Instead, Hassan asserted, government-controlled NGOs have dominated the Forum. Hassan noted that because of this phenomenon, he has not participated in the Forum since 2005.

¶5. (C) Labor activist Kamal Abbas asked what the U.S. would do to address expectations that fraud would pervade the 2010 and 2011 elections, and that Gamal Mubarak would inherit power from his father. Human rights lawyer Tarek Khattar asserted that U.S. support for the GOE encourages it to repress the Egyptian people. He contended that President's Obama June 4 Cairo speech has not produced "any positive results" in Egypt. Women's rights activist Mozn Hassan criticized the President's speech for "equating women throughout the region with each other," instead of recognizing their differences. Human rights lawyer Atef Hafez complained that the U.S. denied him entry to the Guantanamo Bay prison to visit a prisoner he was trying to represent. Hafez also complained that the Guantanamo prison is still open despite President Obama's commitment to close it. Activist Mohammed Zarea called for the U.S. to urge the GOE to make significant changes to open up political life.

¶6. (C) Noting widespread dissatisfaction with political leaders on all sides, "April 6" leader Ahmed Salah said the 2010 and 2011 elections represented the only opportunity for change, and pressed for more immediate action. He called for greater internal and external pressure on the GOE to increase freedom of assembly and expression, lift the State of Emergency, improve election procedures with electronic voting, and allow registration with national identification cards.

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Opposition Political Leaders on Egypt's Future

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¶7. (C) At a dinner with opposition political party leaders, A/S Posner asked about prospects for democratic change. Most expected Mubarak to run in 2011, leaving little room for change. Wafd President Mahmoud Abaza and Democratic Front President Osama Al-Ghazali Harb said they were focused on preparing for a post-Mubarak transition, whenever that may occur. In addition to their plans to participate in the 2010 parliamentary elections, opposition party leaders said they are pressing the GOE and the ruling party for a "national dialogue." The leaders agreed that the military would play a significant role in any post-Mubarak scenario, and that constitutional provisions would be secondary to concerns about internal stability. Leader of the un-registered Reform and Development Party Anwar El-Sadat asserted that the military would not support Gamal Mubarak's succession to the presidency, but that loyalty to President Mubarak kept it from acting to sideline Gamal now. Abaza called Egypt's military "apolitical," but predicted the military would to step in to ensure stability if necessary.

¶8. (C) Regarding U.S. democracy promotion, the group called for continued support to civil society and "principled" pressure on the GOE. However, Sadat noted sensitivities over "outside interference" in both the regime and opposition camps. Al-Ghad Party Vice-President Wael Nawara suggested that external criticism should be matched with primarily economic "incentives" to encourage the government to commit to concrete democratic reforms.

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Former Presidential Candidate Ayman Nour

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¶9. (C) In a separate meeting, Al-Ghad party founder Ayman Nour said Egyptians were ready for change and seeking leadership. "I'm banned from participating in the coming elections, but I will be part of the political fight," Nour asserted. Nour opined that the GOE's prevention of a liberal alternative to Gamal Mubarak strengthened the Muslim Brotherhood. He underlined the impact of the security services' interference with opposition political activity, and advocated increased U.S. pressure to highlight GOE restrictions. Nour urged A/S Posner to press the GOE to restore his own personal rights by allowing him to resume his work as an attorney or journalist, travel abroad and sell his assets. Nour thanked A/S Posner for the Department's November 6, 2009 public statement expressing disappointment at the GOE's decision to prevent him from travelling to the U.S.

¶10. (U) A/S Posner cleared this message.

Forum for the Future: Partnership Dialogue Panel Session

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Ritz Carlton
Doha, Qatar
January 13, 2011

MR. FOSTER: Good morning. Thank you very much for joining us here, at the seventh Forum for the Future. My name is David Foster, and I will be moderating this discussion involving our panelists here, and of course, a great many of you out here, as well.

For the past five years, it's been my privilege to work here in Qatar for Al-Jazeera English. And one of our mottos has always been, "Every angle, every side," which is, effectively, what this is about. It's about dialogue (inaudible). And we will work our way from this side.

First of all, may I ask, Madam Secretary, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States of America (inaudible).

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much, David. I am honored to be here again at the Forum for the Future, especially with so many friends and colleagues from the G8 and from the Middle East.

I am delighted to join with Sheikh Khalid, who is a great colleague of mine in the foreign ministry, and I look forward to hearing from Slaheddine Jourchi, whose work on human rights and democracy in Tunisia I admire -- and, of course, it is especially timely today -- and Mohamed El-Masry, president of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce.

This is the last stop on a trip that has brought me from Abu Dhabi and Dubai to Yemen, Oman, and now to Doha. On this short, but intense journey, I saw many signs of the potential for a new and innovative Middle East: a solar-powered city rising from the sands of the UAE; civil society leaders in Oman partnering with their government to improve education and create economic opportunities; a young Yemeni woman and a young Yemeni man, both of whom studied abroad and then returned to work for progress in Yemen. And of course, here in Qatar, the home of the 2022 World Cup, we see many examples of a commitment to innovation. Last year I visited Education City, which is connecting Qatar's young people to the global economy.

So, wherever I go, in my conversations with people from all walks of life—from officials at the highest levels of government to university students, religious leaders, and engaged citizens, one message has consistently emerged: People are deeply proud of this region and what it has accomplished, but they are also profoundly concerned about the trends in many parts of the broader Middle East, and what the future holds.

We all know this region faces serious challenges, even beyond the conflicts that dominate the headlines of the day. And we have a lot of work to do. This forum was designed to be not just an annual meeting where we talk with and at each other, but a launching pad for some of the institutional changes that will deal with the challenges that we all know are present.

For example, a growing majority of this region is under the age of 30. In fact, it is predicted that in just one country, Yemen, the population will double in 30 years. These young people have a hard time finding work. In many places, there are simply not enough jobs. Across the region, one in five young people is unemployed. And in some places, the percentage is far more. While some countries have made great strides in governance, in many others people have grown tired of corrupt institutions and a stagnant political order. They are demanding reform to make their governments more effective, more responsive, and more open. And all this is taking place against a backdrop of depleting resources: water tables are dropping, oil reserves are running out, and too few countries have adopted long-term plans for addressing these problems.

Each country, of course, has its own distinct challenges, and each its own achievements. But in too many places, in too many ways, the region’s foundations are sinking into the sand. The new and dynamic Middle East that I have seen needs firmer ground if it is to take root and grow everywhere. And that goal brings us to this Forum.

I believe that the leaders of this region, in partnership with their people, have the capacity to build that stronger foundation. There are enough models and examples in the region to point to, to make the economic and social reforms that will create jobs, respect the right of diversity to exist, create more economic opportunity, encourage entrepreneurship, give citizens the skills they need to succeed, to make the political reforms that will create the space young people are demanding, to participate in public affairs and have a meaningful role in the decisions that shape their lives.

So to my friends, the leaders of these countries, I would say: You can help build a future that your young people will believe in, stay for, and defend. Some of you are already demonstrating that. But for others it will take new visions, new strategies and new commitments. It is time to see civil society not as a threat, but as a partner. And it is time for the elites in every society to invest in the futures of their own countries.

Those who cling to the status quo may be able to hold back the full impact of their countries’ problems for a little while, but not forever. If leaders don’t offer a positive vision and give young people meaningful ways to contribute, others will fill the vacuum. Extremist elements, terrorist groups, and others who would prey on desperation and poverty are already out there, appealing for allegiance and competing for influence. So this is a critical moment, and this is a test of leadership for all of us.

I am here to pledge my country’s support for those who step up to solve the problems that we and you face. We want to build stronger partnerships with societies that are on the path to long-term stability and progress -- business, government and civil society, as represented on this panel, must work together, as in our new regional initiative called Partners for a New Beginning. We know that what happens in this region will have implications far beyond.

Now, America cannot solve these problems. And I know you understand that. But it bears repeating. What we need is a real vision for that future that comes from each of you, from governments that must deliver on their promises, from civil society and business leaders who must build their people up, and of course, from the people themselves.

The Middle East is brimming with talent. It is blessed with resources, enriched by strong traditions of faith and family. This rising generation of young people has the potential to achieve so much, and we need to give them the chance to do so.

So, here at the Forum for the Future, let us face honestly that future. Let us discuss openly what needs to be done. Let us use this time to move beyond rhetoric, to put away plans that are timid and gradual, and make a commitment to keep this region moving in the right direction. People are looking for real leadership in the 21st century, and I think it can be provided, and I know that this is the moment to do so.

Thank you very much.

PRN: 2011/T37-13
Forum of the Future - USA

Adam Cont


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11.02.2011 12:14

Erm “Adam” you have taken some notes from a wikileaked discussion called
“A Forum for a future in the Middle East.” Which is about political succession in Cairo

A reference in a Bristol indymedia article quoting Jonathan Porrit of the Corporate Green outfit “Forum for a Future” talking about Trees in the Forest of Dean.

and a dialogue from the “Pew Forum on Religion and Public life”. Which is talking about demographic projections of Muslim people up to 2030.

And you have established what exactly?

Just because these outfits contain the word “forum” (and two even have the word "future"!) does not in any way link them or make them into a conspiracy.

To give you credit at least you appear to pose your ramble as question.

The answer is No! no conspiacry to see here! go to the back of the class

the conspiracy which you seek is closer than you think!

Its a social relationship called capitalism! Get digging!


Other suspicious connections

11.02.2011 15:19

Has anybody else noticed the links between the English Defence LEAGUE, the the LEAGUE of Nations, the Premier LEAGUE, the LEAGUE Against Cruel Sports, and the LEAGUE of Extraordinary Gentlemen. They must all be connected.

As must Adam the poster, Adam the Son of Man, Adam Smith, and Adam Ant.

Or perhaps you need more than words to make a conspiracy. Something like, oh I dunno, a coherent argument.

PS - J Porrit is involved with Forum for the Future, not Forum of the Future.


Mubarak is finally gone! (but is he replaced by a new US regime?

11.02.2011 17:22

Below are a number of (secret / officialy not public, but simply available on the web) documents of the US Congress (I have just randomly selected 7 of them, 2003-2011),
a) reveil a changing policy between the US and Egypt,
b) mainstream media are not telling the truth (what's new...)

No one will be surprised that Israël and (and promoting 'free market' capitalism) is central to US-Egypt relations.

A major concern is the potential influence of 'Islam' on the Egyptian political realm.

There is a greater reliance on bringing 'soft power' into the relation, supporting a wide variation of liberal-conservative NGO's.

The denial that the US is not meddling into Egyptian political civil society spheres is not true, even though a lot of media sources are repeating this.

There is less support for the Egyptian military from the US than mentioned in mainstream (still too much much, but clearly not true anymore), but also alternative media, which can mean that Mubarak is simply too expensive for the Western political agenda.

Not being an expert on Egyptian politics, I can only presume that Mubarak has to be removed, because he is no longer usefull (as SOB Saddam Hussein was more of a threat than a liability when he decided to invade Kuwait after the Iran-Iraq war).

A growing and widespread use of 'soft power' / the use of political civil society by the US and Western (EU and its constituent states) regimes to topple certain 'useless' regimes.

See for example a number of growing (double-standard, propaganda) NGO's on Belarus and Iran (despicable regimes for sure), but these conservative-liberal NGO's are non-responsive / very selective when policies and subjects are related to arrests which are not related to Western political parties and Western corporate interests, human rights for Muslims and political dissidents from the critical left, refugee rights, and Western policies towards non-capitalist forms of empowerment.

Great fantastic that Mubarak is finally gone, now the rest of the state regime(s)!


Zahra Bahrami and my mistake with the UK based org.

11.02.2011 18:18

Yor are right, my mistake, I simply misread the name of the UK organisation and making a possible connection too fast. Thanks.
(By ther way, I have no relation or even knowledge of Adam Smith ect who is I presume is posting on Indymedia UK.

By the way there seems to be an EU variant and Dutch funded organisations relations to the US program.


These have connections to the Dutch/Iranian Zahra Bahrami case (the woman who is brutally hanged by the Iranian regime). Her case is also taken up for propaganda uses only by the Dutch government (mainly) after her death (which has backfired on the Minister of Foreign Affairs Uri Rosenthal).
The liberal pro-Israël minister Uri Rosenthal gets support of a dutch organisation 'Iran Comité', which is made up of mainly politicians (which support hard-line Israël (CIDI) and are the hardliners against the squatters movements in the low lands and against 'dangerous' Islam-influence (related to Geert Wilders, but of different parties, mainly the government party VVD, but it gets also supported from almost all other political parties).


Before the abovementioned (pro-hardline Israël front organization) was using the case of Zahra Bahrami for their political agenda, her case was brought up by another international
(dutch funded) human right organisation(s).

As far as I know there is not 'wrong' with these organizations (although they are not NGO, since they are funded by the Dutch State and the EU), but I am simply surprised that so many 'human rights organizations' exists, which are (almost) not known in the Netherlands.

Adam Cont

Hmm you have a connection, but the opening "title" was wrong

11.02.2011 21:32

Forum for the Future

Sara Parkin is a Founder Director and a Trustee of Forum for the Future. She is also Chair of the Richard Sandbrook Trust, Trustee of the St Andrews Prize, sits on the board of the European Training Foundation and advises on science in society for the Living With Environmental Change research programme. She has recently completed terms on the boards of the Natural Environment Research Council and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.

In various roles, she has campaigned for the environment and sustainable development for more than 40 years, including playing leading roles in the UK Green Party and international green politics during the 1970s and 1980s. She has written several books, the latest, The Positive Deviant: Leadership for Sustainability in a Perverse World, was published in July 2010.

Sara is an honorary companion of the Institution of Civil Engineers and of the Institute of Energy, and became a Founding Fellow of the Engineering Council in 2009. In 2001, she was awarded an OBE for her contribution to education and sustainability.

Contact details:
Forum for the Future
19-23 Ironmonger Row
London EC1V 3 QN
Tel: 020 7324 3676

Ms Sara Parkin
appointed by the European Parliament
Founder Director
Forum for the Future


" Our new regional initiative called Partners for a New Beginning "

11.02.2011 23:39

The text from Wikileaks and the statement of Hillary Clinton reveal that the US was planning regime changes for some time. Who will follow?


End of the Affair.

12.02.2011 15:15

"The text from Wikileaks and the statement of Hillary Clinton reveal that the US was planning regime changes for some time. Who will follow?"

There are a number of articles posted on IMC UK attempting to claim that the US and Israel are losing control of Egypt because the Egyptian people are protesting in favour of "free market democracy"!

The BBC, CNN, ABC and other state affiliated media organisations are reporting freely what is happening in Egypt and are also "claiming" that it is contrary to US and Israeli interests in the region.

So what is happening in Egypt, is that the people are demonstrating against a US/Israeli backed dictator, which is being freely reported by US/Israeli backed media...and which will end with the appearance of another US/Israeli backed Egyptian dictator.

Capitalism is now forging ahead, by exploiting anti-capitalist sentiment!

The "great hijack" is now approaching.

Be ready.

Knot-Eyed Jaguar

In between 'hijacking', planning, analysing and a fluid process

12.02.2011 20:21

Below are a number of (secret / officialy not public, but simply available on the web) documents of the US Congress (I have just randomly selected 8 of them, 2003-2011),
a) reveil a changing policy between the US and Egypt
b) mainstream media are not telling the truth (what's new...)

No one will be surprised that Israël (and promoting 'free market' capitalism) is central to US-Egypt relations. The so-called 'Washington-concensus'.

A major Western corporate political concern is the potential influence of (sunni) Islam (Muslim Brotherhood) within the Egyptian political realm.

There is a greater reliance on bringing 'soft power' into the relation, supporting and creating a wide variation of NGO's, which receive material support of states.

The denial that the US was not meddling into Egyptian political civil society spheres is obviously not true, even though a lot of media sources are repeating this. Whether all supported Egyptian groups / even the Egyptian military follow the plans of the US or any other state, is yet to be seen! There is a difference between plan and reality, and there can be changes as time progresses.

According to the above mentioned documents, there is less support for the Egyptian military from the US than mentioned in mainstream and alternative media (still too much much), which can mean that Mubarak was also too expensive for the Western political agenda.

Not being an expert on Egyptian politics, I can only presume that Mubarak has to be removed, because he is no longer usefull (as SOB Saddam Hussein was more of a threat than a liability after he decided to invade Kuwait after the Iran-Iraq war).

A growing and widespread use of 'soft power' and planning for the use of political civil society by the US and Western (EU and its constituent states) regimes to topple certain regimes.

There seems to be a growing number of (double-standard) NGO's which are used as front organisations. These state-sponsored NGO's (often filled with politicians) are non-responsive / very selective when policies are related to 'problematic' subjects or not directly beneficial to the interests of Western corporate state-policies.


@Lexographer (if you're still there)

13.02.2011 01:07

seesh I taught that maybe just maybe the conspiraloons would take a hint. but hey you have to hand it to these people they certainly have tenacity in the face of adversity(or reality for that matter).

Its a shame really because genuine considered research about counter revolutionary action in the Arab world is useful. That said you don't really have to go far to find it, the front page Al Jazeera English story “Suliman is the CIA's man in Cairo” kinda does what it says on the tin.

But hang on a minute Al Jazeera are funded by the Qatari regime.... which is hosting the 2022 football world cup.. an award given by FIFA.... following votes from the island state Tuvalu in the Pacific...... which has the internet code .TV..... which is used by the website which oh my god I missed the fucking point again........Where did it go …... must be.....

still cant find it.......

there are 3 2s in 2022!

is it under here...

did he really say that Adam Smith was posting on Indymedia........

damn those invisible hands.......

mmmmmmmmm fish.................................................


Forum of the Future

13.02.2011 04:34


What is 'Forum for the Future', mentioned in the Wikileks cable?

¶4. (C) Director-General of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies Bahey Al-Din Hassan said he was unsure of what current U.S. human rights policy is. He expressed concern over lack of U.S. public criticism of Syria for human rights violations, and U.S. support for Yemeni President Saleh while he represses his people. Hassan expected increasing GOE repression leading up to the 2010 parliamentary and 2011 presidential elections. Hassan said he was initially optimistic when the Forum for the Future was launched that it would strengthen partnerships between Arab governments and civil society. Instead, Hassan asserted, government-controlled NGOs have dominated the Forum. Hassan noted that because of this phenomenon, he has not participated in the Forum since 2005.


What is 'Forum for the Future' mentioned by Hillary Clinton in the US State Department Statement?


No relation? Guardian? Legitime question, not? I hope you have all the answers.

@Lex G

Sure is

13.02.2011 12:46

"So what is happening in Egypt, is that the people are demonstrating against a US/Israeli backed dictator, which is being freely reported by US/Israeli backed media...and which will end with the appearance of another US/Israeli backed Egyptian dictator."

The BBC, CNN, ABC and many others will only ever report objectively when its suits the US and British Government's. This appearance of objectivity is what lends them a sense of innocence when they are up to no good. What is happening in Egypt is undoubtedly the result of those who are to coward to show their faces and far to timid to stand up to face the consequences of their actions.

So we must support this revolution with all the tools at our disposal!


S O C I A L R E L A T I O N S H I P!!!!

13.02.2011 12:52

Sweet Jesus give it a rest

ok you have found two separate references to the SAME EVENT. And have posed deeply probing questions.

So I have engaged in complex investigative journalism to hunt down answers for the earth changing questions you have outlined.

Following a google search of the term “forum for a future”. I notice from the FIRST PAGE that it is a talking shop between the G8 nations The arab nations, business and “civil society” set up by the G8.

There are numerous websites listing its conferences with pictures of its participates including Hillary Rodham Clinton SO FUCKING WHAT!!!!!!!!

Rich and powerful people talk to themselves about how to stay rich and powerful. End of story.

You are wasting your time and mine.
