that aint kosher, that's torture!
POETPIET | 03.02.2011 17:42 | Animal Liberation | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
link to slaughterhouse footage ... the source is considered, from most angles, questionable and therefore i will write an off (equal rights and a proper place for organisms and aggregates alike but with bovine focus here) topic defense of using it.

jewish execution ... solution offered:
note about that 'source':
the account has a vid showing pics from some of the 180 victims a well manicured serial killer made picking up hitch-hikers and/or pursuading people to make an attempt.
It also features lots of the type which reveal pics and names of white victims and black perps, like this one

obvious 'antidote' (in as far as 2 opposed extremisms doesn't simply make 2 instead of cancelling each other out, back to neutral), for the sake of those for whom such inversions suffice to convey a credible impression of dispassion and neutrality let me hasten to present

the re-, in- ob- and perverse of it is here:

... but remember ... this guy is a victim of the imperialism he blames jews for (a vet who saw horrific circumstance) and his extremism is, like i said, easily matched and doubled rather than reversed and neutralized by switching the black and white markers.
I declare both of these takes on white and black to be useless .. to put it mildly. Equally moronic and downright wrongheaded is closer to the mark. Not an equality to be proud of. Black and white as these opponents understand them, are overstretched hypergeneralized and diffusive phenoms/venoms, a fact pinpointishly specific namin and shamin is used to cover and shroud but the conclusions are about as useful as biblical metaphors about good and evil, light and dark, the singular saviour and the semite sufferer, also invertible to parasite and host.
I prefer to interpret weak links in social fabric being held up in order to justify dissociation, secession and repatriatization not so much as anti-multicultural than pro-autonomy, self-sufficiency and (re)localization.
To me black and white make sense in a radial vertical sense foremost.
Of the 2 extremes available thus, it behoves us to tackle the bottom biosphere borders of bed-rock below .. or should i say tickle in the garden cultural variety way .. i mean in the sense is doing so, that way the top end will be tickled by tall treehouse projects, give or take a millenium or so.
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i dont understand a word you just said
03.02.2011 18:17
thanks for tryin though
03.02.2011 19:18
werplicht = throwlight
dutch indy nixed me stuff along with 2 comments... givin them a breather for a few years hasn't improved their disposition any.
light thrower
03.02.2011 22:53
So your argument is, "Jews eat meat"?
03.02.2011 22:59
just to get this straight
typical retorahtrick you got there
03.02.2011 23:48