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Egypt: Mubarak's diabolic plan to abort the Egyptian Revolution!

mubarak out | 02.02.2011 08:43



Mubarak's diabolic plan to abort the Egyptian Revolution!

A senior army intelligence commander in Egypt stated that Mubarak failed to curb the Egyptian revolution, initially using Police Forces and Secret Service, followed by unleashing criminal elements from jails & prisons in conjunction with corrupt officers and x-cops from the Ministry of Interior to wreck havoc, terrorize Egyptian civilians, and make them beg for coercive order to avoid chaos.

Mubarak is now implementing a diabolic plan to abort the Egyptian Revolution, by blocking direct communication between Egyptian Army divisions and directing all communications from the Central Command's Operations Room to prevent the Egyptian Army, who mostly support the citizens as it is made up of patriots and conscripts, from staging a Military Coup. Some reports indicated that 2 senior Army Commanders have been fired and detained in the early days of Army deployments but such reports were not confirmed by this source.

The plan aims to wear-down the protesters by starving the people, shutting down banks, stores, food outlets, and intercity transportation & telecommunication to prevent reinforcements and to turn the rest of the Egyptian people against their fellow Egyptian protesters, blaming them for food and money shortages and forcing them back to their homes so his newly appointed Ministry of Interior can regain Police control over the country, using the same corrupt elements that for the time being are still scared to go back to the streets, fearing retaliation from the people.

I repeat, this was reported by a patriotic Senior Army Intelligence Commander, and he urges the people of Egypt act swiftly to dismantle Mubarak's viscous regime to prevent Mubarak from succeeding in his diabolical plan, which could materialize in a matter of days if not hours, forcing the submission of the Egyptian people as their only savior and provider.

I urge all International Governments to support the Egyptian people, because if Mubarak wins, the world will loose the friendship of 80 Million Egyptians, and 350 Million Arabs, all for the sake of one single dysfunctional dictator.

Please make this known by any means possible, for the sake of humanity, peace, justice and freedom all over the world!

mubarak out
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"Viscous" regime?

02.02.2011 09:56

Sounds like it will be particularly difficult to remove in that case.


US Violence.

02.02.2011 11:48

All very well to support the Egyptian people but it is obviously clear that the US intelligence agency the CIA are being used to help this so-called revolution.

While the organisers are clearly US backed, the US President is on the TV "deploring" violence while the CIA actively organise the situation that is leading to the violence.

All part of the war against Islam.

The Egyptians obviously were the supreme critics against Israel while it was murdering the peace activists on the flotilla last year.

Also, the major give-away is the fact that the state owned BBC has been "covering" this non stop since it started which confirms that the organisers are "state" sponsored. The BBC only ever acts on behalf of that which it is directly dependent on for funding, namely the British and US Governments.

Let it slide and when the dust has settled, give them their answer.

In Britain, the banking industry, in the US, the petrochemical industry.

These people must learn that meddling in the affairs of other nations is not tolerated and the UK and US must accept the consequences of their actions.

That includes the state broadcaster the British BBC.

Knot Eyed Jaguar

Are they losing control

02.02.2011 12:23

Knot Eyed Jaguar says
These people must learn that meddling in the affairs of other nations is not tolerated and the UK and US must accept the consequences of their actions.

But are they losing control of the situation? The CIA-backed army is now telling people to go home now and leave running the country to them.

simple simon

New Model Army

02.02.2011 13:21

"But are they losing control of the situation? The CIA-backed army is now telling people to go home now and leave running the country to them."

The army is not CIA backed although the CIA have certainly spent the dollars to buy them. It is the richer middle class on the streets demanding the President go that is the "element" that is CIA funded.

Mubarak is somebody the US and Israel don't want to deal with any more so they are attempting to bring him down by paying the wealthier Egyptians to have him removed.

The US President is clearly just another violent incarnation of the empiric state.

So much for diplomacy!!

Knot Eyed Jaguar

CIA involvement? CIA control?

02.02.2011 14:20

Firstly, let's distinguish between CIA/US *involvement* and CIA/US *control*. In other words, just because they are meddling, doesn't mean they are necessarily in control of a situation, even if they would like to be.

Secondly, I'd like to see some evidence to support the claims people are making. I haven't seen any evidence yet of CIA involvement, let alone control, of the Egyptian uprising.

Finally, even if the CIA/US are supporting this uprising, that doesn't automatically mean we as radicals should oppose it! There are more than one set of oppressors in the world, and we should oppose them all!


Egypt and US/Israel

02.02.2011 16:43

The very idea that the revolution is CIA-sponsored is such a crock of shit. Mubarak has been an obedient puppet for 30 years. His police state has been instrumental in helping Israel to starve the Palestinians in Gaza.

When Mubarak goes he will get a warm welcome in Tel Aviv and London and will get invited to tea with his old friend Tony Blair.


Same ol same ol

02.02.2011 22:02

"Secondly, I'd like to see some evidence to support the claims people are making. I haven't seen any evidence yet of CIA involvement, let alone control, of the Egyptian uprising."

Good grief, not that old chestnut again!

If you caught the Ebola virus there would be no evidence you had it...until your stomach dropped out your arse!!

The existence of evidence is directly proportional to the energy expended in the prevention of its detection.

The CIA are heavily involved in the violence in Egypt...and that will be confirmed in the years to come when the Americans feel its safe to brag about it.

Funny that the majority of the Egyptian working class and poorest...are protesting in support of Mubarak!

Now, what were we talking about? Ah yes, consequences.

Knot-eyed Jaguar

when the goings get tough the tough get going

02.02.2011 23:36

Just like the idiots protesting in the West at anything and everything (students to workers to the anarchist set ups) the idiots in some cheesy square in Cairo and getting it now - time to run lick the wounds and think for themselves.

Idiots asking for Arsebook and Twitter to be switched back on!!

The longer Mubarak is there the real the protest will be, giving rise to any real chance for any meaningful revolution.

The CIA is clearly sitting on the fence here waiting to see who the real revolutionary threat will come from. If the threat is from the capable Islamists then the CIA scum will call in Israel's help and go to work as usual. If the threat to their influence is from their own set ups within Egypt then the CIA will continue to sojourn in Red Sea resorts not giving two hoots about Mubarak or the 'people's power' nonsense.

Long live Mubarak until there is real opposition to guillotine the fuck, neatly.
Same goes out to Cameron and the Queen - may you both live longer! we are not ready yet!

long live mubarak