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New blog from one of the few places in Cairo w/ internet connection, pls repost

cairo | 31.01.2011 00:57 | Repression | World

"This blog is a collection of comments, contributions and visual media from the Egyptian uprising. It is sent out from one of the few locations in Cairo with an internet connection. Mubarak’s regime cut the internet to the country ahead of a call for a day of rage. The consequences of this day have gone beyond any expectations."

Sunday night

After 5 days of unprecedented popular dissent in Egypt, protestors are still on the main square in downtown Cairo demanding the resignation of President Mubarak and his entire government, and say they will not settle for anything less. After 30 years of brutal police oppression the people have finally risen and do not seem to be backing down.

Downtown Cairo was an incredible scene tonight. Tahrir Square was filled with 1000s of protestors, some of whom erected tents on the square’s grassy central island. Roads leading off the square were filled with people strolling about streets empty of traffic, filled with anti-regime graffiti. The road next to the Interior Ministry was a warzone of burnt out cars and smashed windows. Above all there was a sense of joy, of freedom and the possibility of change.

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Arab World Uprising against unemployment, poverty and corruption

31.01.2011 16:12

What Egyptian masses want?

People in Tunisia, Egypt do risk their life for better life and not for Arab and Israiel issue.
Arab and Israiel issue is part of media campaign to redirect Class struggle and anti-Capitalist movement in the whole Middle East.
Islamic groups, in fact are more capitalist minded than J,W.Bush or T.Blair and they play more important rule in this campaign. Iran and Turkey regimes are extreme and moderate version of Islamic Rules.

Obviously everyone could see that People of Arab world specially the youth are took over the street to take final battle against unemployment, poverty, corruption and to have basic freedom that they could talk or write without fear of being imprisoned or killed.

All over the Middle East there is a tyranny regime because In contrast with 'Western World' they can not just rely on media to keep the Capitalist system.

In the other hand The World capitalism wants to defend Capitalism " Stability of the region " by defending this tyranny regime up to the end and in the meantime invest lots of money and effort to have their own alternative in the time of uprising " crisis ".
Now they don't need Mobark and Ben Ali , they abundant them like a sick and unwanted pet.

What Capitalism world seek as a Alternative to Mobarak in Egypt ?

In 1997 - when Iran's revolution happened- due to Cold war, and presence of Eastern Block, thy backed the extreme islamic group to defend capitalist system.
Western media shamelessly backed the Khomainy and flooded the media with Islamic revolution, just to redirect people's demand which was, full employment, Equality and freedom.

but this era is far different from 1979.
Cold war and Eastern Block vanished, Islamic extremist turn in to horrific and inhuman act in the street. Iran's islamic regime supports Terrorist groups and they lost their chance.
Moreover, there is a "moderate moslim neighborhood" which has a power in Turkey and is a best candidate for world capitalism.

therefore the Western media puts all effort to ignores elements of anti-capitalist movement and any voice of Equality and freedom.
the fear of movement to be hijacked by islamist extremist are just part of propaganda campaign to bring moderate islamic group which are led by man wearing a suit and shaved face.

The victims as usual will be the people who dream about full employment, Equality and Freedom.

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