Coutts - the state owned tax avoidance bank
Dr Steve Fry | 28.01.2011 19:32
News Flash Coutts-Flash
Friday, 28 January 2011
For immediate release
Flashmob at Coutts, private bank to the British establishment
Today the University for Strategic Optimism (UfSO), light-heartedly flash-mobbed the head office of Coutts in 440 Strand, London. Dressed-up as wealthy bankers, the group presented the bank with a giant blank cheque representing the bailout it has received from the UK taxpayer. Coutts is a private bank for the super-rich and although almost entirely publicly owned by the UK tax-payer (as a subsidiary of RBS) and its main business is to help its wealthy clients to avoid paying taxes.
The peaceful action was carried out by the University for Strategic Optimism, a university based on the principle of free and open education, a return of politics to the public and the politicisation of public space. Its previous activities have included other flash-lectures in banks and shops; interventions on the tube and a conference on violence, presented live from the Parliament Square kettle at last year’s student protests. For more info, see the UfSO blog (video of today’s action coming soon).
As the queen’s own bank, Coutts is very selective of its customers and half a million pounds is the minimum requirement to open an account there. But even if you can’t afford to bank with Coutts, as a taxpayer you are among the majority shareholders of its parent company, RBS. With branches throughout the UK, Coutts specialises in what it calls ‘wealth management’ on behalf of its super-rich customers – in other words, helping them avoid paying taxes.
Coutts, one of the oldest pillars of the British financial establishment, was adopted as the location of the UfSO’s latest action in order to highlight the ridiculously unfair situation of UK taxpayers propping up a financial institution that exists primarily to help the wealthy avoid paying those the very taxes that keep it in existence. Those not rich enough to bank with Coutts are paying through their contributions for a bank that enables the wealthy to avoid them. The injustice of this situation is staggering. What’s even more staggering, is the fact that it seems very few actually realise what it is that Coutts does, and that it received funding from the government bailout.
When the government claims there is no alternative to the ongoing, devastating cuts to public services, welfare and university education, we need only look to Coutts to see that lie graphically exposed. The government is using our own money to prop up a bank, which exists in order to encourage wealthy individuals, whose private fortunes could more than tackle the deficit, to avoid paying their fair share. With its antique wallpaper and private banqueting suites, publicly owned Coutts is a parody of private privilege and vividly exposes the criminal ideology behind this government’s fire sale of our treasured public institutions. The corporate advertising slogan of such a bank should be: ‘Pay your taxes so the super-rich don’t have to’. Whilst the government is using our money to help out these tax avoiders, public services that we all rely upon are being systematically dismantled and sold off. This is the serious issue that the UfSO seeks to draw attention to with today’s action.
Friday, 28 January 2011
For immediate release
Flashmob at Coutts, private bank to the British establishment
Today the University for Strategic Optimism (UfSO), light-heartedly flash-mobbed the head office of Coutts in 440 Strand, London. Dressed-up as wealthy bankers, the group presented the bank with a giant blank cheque representing the bailout it has received from the UK taxpayer. Coutts is a private bank for the super-rich and although almost entirely publicly owned by the UK tax-payer (as a subsidiary of RBS) and its main business is to help its wealthy clients to avoid paying taxes.
The peaceful action was carried out by the University for Strategic Optimism, a university based on the principle of free and open education, a return of politics to the public and the politicisation of public space. Its previous activities have included other flash-lectures in banks and shops; interventions on the tube and a conference on violence, presented live from the Parliament Square kettle at last year’s student protests. For more info, see the UfSO blog

As the queen’s own bank, Coutts is very selective of its customers and half a million pounds is the minimum requirement to open an account there. But even if you can’t afford to bank with Coutts, as a taxpayer you are among the majority shareholders of its parent company, RBS. With branches throughout the UK, Coutts specialises in what it calls ‘wealth management’ on behalf of its super-rich customers – in other words, helping them avoid paying taxes.
Coutts, one of the oldest pillars of the British financial establishment, was adopted as the location of the UfSO’s latest action in order to highlight the ridiculously unfair situation of UK taxpayers propping up a financial institution that exists primarily to help the wealthy avoid paying those the very taxes that keep it in existence. Those not rich enough to bank with Coutts are paying through their contributions for a bank that enables the wealthy to avoid them. The injustice of this situation is staggering. What’s even more staggering, is the fact that it seems very few actually realise what it is that Coutts does, and that it received funding from the government bailout.
When the government claims there is no alternative to the ongoing, devastating cuts to public services, welfare and university education, we need only look to Coutts to see that lie graphically exposed. The government is using our own money to prop up a bank, which exists in order to encourage wealthy individuals, whose private fortunes could more than tackle the deficit, to avoid paying their fair share. With its antique wallpaper and private banqueting suites, publicly owned Coutts is a parody of private privilege and vividly exposes the criminal ideology behind this government’s fire sale of our treasured public institutions. The corporate advertising slogan of such a bank should be: ‘Pay your taxes so the super-rich don’t have to’. Whilst the government is using our money to help out these tax avoiders, public services that we all rely upon are being systematically dismantled and sold off. This is the serious issue that the UfSO seeks to draw attention to with today’s action.

Dr Steve Fry
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Sigh ...
28.01.2011 21:53
I assume you fill in a tax return. You get tax relief for a whole variety of things. Are you telling me you don't claim for them.
If you don't like the tax code, get the Government to change it.
Sighs deeper ...
28.01.2011 22:38
Yes, I know. But that doesn't make it right. There is a long history of unjust things being legal, but still unjust. From slavery and salt taxes in India to the police's right to kettle people.
> If you don't like the tax code, get the Government to change it.
I have been trying to do this for many years - Tory government, Labour government, Con-Dem government. To date, all of my efforts have come to nowt. It's almost like the government (of whatever colour) listen to the rich and powerful corporations more that me. How would pedant suggest the balance be readdressed? Or is the balance of power sitting with the wealthy corporate, and not with the 'woman on the streets', OK?
28.01.2011 23:47
Oh, gosh, the Government doesn't listen to you. Fancy that.
oh really
29.01.2011 00:02
Im not fat, im not unemployed, and im not in prison for committing a violent crime; I have worked my arse off to earn a decent living, yet a percentage of it is taken from me under threat of imprisonment and given to people who won't look after themselves. I call that unjust
Why do i have to pay for someones gastric clip operation because they can't stop eating pies?
Tax Havens
29.01.2011 00:19
What exactly is business management ? Is it the same as money laundering ?
If you look into it you'll find that it is, and all these Bamking /legal companies, business lawyers
and financial big shots who help people to launder their loot in offshore tax havens also help them to set up
false companies which only exist on a piece of paper in some lawyers filing cabinet.
Like chinese boxes or Russian dolls there are so many that you lose track of them all.
They'll have one UK company controlled by a Swiss company, which is Controlled
by a Luxembourg based company which is controlled by a Jersey based company
and so on through notorious places like the Birtish Virgin Islands.
Then maybe back to britain and round and round again,
These Legal Companies, all have lcorrspondents in these places so they can set it all up in a jiffy.
Of course the banks have offices in all the hottest off shore resorts as well, so they are also
able to collaborate and carry out their part of the scam.
The cash flow never stops and the wonga is constantly on the move, it's mixed in with all
the various mafia / organized crime swag, cash from arms deals and stuff that African dictators
have stolen from their countries and of course the proceeds from the on going Opium war.
In this twilight world of dodgy dealers the intelligent services are running scams and channeling the
proceeds into organizing coups and undermining governments that won't let them fuck there countries
over with corporate greed not to mention Black ops, kidnap and murder.
London is one of the easiest places in the world to set up a front company for a criminal operation, and the Dutch are THE administrators, there are so many companies based in holland and they also have half the off shore tax havens, the brits have the other half. Tax avoidance might be legal but it's an operation run by criminals !!
No cuts ?
29.01.2011 13:22
That's bondage which your owners have entered you into, with or without your consent. Do you really think that they are not going to come for it?
No citizen is free under socialism or capitalism.
not socialism
29.01.2011 14:01
That's bondage which your owners have entered you into, with or without your consent. Do you really think that they are not going to come for it?
>> Owners? I wouldn't use that term. More like fuckwit government.
Technical, it is with consent.... when everyone decided to vote for labour. Furthermore, most people can move to other parts of europe if they don't like how the UK does things. Its not like we are living in N Korea or anything. I think freedom is pretty good here compared to the rest of the world, or history in general.
>> No citizen is free under socialism or capitalism.
I would say i'd be worse off under socialism. Capitalism, you generally can get a choice not to spend your money on a debt buying consumables. Socialism, well... socialists love to spend other people's money don't they? So you don't really get a choice about having to pay big taxes. No matter how much harder you work on self development or your job or career, socialists will take the rewards off you.
Put it this way, before labour the country was in a good state financially. After labour, our now generation is going to have to pay off their spending spree of 'bribes' to get their voters. I can't think of one single time when the country hasn't been left fucked after a long term of labour.
That isn't a support for tories or capitalism, but i think socialism is a massive step backwards
A question of morality.
29.01.2011 14:43
How can it be acceptable for someone such as the Duke of Westminster, to pay people to arrange his affairs so as to minimise tax liabilities? In his case, many of the lands, estates and such are owned by Trusts which were created just for tax avoidance purposes. So, someone well up the rich list and worth billions, can pay next to no tax. I don't hear the tabloids shouting "sponger". Don't forget, he takes advantage of the agricultural grants available for all his farms and estates.
The tax authorities have been saying that they will tackle tax avoidance for decades. It is still a major industry in the UK as no real attempt has ever been made to address it.
There is no reason why those with enough money should be able to avoid paying their taxes just because they are rich enough to do so.
It may be legal but this is only due to the fact the tax authorities have never shut the schemes down. This is presumably due to pressure form those in positions of power and control.
Whilst Coutts may be the bank of certain establishment figures, Hoare's Bank in Fleet Street is much more of an establishment financial centre.
Spirit of the RAF.
29.01.2011 16:08
Tax is theft.
Morality ...
29.01.2011 16:11
Perfectly acceptable. The Inland Revenue come along and say, we want you to pay tax on X, Y and Z. He asks what allowances he's entitled to, and they tell him. Alternatively, he pays his accountant to find out. He then fills out his income tax form like everyone else and sends it off. The Inland Revenue are free to challenge any allowances he's claimed.
In the unlikely event of you paying income tax, do you go through the form conscientiously making sure that you don't claim the allowances due to you? Because if you say you do, I'll call you a liar.
Now what's the difference?
29.01.2011 16:51
And right on cue the state disruption starts. Sir, you can fuck right off on your bicycle.
Coutts is the target people, do not allow yourselves to be side-stepped by people who's only motive is to protect that which they are slave to.
Coutts is the bank the British Government, nobility and state is utterly dependent on so its a good solid target to concentrate on.
There is no bank in the UK more important to the British IMF gang than Coutts...PERIOD.
29.01.2011 19:03
(in your opinion)
I would think the pension funds would be more important
flash mobbing ...
29.01.2011 20:28
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