Please write clear articles for Indymedia. This article does not make it clear that it is Turl Street in Oxford, and not any other Turl Street.
Ticking the Oxford location box is not enough - many other sites pick up news from Indymedia, and the location does not always stay connected with the story.
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Where's that
28.01.2011 18:03
King Coal
It's here
28.01.2011 19:13,+Oxford,+United+Kingdom&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.421237,84.638672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Turl+St,+Oxford+OX1,+United+Kingdom&z=16
29.01.2011 00:19
King Coal
Please write clearer ... and any updates?
29.01.2011 16:32
Ticking the Oxford location box is not enough - many other sites pick up news from Indymedia, and the location does not always stay connected with the story.
Are there any updates to this story.
An OxIMC Mod