heath bunting | 28.01.2011 13:20 | Analysis | Indymedia
not news bye bye IMUK
noone | 28.01.2011 09:41 | Indymedia
The last straw
I have been associated with IMUK since its inception. I have read every
post on the features list for a decade, and commented judiciously when there
have been wrangles and debates and discussion of fine points necessary
to maintain consensus and move the project further. Now it seems that
there has been irreperable damage done to the network, including a split
(which I do not understand and do not wish to, by the sounds of it) and
now pathetic bickering. I would ask whether, given the revelations
recently about secret state work to undermine groups and networks
through division, IMUK has also fallen prey? It seems that the people
left active in the network are either people who seem more interested in
arguments than collaboration, or else people who, I know from meeting
them, have been devisive in face-to-face meetings. Perhaps it is just
part of a process, and those left are not of a high enough calibre to
sustain the work - and that is a failing of the rest of us.
Whatever the reasons, it is sad.
Best wishes...
28.01.2011 10:24
good points
i think it is highly likely indymedia has been infiltrated
and those agents are now extra active in these troubled times
i recently discovered that the cube cinema in bristol had been infiltrated
by several regressive individuals who attempted to take over and disrupt IT systems, finance, membership lists and decision processes
one of these individuals has close links with corporate/ state information warfare organisations
and was clearly acting against the interests of the cube cinema
the cube cinema as a community hub is of course an important location for information gathering and disruption
unfortunately, due the the general infiltration of the organisation by hipsters and day workers this problem was wished away and these individuals are still embedded in the organisation
my advice is dont get lazy, keep alert and make the required hard moves when required
also, dont just keep an eye out for covert political infiltration, but also keep a check on any influx of conformists who are ultimately a greater threat to any radical project
heath bunting
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noone | 28.01.2011 09:41 | Indymedia
The last straw
I have been associated with IMUK since its inception. I have read every
post on the features list for a decade, and commented judiciously when there
have been wrangles and debates and discussion of fine points necessary
to maintain consensus and move the project further. Now it seems that
there has been irreperable damage done to the network, including a split
(which I do not understand and do not wish to, by the sounds of it) and
now pathetic bickering. I would ask whether, given the revelations
recently about secret state work to undermine groups and networks
through division, IMUK has also fallen prey? It seems that the people
left active in the network are either people who seem more interested in
arguments than collaboration, or else people who, I know from meeting
them, have been devisive in face-to-face meetings. Perhaps it is just
part of a process, and those left are not of a high enough calibre to
sustain the work - and that is a failing of the rest of us.
Whatever the reasons, it is sad.
Best wishes...
28.01.2011 10:24
good points
i think it is highly likely indymedia has been infiltrated
and those agents are now extra active in these troubled times
i recently discovered that the cube cinema in bristol had been infiltrated
by several regressive individuals who attempted to take over and disrupt IT systems, finance, membership lists and decision processes
one of these individuals has close links with corporate/ state information warfare organisations
and was clearly acting against the interests of the cube cinema
the cube cinema as a community hub is of course an important location for information gathering and disruption
unfortunately, due the the general infiltration of the organisation by hipsters and day workers this problem was wished away and these individuals are still embedded in the organisation
my advice is dont get lazy, keep alert and make the required hard moves when required
also, dont just keep an eye out for covert political infiltration, but also keep a check on any influx of conformists who are ultimately a greater threat to any radical project
heath bunting
mail e-mail:

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heath bunting
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