#Sukey : Live demo info service launches sat - ldn
anon@indymedia.org (Susan) | 27.01.2011 21:37 | London
Sukey is a tool for non-violent demonstrations. It allows peaceful demonstrators to communicate events they've observed to the public and stay safe and mobile. The more people using it, the better service it becomes!
The Mission is to provide peaceful protesters with up to date protest news that will keep them informed, assist them in avoiding injury, help them to keep clear of trouble spots and avoid unnecessary detention.
Sukey runs on any mobile phone - it looks fantastic on an iPhone, Android or other smartphone, but you can also use it on any phone that's capable of receiving text messages.
Sukey delivers maximum information to those participating in a demonstration so that they can make sensible informed decisions, as well as to those following externally who might be concerned about friends and family at the demonstration or to those who may simply have a political or journalistic interest in the progress of the protest.
Sukey gathers its news, photos, videos and eyewitness accounts from the protesters in the crowd.
Sukey collates this 'crowd sourced' information and combines it with external news that comes from the various news agencies and social media sites, boils this news down to what's important and then delivers that key information straight back to the protesters on the streets.
If you have Sukey you too can contribute.
If you're involved in the protest you want Sukey in your pocket.
Meet Sukey for the first time at the "No Fees, No Cuts! Defend Education & the Public Sector!" demonstrations on Saturday 29th January.
Assemble Malet Street, noon on the 29th.
This is the feed for Sukey. We're going to be using sukeyData for *loads* of Tweets. They'll probably fill your SMS inbox, so follow @sukeySMS for more concise version
The Sukey twitter feed for those of us who don't have smartphones.
Text 'follow @sukeysms' to 86444 for texts keeping you informed. We won't spam your inbox.
27 Jan 2011: Sukey Press Release:
The group who gave you pictures of Godzilla in the Thames from the protests against the student fees increase are back with a new website and mobile phone application to help keep peaceful protesters safe.
Every week, more and more people of all ages and from all walks of life are taking to the streets to show their unease at the depth, speed and savagery of coalition cuts to social services, education, library closures, restructuring of the NHS and the proposed sell-off of Britain's forests. These are the largest series of demonstration in the UK since the Stop the War protests in 2003.
In order to keep peaceful protesters informed with live information that will assist them in keeping clear of trouble spots, avoid injury and from being unnecessarily detained a group of talented young computer experts has developed a free product called Sukey.
Sukey is both a website and an application for mobile phones. Even those with older handsets can take part through free SMS messages.
Sukey lets people taking part have all the information they need to make informed decisions while letting their friends and family keep an eye of what is happening from home so they can be assured that their loved ones are safe.
Sukey invites people taking part to share their experience via social media and combines this with information from traditional news sources to hand it straight back to the crowd and let them see what is going on around them as it happens.
Sukey is easy to use and will help keep people safe and informed of the official demonstration route together with any en-route amenities they may need like wifi points, public toilets, tube stations, first aid points, coffee shops and payphones.
Those not at the demonstration can follow along with live movies, photos and accounts straight from the protest getting all the news as it breaks.
All information shared by those at the event is anonymised and the privacy of all users is respected at all times.
Everyone has the right to peaceful protest. Sukey makes sure that the experience can be a safe and effective way for people to make their voices heard.
anon@indymedia.org (Susan)
Original article on IMC London: