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Doubleclick and Mrs Dash

Terry Wagar | 24.01.2011 06:28 | Health | Repression | Terror War | Liverpool | World

My wife Joan Wagar and her lover Eric Carlson organized a very large murder conspiracy at East Port Walmart and also at Clackamas Walmart!

Eric Carlson brags he is my alter ego - mp3 634K

Eric Carlson and Joan Wagar brag on audio death threat - mp3 1.1M

Joan Wagar lying badly
Joan Wagar lying badly

Joan Wagar admits she is a poisoner
Joan Wagar admits she is a poisoner

They use those nick names
They use those nick names

Joan Wagar admits she donates plasma
Joan Wagar admits she donates plasma

My wife Joan Wagar and her lover Eric Carlson organized a very large murder conspiracy at East Port Walmart and also at Clackamas Walmart!
My wife started poisoning me after she started their affair and they recruited employees to help them hide their affair from me and from Eric Carlson's wife.
I discovered their nick names walmart employees gave them before I discovered their affair, they were nick named Doubleclick and Mrs Dash, my wife admitted to those nick name4s to my daughters and I overheard the conversation.
I did not know what they stood for but I was ill at the time so I suspected an affair and also the possibility I was being poisoned.
I found out about a month later what Eric Carlson's nick name stood for, I saw him at East Port Walmart, he is almost a twin to me, and no one wanted me to KNOW IT!
Not long after this I found evidence of my wife emailing Doubleclick and their admitting to their affair, their also admitting to having it out for Eric Carlson's wife!
I tried to warn Eric Carlson's wife over the phone, I asked if we could meet in person because I wanted her to see the resemblance because I didn't think she would believe me over the phone, I wanted her to read their email and wanted her to see my appearance, but she never showed up!
The next day my wife poisoned the hell out of me and a relative of Eric Carlson's covered it up at the hospital, he is in law enforcement and he kept labeling me as a bad guy to my doctor until the doctor got the hint to shut up about me being poisoned, I overheard the conversation out in the hallway!
Ever since I have been kept isolated by my family from others and they pretended nothing's wrong the entire time trying to cover it up!
I was a plasma donor when they were poisoning me, and Eric Carlson's relatives in law enforcement arranged so that I cannot get help at a hospital!
Both Eric Carlson and Joan Wagar transferred to Clackamas Walmart and they recruited employees there to press false charges against me for what Eric Carlson does, while they hide Eric Carlson's employment by calling him by alias's!
Clackamas Walmart employees take photos of Eric Carlson following children around in the store while dressed as me and they were printing out flier's with my picture on it.
The whole time I'm stuck at home, crippled from being poisoned, my wife pretending to love me, and she is one of the employees that printed out the flier's!
They gave me a reputation all over Portland Oregon this way, while hiding a body doubles employment!
Doubleclick and Mrs Dash had it all planned out, with help from their Bro's in law enforcement!

Terry Wagar
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