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Dixie's Vintage Stall Cambridge's Last Fur Retailer

Animal Rights Cambridge | 22.01.2011 21:15 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Social Struggles | Cambridge | World

Vintage fur perpetuates the fur industry, as fur is make 'acceptable' in the vintage scene, it finds it's way on to the catwalk in the form of new fur. Indeed new 'imperfect' fur is often passed off as vintage by manufactures and finds it's way into vintage retailers.

Anti-Fur protesters returned to Dixie's Vintage Stall in the market square on Friday. Dixie's is now believe to be the only retailer selling fur in Cambridge following the closure of Mook Vintage which was the target of sustained protest.

Supportive members of the public sign a petition leading to pages of petition sheets being filled by the end of the day. The stall got next to no trade as people turned away from the city's last fur seller. The stall holders where so bothered by the truth about their business being exposed that they pretended to pack-up their stall for the day – activists took a 15 minute break returning went the stall re-opened!

No police officers attended this time although an aggressive Council employed 'City Ranger' came and stood in the face of a female activist until another activist told him to move back. Some PCSOs also attended but did not speak to protesters and simply pacified the stall holders.

Some other market traders and friends of the business owner were aggressive and confrontational, in sharp contrast with the many members of the public taking leaflets and signing the petition. One male associated with the stall (believed to be the son or son-in-law of the stall holder) tried to intimidate activists by standing excessively close to them and taking pictures – but to no effect. In fact this male helped the protest as he was mistaken for a protester with one PCSO even asking 'is he with the protesters?'.

Dixie's Vintage knows they are losing business – the fact is as protests increase, sales decrees – as Cambridge consumers don't want to associate with animal cruelty. The only sensible business choice for them is to stop selling fur and concentrate on other items (such as the £400 designer coat they are currently pushing!). Dixie's Vintage should go fur free and appeal to the 100's of ethical consumers in Cambridge that simply walk out of any business that sells fur!

Animal Rights Cambridge
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Not going to that stall again.

22.01.2011 21:54

I actually bought quite a few things from that stall in the past but I agree about fur issue and I won't buy stuff from them until Dixie stops selling fur.

cambridge shopper

I don't care but...

22.01.2011 22:02

A lot of my friends like vintage clothes but they all won't go to that stall because they sell fur, sounds like they are just alienating customers to me!

But whatever, personally I don't care about fur. I don't go there but just because I don't like the stall that much.


Last one in Cambridge?

22.01.2011 22:50

Nice one. Good work!

i'm no animal rights but still good news

I support you!!

22.01.2011 23:08

Really glad that we are so close to a fur free city. I will be supporting you guys all the way - should imagine this one shouldn't take you to long ;)


Nice one!

22.01.2011 23:54

Really good work.

Crazy Nicky

We will

25.01.2011 00:28

get rid of these scum. We know where they live, will fight them by any means necessary.