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EDL Supporters Fined for On-Train Racist Abuse

SoulTrader | 21.01.2011 13:35 | Anti-racism

Three English Defence League supporters have been ordered to pay more than £350 each after being found guilty of subjecting rail passengers to serious racist abuse.

Tracey Hurley (33), Stuart Parr (28) and a 17-year old youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared at Wigan Magistrates’ Court on 20 January for trial.

The court heard that, on Friday 25 June last year, the trio had attended an EDL march in Bradford and had been on their way home when they travelled from Manchester Victoria to Wigan on a Northern Rail service. During the journey they became abusive and intimidating, subjecting several passengers to a torrent of racist abuse.

The abuse began when the three sang songs relating to the EDL and Taliban. At Salford Crescent an Asian man boarded the train and was immediately targeted by the group who shouted derogatory remarks about Allah to the man.

PC Tony McGibbon, of British Transport Police, said: “The abuse continued for some time and was directed at anyone on board the train who the three perceived to be anything other than white British.

“The behaviour of the three was offensive in the extreme, completely unacceptable and made everyone on the train feel incredibly uncomfortable.”

A passenger advised a member of rail staff who reported the behaviour of the three to BTP officers.

After witnesses were spoken to the three where arrested and interviewed.

During interviews they admitted having been at the EDL march and drinking heavily, but denied making any racist remarks or behaving in a racist manner.

PC McGibbon added: “Despite their initial denials, there is no doubt that these three behaved in a deeply offensive manner and subjected rail passengers to unacceptable and unwarranted abuse.

“BTP, the rail industry, and the wider criminal justice system, takes a dim view of anyone who behaves in such a way and the sentence handed out should serve as an example and warning to others.”

Hurley, of Kingsley Avenue, Goose Green, was fined £150, ordered to pay £200 costs and a £15 victim surcharge after being found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence.

Parr, of Golborne Place, Scholes, was fined £150, ordered to pay £200 costs and a £15 victim surcharge after being found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence.

The youth, from Ashton-in-Makerfield, was fined £150, ordered to pay £200 costs and a £15 victim surcharge after being found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence.



Hide the following 11 comments

They're not racists though, honest.

21.01.2011 13:50

What lovely, lovely people. It's a wonder that these knuckle-draggers manage to remember to breathe in and out.

Crazy Barry

Not racist

21.01.2011 14:05

they were abusive to muslims because they believe in allah, so how is that racist, muslims aren't a race.


Not racist?

21.01.2011 14:14

PC Tony McGibbon, of British Transport Police, said: “The abuse continued for some time and was directed at anyone on board the train who the three perceived to be anything other than white British"

How's that not racist?

sa, you are just proving what idiots EDL supporters are

21.01.2011 14:48

Certainly it isn't racist to oppose Islam as a religion; it has some pretty shitty beliefs, as do all religions.

But these people were abusing anyone who was Asian-looking or even just non-white British. They could have been Hindu, Christian, atheists or anything for all they knew. This was pure racism.


and dumb

21.01.2011 15:07

"they were abusive to muslims because they believe in allah, so how is that racist, muslims aren't a race."

erm....i really don;t know what to say but from the above comment i guess you have to be racist and DUMB to join the EDL.....


free thinker

definite racism

21.01.2011 16:31

So, in order to give religious fruitcakes a hard time, these three picked on people of asian appearance. Stupid and racist. You cannot tel a persons religion from the colour of their skin. But they can tell who they wish to abuse from the colour of their skin. The religion think is just so they don't have to think up anything original.

Ashton in Makerfield PCSO

Come off it sa

21.01.2011 19:44

"they were abusive to muslims because they believe in allah, so how is that racist, muslims aren't a race. "

But they didn't know if these guys were Muslims or not, they could have been any religion, or none for that matter - all they saw were brown faces and that's why they're racist. I can't believe I'm having to explain this to someone over the age of three, but then again Mr. sa I imagine you're an EDL OFISHUL MEMBA and therefore NOT A RAYCISST yourself.

Crazy Barry

Just Proves....

21.01.2011 23:39

....what most people have known all along - the EDL are racist scum, hiding behind the "only concerned with extremist Islam" bullshit so they can attack minority groups with an excuse. Racist motherfuckers


Not racist my arse.

24.01.2011 18:51

Infiltrated and hardcore nazis will be attending Luton.ES has he joined the Jewish Division.


This is lies.

05.05.2011 12:40

They didn't direct it to anybody, they was singing. E.D.L. isn't racist they have members who are of different races, black, white, asian and any other race you can think of and they sing the same songs. It was a white woman who decided to take offence to the songs claiming they was racist.

I know these people.