Report of Occupation of Waitrose in Solidarity with the Abu Rahma family
Global Intifada | 20.01.2011 14:41 | Anti-militarism | Palestine
On Monday 17th January 2011 activists entered Waitrose in Western Road, Brighton, filled trollies full of Israeli frozen goods, sharon fruit, herbs and peppers and occupied the store.
Large photos of Jawaher and Bassem Abu Rahma were displayed and shoppers were told the story of the resistance of the village of Bil In, the expropriation of its land and the murder of those involved in the popular struggle.
Fliers were handed out calling on shoppers to boycott Israeli goods
The Bil In popular committee has called for renewed boycott action after the death of Jawaher Abu Rahma on 31st December 2010.
A day of global day of action has been called on February 10th against companies supplying tear gas to Israel - Jawaher was died after inhaling CS gas.
On Saturday 22nd there will be a demonstration in Churchill Square from 1pm in rage at the murder of Jawaher, and the increasing violence against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza
Read the boycott call from Bil In at
For more detail see
Large photos of Jawaher and Bassem Abu Rahma were displayed and shoppers were told the story of the resistance of the village of Bil In, the expropriation of its land and the murder of those involved in the popular struggle.
Fliers were handed out calling on shoppers to boycott Israeli goods
The Bil In popular committee has called for renewed boycott action after the death of Jawaher Abu Rahma on 31st December 2010.
A day of global day of action has been called on February 10th against companies supplying tear gas to Israel - Jawaher was died after inhaling CS gas.
On Saturday 22nd there will be a demonstration in Churchill Square from 1pm in rage at the murder of Jawaher, and the increasing violence against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza
Read the boycott call from Bil In at

For more detail see

For more than sixty years the Palestinian people have been suffering at the hands of the Israeli state. Land grabs, murders, intimidation, settler violence, kidnappings and apartheid laws are all part of a deliberate strategy which inflicts daily humiliation and suffering on the Palestinian people.
Waitrose continue to sell illegal settlement produce grown on stolen Palestinian land. The money generated from the sale of Israeli good's not only supports the occupation but also makes it profitable.
On New Year's eve 2010 over 1000 Palestinians demonstrated in the village of Bil'in.
against Israel's encroachment onto Palestinian land. When the demonstration began Israeli soldiers set off rounds of rubber bullets and tears gas into the crowd. Jawaher Abu Rahma was at the sidelines of this demonstration, she collapsed and choked to death from tear gas inhalation. This has not been the first tragedy in the family. Ashraf Abu Rahma was badly injured after he was shot at close range while detained by an Israeli soldier in 2008. In April 2009, his brother Bassem was shot in the chest by a tear gas canister at close range and died from his wounds.
The international community responds to these blatant abuses of human rights by continuing to reward Israel economically and politically, allowing Israel to act with impunity. The village of Bil'n, in response to the murder of Jawaher Abu Rahma, have renewed calls for a International boycott of Israel.
Waitrose continue to sell illegal settlement produce grown on stolen Palestinian land. The money generated from the sale of Israeli good's not only supports the occupation but also makes it profitable.
On New Year's eve 2010 over 1000 Palestinians demonstrated in the village of Bil'in.
against Israel's encroachment onto Palestinian land. When the demonstration began Israeli soldiers set off rounds of rubber bullets and tears gas into the crowd. Jawaher Abu Rahma was at the sidelines of this demonstration, she collapsed and choked to death from tear gas inhalation. This has not been the first tragedy in the family. Ashraf Abu Rahma was badly injured after he was shot at close range while detained by an Israeli soldier in 2008. In April 2009, his brother Bassem was shot in the chest by a tear gas canister at close range and died from his wounds.
The international community responds to these blatant abuses of human rights by continuing to reward Israel economically and politically, allowing Israel to act with impunity. The village of Bil'n, in response to the murder of Jawaher Abu Rahma, have renewed calls for a International boycott of Israel.
Global Intifada