Bristol Indymedia Presents: They Say Cut Back We Say Fight Back
imcvol | 19.01.2011 15:22

£4/3/no one turned away through lack of funds
On October 20th 2010 George Osborne announced plans to implement £81billion worth of cuts to public spending. Independent economic thinktanks such as the Institute for Fiscal Studies have described the cuts as highly regressive measures which will hit the poorest hardest, and that the cuts are the deepest seen in UK since the second world war.
Since the announcement of the cuts, there has been a growing wave of protests at the unnecessarily deep and poorly targeted cuts. The series of student led demonstrations against the 80% cut to the university teaching budget, tripling of tuition fees and removal of the education maintenance allowance have seen the 'post-ideological' ipod generation occupying university buildings and leading protests around the country. The UK Uncut direct action campaign has been highlighting the hypocrisy of a government that claims that 'we're all in it together' and then allows large corporations such as Vodaphone and the Arcadia group to avoid and evade billions in taxes while the poorest in society are hit the hardest. As time passes and the effects of the cuts start to bite, these campaigns and others like them are only going to intensify.
The government is determined to plough ahead with these savage, unnecessary, ideological cuts. But a growing protest movement is starting to stage the fight back. Join Bristol Indymedia for an evening of short films, invited speakers and discussion as to how best to resist the ConDem cuts.
Original article on IMC Bristol: