India has the most vegetarians, the most English speaking people
Indophile | 16.01.2011 15:28 | Animal Liberation | Anti-militarism | Ecology | South Coast | World
India.. Statistics
1. India has the highest number and percentage of vegetarians... some 450 million.
700 million Indians eat no cow flesh.
2. India has the greatest number of English speaking people... nearly 400 million, more than the US,
Australia, Canada, New Zealand etc.
3. India and China have the greatest number and percentage of PhD's.
4. India has had a woman PM
Because she did not practice ahimsa or nonviolence politcally or personally, the violence she sent
to the Sikhs came back to her and her son.
5. India has the place with the most rainfall, Cherra punji .. some 425 inches of rain annually
6. India's movie industry is greater than that of the US and Canada combined..
3.2 billion tickets sold last year
7. India's orchards produced 12 million tons of mangoes, 52% of the world's supply
It is a leader in coconut production, whose coconut fiber is made into milk, fruitarian icecream,
whose husks can be used as bowls, whose lauric acid is conducive to meditation.
India's cotton paper industry saves trees.
8. India is the world's 2nd most populated country. Despite this
the undemocratic Security Council of the UN with 5 countries which
can veto over 200 other countries continues to exclude it from
the permanent Security Council. China has blocked India's inclusion.
The dictatorial Council should be abolished. While it remains in existence India should be included.
9. India's Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and was described by William Jones, judge in British
occupied India, in the following words
"The Sanscrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs and the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all three, without believing them to have sprung from some common source, which, perhaps, no longer exists; there is a similar reason, though not quite so forcible, for supposing that both the Gothic and the Celtic, though blended with a very different idiom, had the same origin with the Sanscrit; and the old Persian might be added to the same family."
Sanskrit is the only language whose written characters match the electromagnetic pattern made when syllables are sounded.
10. The vast majority of Indians are Hindu. Hindu means du... away from hin violence... or nonviolent
11. Hundreds of Indians are able to sit seated crosslegged for hours in a room which would accommodate only a few dozen Westerners in chairs
12. India has a much higher population using trains than most other countries. Smaller simpler vehicles
than SUV's are standard.
13. India has the world's best equipped hospital in Bangalore, a free hospital which does 10,000 annual
heart surgeries. Western insurance companies send many to that and other hospitals in India.
14. India showed the world how to free ones country from foreign violent occupiers through
nonviolence, even though its British occupiers had strapped revolutionaries to cannons and
exploded them, though British soldiers had clubbed them in the head, trampled them with
horses, machine gunned them to death at Amritsar.
15. Alexander the Macedonian was stopped at the Indus River, nonviolently. The Chinese
turned around after 2 weeks of invading India in Nov of 1962 and went home.
When Alexander came to conquer India, he had a curiosity to meet the spiritual masters of this land. On his way towards the northwest, he found a Himalayan yogi lying on the ground, blocking the march of his army. Alexander was unable to push this avadhuta (one who has shaken off himself from the worldly attachments and obligations) off the path and asked him to demand whatever he wanted. The avadhuta calmly asked whether Alexander could shift sunrise (from the East) to the West? If not, the avadhuta continued, “Then don’t disturb me; let me enjoy the sunlight from the East…”
16. World's largest democracy
17. The Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Sikh religions were founded in India. Jesus did not do carpentry work between the ages of 12 and 30 but traveled in India, Tibet and elsewhere.
18. India, Nepal and Tibet have the world's highest mountains, as well as the most diverse
climate on earth (tropical temperate and cold climates)
19. Bamboo groves 60 feet high, with holes bored by beetles, become woodwind symphonies
when the wind blew, wrote Helen Blavatsky. Rhododendron bushes have reached 90 feet high.
20. India is among the 88% of the abolitionist countries of the world, countries without premeditated
judicial or military murder of prisoners. May the US, Israel, Nigeria, China, and several Muslim
countries join the 88%.
21. Disinformation about India is put out by the IFPRI, a capitalist livestock industry connected
group whose animal slaughter press releases are promoted by Times of India, as well as by
livestock invested corporations like Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Vanguard, Fidelity,
and hundreds of other mutual and private equity funds who find the hundreds of millions
of vegetarians and vegans in India threatening.
22. It would be a noble gesture for the British royal family
to return the Crown Jewels stolen from India during the 150
years of occupation.
23. When the CIA attempted to destabilize India during Indira Gandhi's
administration, the agency airdropped counterfeit rupees all over the
country. The effect was stimulation of the economy... a windfall as it were.
24. In the 1940's both India and China had 400 some million people.
Now India has 1 billion and China has 1.4 to 1.5 billion. India
achieved better population control without resorting to the forced
third trimester abortions of some Chinese towns.
25. Bangalore has more high tech offices than Singapore.
Disinformation Campaigns and Censorship about India
1. Winston Churchill's policy of starving India during WW2 has been hidden.
Virtually ignored: Churchlil's Indian Holocaust
By Gideon Polya
23 January, 2009
In WW2 Churchill deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death, continued to foster Muslim-Hindu antipathy that led to the horrors of Indian Partition and persuaded his War Cabinet on racist Partition of Palestine. Last year I published an article in MWC News entitled “Media lying over Churchill’s crimes. British-Indian Holocaust” in which I summarized 15 major crimes in which Winston Churchill was COMPLICIT (notwithstanding that he is deservedly our hero for leadership in the fight against Nazism).
2. Animal flesh invested Wall St. and Meatia (media promoting
animal flesh) frequently take a picture of a slender child in India
and a cow in the streets... and then prevaricate alleging hunger in India.
Some of these are livestock connected Heifer International, Oxfam, and Global Giving.
There are hundreds of thousands of articles and tens of thousands
of books on animal flesh as a cause of world hunger,
1 not only
because mammal flesh yields 100 to 1000 lbs an acre, less than any other food and less than 0.25% of the yield of tree products (pecans, almonds, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, avocados, apples etc)
2 but
because in order to raise animals for murder, vast areas
of trees needed to prevent global heating are razed.
3 Further
issues include the statistic by Dr D Meyer that a pound of
animal flesh takes 81 more times production energy than
a pound of nuts, (veterinary care, antibiotic, hormone
and slaughter costs, freezing at the abbatoir, in trucks,
at warehouses, in store and home freezers
4 that each egg represents 120 gallons
of production water while animal flesh takes even higher amounts, etc.
5 that feeding grain to billions of cows and pigs and chickens
drives up the cost of grain for the human poor
An American Secretary of State asked at a press conference
about the study that for China to double its egg production
would require the grain of 18 nations. He had no reply.
UN Recommends Transition to Vegan Diet
Animal Flesh Causes World Hunger
Areas needing work:
1 The addiction of many Indians to cows' milk and butter is causing tuberculosis and obesity.
2. Muslim invasion of India brought with it racism which corrupted the caste system, turning it
into a color code. Most spiritual teachers in India work against the racist and economic discrimination
involved in caste corruption. In many ashrams Brahmins can be seen cleaning toilets.
3. Sex selective abortion occurs in many countries including India. China has 32 million more boys than girls, but some Indian parents too are discriminating against women.
4. The whipping of work animals such as oxen and elephants occurs in India as around the world.
1. India has the highest number and percentage of vegetarians... some 450 million.
700 million Indians eat no cow flesh.

2. India has the greatest number of English speaking people... nearly 400 million, more than the US,
Australia, Canada, New Zealand etc.

3. India and China have the greatest number and percentage of PhD's.
4. India has had a woman PM

Because she did not practice ahimsa or nonviolence politcally or personally, the violence she sent
to the Sikhs came back to her and her son.
5. India has the place with the most rainfall, Cherra punji .. some 425 inches of rain annually

6. India's movie industry is greater than that of the US and Canada combined..
3.2 billion tickets sold last year

7. India's orchards produced 12 million tons of mangoes, 52% of the world's supply

It is a leader in coconut production, whose coconut fiber is made into milk, fruitarian icecream,
whose husks can be used as bowls, whose lauric acid is conducive to meditation.

India's cotton paper industry saves trees.
8. India is the world's 2nd most populated country. Despite this
the undemocratic Security Council of the UN with 5 countries which
can veto over 200 other countries continues to exclude it from
the permanent Security Council. China has blocked India's inclusion.
The dictatorial Council should be abolished. While it remains in existence India should be included.
9. India's Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and was described by William Jones, judge in British
occupied India, in the following words
"The Sanscrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs and the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all three, without believing them to have sprung from some common source, which, perhaps, no longer exists; there is a similar reason, though not quite so forcible, for supposing that both the Gothic and the Celtic, though blended with a very different idiom, had the same origin with the Sanscrit; and the old Persian might be added to the same family."
Sanskrit is the only language whose written characters match the electromagnetic pattern made when syllables are sounded.
10. The vast majority of Indians are Hindu. Hindu means du... away from hin violence... or nonviolent

11. Hundreds of Indians are able to sit seated crosslegged for hours in a room which would accommodate only a few dozen Westerners in chairs
12. India has a much higher population using trains than most other countries. Smaller simpler vehicles
than SUV's are standard.
13. India has the world's best equipped hospital in Bangalore, a free hospital which does 10,000 annual
heart surgeries. Western insurance companies send many to that and other hospitals in India.

14. India showed the world how to free ones country from foreign violent occupiers through
nonviolence, even though its British occupiers had strapped revolutionaries to cannons and
exploded them, though British soldiers had clubbed them in the head, trampled them with
horses, machine gunned them to death at Amritsar.

15. Alexander the Macedonian was stopped at the Indus River, nonviolently. The Chinese
turned around after 2 weeks of invading India in Nov of 1962 and went home.
When Alexander came to conquer India, he had a curiosity to meet the spiritual masters of this land. On his way towards the northwest, he found a Himalayan yogi lying on the ground, blocking the march of his army. Alexander was unable to push this avadhuta (one who has shaken off himself from the worldly attachments and obligations) off the path and asked him to demand whatever he wanted. The avadhuta calmly asked whether Alexander could shift sunrise (from the East) to the West? If not, the avadhuta continued, “Then don’t disturb me; let me enjoy the sunlight from the East…”
16. World's largest democracy
17. The Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Sikh religions were founded in India. Jesus did not do carpentry work between the ages of 12 and 30 but traveled in India, Tibet and elsewhere.
18. India, Nepal and Tibet have the world's highest mountains, as well as the most diverse
climate on earth (tropical temperate and cold climates)
19. Bamboo groves 60 feet high, with holes bored by beetles, become woodwind symphonies
when the wind blew, wrote Helen Blavatsky. Rhododendron bushes have reached 90 feet high.
20. India is among the 88% of the abolitionist countries of the world, countries without premeditated
judicial or military murder of prisoners. May the US, Israel, Nigeria, China, and several Muslim
countries join the 88%.
21. Disinformation about India is put out by the IFPRI, a capitalist livestock industry connected
group whose animal slaughter press releases are promoted by Times of India, as well as by
livestock invested corporations like Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Vanguard, Fidelity,
and hundreds of other mutual and private equity funds who find the hundreds of millions
of vegetarians and vegans in India threatening.
22. It would be a noble gesture for the British royal family
to return the Crown Jewels stolen from India during the 150
years of occupation.
23. When the CIA attempted to destabilize India during Indira Gandhi's
administration, the agency airdropped counterfeit rupees all over the
country. The effect was stimulation of the economy... a windfall as it were.
24. In the 1940's both India and China had 400 some million people.
Now India has 1 billion and China has 1.4 to 1.5 billion. India
achieved better population control without resorting to the forced
third trimester abortions of some Chinese towns.
25. Bangalore has more high tech offices than Singapore.
Disinformation Campaigns and Censorship about India
1. Winston Churchill's policy of starving India during WW2 has been hidden.
Virtually ignored: Churchlil's Indian Holocaust
By Gideon Polya
23 January, 2009
In WW2 Churchill deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death, continued to foster Muslim-Hindu antipathy that led to the horrors of Indian Partition and persuaded his War Cabinet on racist Partition of Palestine. Last year I published an article in MWC News entitled “Media lying over Churchill’s crimes. British-Indian Holocaust” in which I summarized 15 major crimes in which Winston Churchill was COMPLICIT (notwithstanding that he is deservedly our hero for leadership in the fight against Nazism).
2. Animal flesh invested Wall St. and Meatia (media promoting
animal flesh) frequently take a picture of a slender child in India
and a cow in the streets... and then prevaricate alleging hunger in India.
Some of these are livestock connected Heifer International, Oxfam, and Global Giving.
There are hundreds of thousands of articles and tens of thousands
of books on animal flesh as a cause of world hunger,
1 not only
because mammal flesh yields 100 to 1000 lbs an acre, less than any other food and less than 0.25% of the yield of tree products (pecans, almonds, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, avocados, apples etc)
2 but
because in order to raise animals for murder, vast areas
of trees needed to prevent global heating are razed.
3 Further
issues include the statistic by Dr D Meyer that a pound of
animal flesh takes 81 more times production energy than
a pound of nuts, (veterinary care, antibiotic, hormone
and slaughter costs, freezing at the abbatoir, in trucks,
at warehouses, in store and home freezers
4 that each egg represents 120 gallons
of production water while animal flesh takes even higher amounts, etc.
5 that feeding grain to billions of cows and pigs and chickens
drives up the cost of grain for the human poor
An American Secretary of State asked at a press conference
about the study that for China to double its egg production
would require the grain of 18 nations. He had no reply.
UN Recommends Transition to Vegan Diet

Animal Flesh Causes World Hunger

Areas needing work:
1 The addiction of many Indians to cows' milk and butter is causing tuberculosis and obesity.
2. Muslim invasion of India brought with it racism which corrupted the caste system, turning it
into a color code. Most spiritual teachers in India work against the racist and economic discrimination
involved in caste corruption. In many ashrams Brahmins can be seen cleaning toilets.
3. Sex selective abortion occurs in many countries including India. China has 32 million more boys than girls, but some Indian parents too are discriminating against women.
4. The whipping of work animals such as oxen and elephants occurs in India as around the world.