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show that PC kennedy is lying?

isitworthit? | 16.01.2011 11:36

Unsuprisingly the mail article is full of PC Kennedy's lies.

Is it worth countering them, to ensure sympathy doesn't swing to him?

Unsuprisingly the article is full of PC Kennedy's lies.

One interesting bit is which things he has chosen to blatantly lie about now, in the full knowledge that dozens of people are in a position to know they are lies. Is that a calculated choice, given the chance anyone is going to seriously pull him up on it is so low? Is it worth making the evidence of his current dishonesty clear - can his chances of turning the tide of public sympathy towards him / getting an expensive book deal be disrupted?

I'm thinking of:

"I never took drugs."

He said he had only two [sexual] relationships.
Presumably admitting to only a relationship which in the end found him out, and 'Anna' who wrote the Guardian article.



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no way to prove it

16.01.2011 12:00

Now he has cut his hair off it will probably be hard to prove anything about him knocking back the drugs at parties. Of course there are loads of people who shared his drugs and could testify but who'd believe them against him, the word of a cop. Likewise for his promiscuous pollyamory - there are plenty who could kiss and tell but doubt any would and who'd believe them.
