Officer 'B' revealed as Cardiff based 'Marco' Jacobs
FitWatch | 15.01.2011 00:03 | Animal Liberation | Other Press | Policing | Repression | Sheffield
Other activists have claimed that as well as disrupting activities and gathering information, he created and nurtured disagreement and division within the group, turning members of the group against each other.
E-mail address used
15.01.2011 00:50

My space!!!!

UK mobile: 07746080139
'Greek' number: +306942665880
Fucked over
About suspicion
15.01.2011 10:41
Also ... fucking guardian is claiming to have done all the work ... "PC Mark Kennedy, who was the first officer unmasked by the Guardian". How about unmasked by those closest to him, published on indymedia, spread around activist circles for months and eventually picked up on by the guardian when his involvement led to the collapse of a trial. That's some great unmasking.
Schweine in zivil
15.01.2011 11:50
Betreff: Marco from Wales
Von: "Marco!"

Datum: 23.03.2009 17:26
This is Marco from Wales, hope you are all ok. I am travelling for the protests on 29.03.09, should arrive at KTS 6pm. Hope this is ok with you. If a problem, please text me on +447746 080139.
Hide the following 14 comments
email addresses
15.01.2011 00:23
15.01.2011 00:52
And I remember being suspicious of him too.
Unless I'm completely mistaken, this is a guy who was involved in Dissent Brighton. He always took minutes. Which is something that people should always be wary of (see the book 'Busted', written by an undercover cop working in the a hippy counterculture/drugs/free festivals time). He also regularly displayed anarchist books on the table at meetings - to prove he was reading them.
And went up to Gleneagles to protest against the G8. If I remember correctly, I was surprised to hear that a supposely secret action that he was involved in a few days before the main actions at a diplomatic address was known about before activists turned up....After being involved in Dissent, he had a rather flaky excuse for moving to Cardiff. I seem to remember him being disgusted when told about the proactive actions of antifascists in Poland...
I guess suspicions are sometimes worth having.
Ex Brighton
100% confirm
15.01.2011 02:23
any more pictures that we can send to france and germany where we know he operated. though fuck me they are going to think were full of filth.
I'm sorry this isn't on the mods list.
15.01.2011 02:34
It would also give UKIMC the chance to collate the numerous infiltrator threads that have been on the newswire in the last few days. Important considering those of us here have been source of the stories.
PS Indy mods you are doing an amazing job in fucking hard times!!!!!!!!
Hey, Fucked Over,
15.01.2011 07:18
Comment on his myspace page:
15.01.2011 09:27
Yassoo. Kalla?
Dear Marco, hope all is well/you're not a cop.
Al the best,
The 'Greek' connection
15.01.2011 09:37
not trusted
15.01.2011 09:49
much love to all the people most affected by this was one, hope it hasn't opened old wounds.
also, a note of caution: the guardian article doesn't mentioned any specific proof/confirmation (though other explanations seem quite far fetched).
15.01.2011 11:18
caution horse
15.01.2011 17:06
please forward evidence..
15.01.2011 21:22
"they will think we're full of filth"
one could tell so, but nevermind, england has taken first steps in inner security, surveillance, control, i am rather not surprised that the stone starts to roll over there.
although, it's not that we have less problems over here, just we doon't get along to them/can't find proves.
i write from france where we organised dissent meetings against the nato summit in 2009, both of them, mark and marco, have been there.
with marco we had far more contact, he asked a lot of questions and had a sympthatic contact with people, most of us as group at last.
mark on the other side did act much more "shy" or descret.
fact is, i was wondering about this caml english guy, but not at all about marco.
i got suspicious later on with the creation of a webbog for the mobilisation, which seemed like a "one man show" without any content, but possibilities to get in touch.
now i would like to know following:
* who is the 2nd one ? 1 mark, 3rd marco, who's in the middle ?
* were there also "real" people from england in france at this meeting ?
* mark contacted us for a recent meeting in november in france, some days later he got busted, are there actually "real" people coming to france ?
there are quiet a lot of questions i got, but the most interesting for me is to get in touch with people who made experience with infiltrations, confrontations etc.
we actually prepare for the g8 g 20 stuff in france and to be frank: we don't know with who we actually build the resistance !
sure, calling for a counter summit action is like calling for international cops,
but i would still like to know:
for who do they gain infos ?
for england ( or whereever they get paid )
for the country they visit ?
for europe ?
if you have any infos more than already published, please send it to
someone from paris
16.01.2011 09:35
act secure
More photos please
16.01.2011 17:40
Could further photos please be posted- ideally the one used in the Guardian but un-pixilated, if possible.
love and solidarity
"Marco" has a wife and kid
CAN statement
19.01.2011 16:16
for our statement on this story.
Cardiff Anarchist Network