Ruling Class Tosser Dies Of Motor Neurone Disease, May He Rot In Hell
Class War | 14.01.2011 17:39 | Sheffield
David Hart a Class Warrior (ruling class that is) dies at 66 after a long and debilitating disease. Is there Karma? has it run over my Dogma?
Well Thatcher still lives (barely)
Well Thatcher still lives (barely)
David Hart...
Born of a Merchant Banker and educated at Eton where anti Semitic bullying 'hardened' him. Left Eaton at 16 and fell in with the 'Withnail and I' crowd, got bored and made an easy million in the 60's property boom. Lived like a 'Sun King' with 2 mistresses and two estates.
1974 bankrupt, but eventually bailed out by his brother and large inheritance from his Banker father.
Notable Exploits
Ran the operation for Thatcher to break the Miners strike. He ran it from Claridges Hotel. He funded the formation of the Nottinghamshire UDM, used ex SAS to defend scab miners, employed one scab as his butler. Worked hand in glove with Magregor and used the state 'intelligence' apparatus to break the strike. Funded the court actions against Arthur Scargill. A real class warrior.
Opposed the end of South African Apartheid.
Worked for BAE and Boeing
Worked as 'advisor' to two Tory Defence Secretaries.
Involved with Mark Thatcher in the Equatorial Guinea Coup plot.
Friends with CIA chief Bill Casey.
Worked with British Intelligence MI5-6 notably destabilising the Hungarian Communists
Ran right wing News Paper 'British Briefing" funded by a certain R. Murdoch
and much much more.
Good riddance to the evil fucker.
Born of a Merchant Banker and educated at Eton where anti Semitic bullying 'hardened' him. Left Eaton at 16 and fell in with the 'Withnail and I' crowd, got bored and made an easy million in the 60's property boom. Lived like a 'Sun King' with 2 mistresses and two estates.
1974 bankrupt, but eventually bailed out by his brother and large inheritance from his Banker father.
Notable Exploits
Ran the operation for Thatcher to break the Miners strike. He ran it from Claridges Hotel. He funded the formation of the Nottinghamshire UDM, used ex SAS to defend scab miners, employed one scab as his butler. Worked hand in glove with Magregor and used the state 'intelligence' apparatus to break the strike. Funded the court actions against Arthur Scargill. A real class warrior.
Opposed the end of South African Apartheid.
Worked for BAE and Boeing
Worked as 'advisor' to two Tory Defence Secretaries.
Involved with Mark Thatcher in the Equatorial Guinea Coup plot.
Friends with CIA chief Bill Casey.
Worked with British Intelligence MI5-6 notably destabilising the Hungarian Communists
Ran right wing News Paper 'British Briefing" funded by a certain R. Murdoch
and much much more.
Good riddance to the evil fucker.
Class War
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Not a fan then
14.01.2011 18:29
Memorial service
14.01.2011 18:34
Dave CW
How delightful it is ...
14.01.2011 20:08
Re: How delightful it is ...
14.01.2011 20:29
Hurry up Mrs T
Nobody's Rejoicing
14.01.2011 20:45
There are plenty more like this fucker.
Breaking communities
Selling Weapons
Making War
Bringing suffering and death to innocent people globally
BTW his hobbies were shooting (game that is) and Fox Hunting.
Fuck Him and his kind
Class War
14.01.2011 20:49
Officer A
And then ...
15.01.2011 00:25
" I think I'd prefer David Hart to you lot."
15.01.2011 00:44
Its working now, you can go back there and do your phoney liberal act in one the most right wing 'liberal' forums out there.
You'd like it. And somene is bound the cuss the nasty old cunt again second now.
You'll be very depressed when Margaret Thatcher dies, so for the sake of your own wannabe-sensitive ego go home!
@ obituary
15.01.2011 10:25
When and if you grow up, then you might realise death is never a cause for rejoicing.
Nobody's Rejoicing
15.01.2011 13:12
There are plenty of cultures that celebrate death in the sense of celebrating the life of the deceased.
What is there to celebrate in the life of this ruling class warrior?
You talk of funerals.
Have you seen the destruction this git brought to the mining communities of South Yorkshire, even now.
This twat was responsible for the deaths of thousands
He sold weapons and fermented war.
I say again good riddance, the Planet is a better place without fuckers like this peddling arms.
Lots of Love
Class War
Class War
How odd ...
15.01.2011 15:10
Surely you don't support coal mining? Surely the closure of coal mines has to be a Good Thing.
Dumb fuck liberals don't ya just love 'em
15.01.2011 16:21
The whole purpose of the Miners strike from the point of view of the ruling class was to smash the potential opponents of Thatcherism, free markets and neo-liberalism which then leads directly to the fucked up world we have today. We are in a less powerful position today to oppose these latest attacks by the ruling class, the cuts to welfare, education etc, precisely because the Unions were smashed in the 80's by the dead fucker mentioned above. The miners strike was a strategic move by the ruling class to weaken (mainly socialist) opposition to their globalist plan.
Fuck the Ruling Class
Class War
A Very British Coup
15.01.2011 17:23
Well, it happened a long time before that. The miner's strike in 73/74 had, as one of its explicit aims, to force out the Heath Government (as McGahey and Scargill admitted quite openly). They succeeded. Mission accomplished. A Very British Coup.
So when Scargill starts squaring up to the next Tory Prime Minister, are you surprised when she takes him on? Scargill's demands were totally unrealistic under any scenario. If the miners got screwed, it's because they took on a democratically elected Government. I'm sure you'll make some sneer at 'democratically', though.
Fuck the ruling class, you say. So what tyranny have you to offer?
15.01.2011 23:16
Yes well now your showing that you're bigoted. Your description of the Miners strike comes directly from the Express Telegraph BBC Mail or the corporate classes most potent weapon propaganda and lies their "Main Stream" Media. You just lap it up without a moments critical thinking.
You also have some dumb liberal pre conceptions about people who have a class analysis of politics.
Like, Oh they must be Authoritarian Communists trying to take over the World. Your lack of imagination is painful to see.
Well my analysis goes like this there is one social class, the ruling class - and then there's the rest of us, ok?.
The ruling class make up a tiny minority of the human population and yet hold sway over billions of people's lives. Its done by using the hierarchical form of social organisation, all ruling class institutions are marked by this singular form of organisation. The hierarchy is then populated by two main types of human, The Authoritarian and the Social Dominance Oriented type.
As for decision making processes I prefer consensus to democracy, and non hierarchical forms of social organisation. This is how I like democracy
and not the Simon Cowell puppet show Democracy that serves only in the interests of the one corporate class extant in our species.
I don't know WTF Arthur Scargill was doing, but he was certainly led to the slaughter by your ruling class chums, the NUM and the Labour Party were riddled with ruling class fuckers, fucking things up. The Blair 'revolution' being the culmination of the ruling class' battle with social democracy in this its mildest form, which found it had a brief foothold immediately after WWII with the return of service men and women and the expected 'reward' for a job well done in smashing Fascism, with the election of the Labour Government with churchill being pushed aside.
I think you have to go a lot further back in History than 73/74 to understand the context of the miners strike, you might even look at pre history and the human species' evolution as a social primate. Rhesus Macaques show Machiavellian 'intelligence', have revolutions, ruthlessly compete for social status and power using aggression, nepotism, complex political alliances and sex; tactics similar to those suggested by Machiavelli to Renaissance political leaders. So we humans haven't moved very far from this biologically deterministic mode of social interaction, and the ruling class fucker mentioned in the article above is a prime example of this type of 'Humanzie'.
Socialism got side tracked into consumerism post WWII in the western Democracies. You can blame William Morris I suppose, as his focus on materialism, meant the struggle for social justice became more about improving living conditions of the wage slaves and less about actually building socialism per se.
Class War
Er, right ...
16.01.2011 00:27
I do like the comment that 'the NUM and the Labour Party were riddled with ruling class fuckers,' I'd never thought of those ruling class chappies being part of the NUM. Oh, well, we live and learn.
And the miner's strike as part of pre-history! Of course! Why didn't I think of that?
Now rather than spout the TelegraphMailTroll line, explain to me carefully in words of one syllable why the miner's strike did not in fact bring down the Heath Government.
NUM NUM NUM fucked by the ruling class
16.01.2011 02:15
During the 1984-5 miners' strike, an elaborate plot was conceived by the authorities with the connivance of the media to villify the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and its elected officials, Michael McGahey and, in particular Arthur Scargill – Margaret Thatcher’s bete noire. The allegations against Scargill blackened his reputation from which he has yet to recover.
Seamus Milne’s investigation into the affair also highlighted the role of a British Pakistani, Muhammad Altaf Abbasi, who was among the group of prisoners released by the Pakistan authorities in the aftermath of the 1981 PIA hijacking carried out by the Al-Zulfikar paramilitary/terrorist group. On return to his family in Britain, Milne writes, “Abbasi was regarded by many of those active in Pakistani opposition politics in Britain as an agent of the Islamabad government or of British intelligence”. Abbasi started a ‘Geen Book Centre’ from which Gaddafy’s political tract could be disseminated. In 1984, Abbasi contacted the NUM and offered to serve as a middleman with Libya. In October 1984 Abbasi organized a meeting in Paris at which Salem Ibrahim, Gaddafy’s representative put a question to Scargill: “Would the miner’s leader go to Tripoli to explain the NUM’s position’? Scargill refused, saying if Libya wanted to help British miners, it should suspend the strikebreaking sales of oil to the United Kingdom”. Unbeknown to Scargill, Abassi then coaxed a weak reed within the NUM ranks, chief executive Roger Windsor to visit Tripoli. A photo of Windsor kissing Gaddafi on both cheeks rocked Britain and effectively demonized the NUM and Scargill, because public memory was still fresh with the killing of PC outside the Libyan embassy in London. The Sunday Times was able to publish the minutest details of the movements of Abbasi and Windsor in Tripoli – reportage which was to win The Sunday Times reporter Jon Swain the 1984 ‘Reporter of the Year’ award.
A misinformation campaign then alleged that Scargill and another NUM official Peter Heathfield had diverted funds from Libya to aid the strike effort to settle their personal home mortgages. Ten years after the event, Seamus Milne concluded that “every single one of the orginal claims proved to be untrue, unfounded, wildly misrepresented or so partial as to be virtually unrecognizable from any factual information…Nor, as the evidence now makes clear, could what in fact were simply ‘paper refinancings’ have ever been made with Libyan cash – because the fabled ‘Gaddafi money’ never even arrived in Britain until long after the transactions were carried out. The central allegation was a paper-thin lie, the by-product of a deliberate set-up…At every stage and in every aspect of the affair, the fingerprints of the intelligence services could be found like an unmistakable calling card. From the openly advertised intelligence contacts used in the original Sunday Times scoop on Roger Windsor’s 1984 Libyan trip, to the CIA’s tame Russian miners who helpfully called in the Fraud Squad….to the GCHQ leaks on secret-service manipulation of the Mirror-Cook Report stories, to Miles Copeland’s warnings to Scargill and Heathfield about an intelligence set-up, to Tam Dalyell’s Whitehall tip-offs about Windsor and Stella Remington…the intelligence connection ran like a poisoned thread”.
Abbasi himself denied dealing with the Security services, but went on the record stating that “I don’t think it is an unpleasant thing to be a member of an organization of a country of which I am a citizen. MI5 is there to look after the security of the country of which I am a citizen and there is no harm in working with it”. Abbasi’s hapless contact in the NUM, Roger Windsor also issued an open letter to the MI5 senior officer during the NUM crisis, Stella Remington [later MI5 Director General] that included the following bizarre passage, “Perhaps you would not welcome a public enquiry into all the events surrounding the NUM activities during and since the strike, as it might reveal that you were not as effective as you might have liked to have been, or as others would credit you” and concluded with reference to the ‘gross violations of civil liberties’ during the miners’ strike.
The NUM headquarters in Sheffield and the offices and homes of branch officials were bugged. Transcripts from these taps were sent to the National Reporting Centre at New Scotland Yard, which was responsible for deploying police officers in the coalfields, and to MI5's F2 Branch. MI5 sent intelligence reports to the Civil Contingencies Unit in the Cabinet Office. Undercover police and MI5 operatives masqueraded as miners during the strike, singling out miners for arrest or acting as agents provocateurs to provoke violent incidents. In June 1984, two plain-clothes policemen were caught red-handed in disguise at the Creswell Strike Centre in Derbyshire. Throughout the year-long dispute, the security services leased the building opposite the NUM's headquarters at St. James's House in Sheffield. Every single NUM branch and lodge secretary had their phones monitored, as well as sympathetic support group activists and trade unionists across the country.
MI5 was obsessed with Scargill, who even had his own classification, - “Unaffiliated Subversive”, said David Shayler. ‘Operatives covertly followed him, tapped his home and office telephones and recruited an agent inside NUM. When I saw his file it contained a massive forty volumes.
Defending the Realm by Mark Hoolingsworth and Nick Fielding, Andre Deutsch, 1999, pp77
[The Enemy Within – MI5, Maxwell and the Scargill Affair, by Seumas Milne, Verso, 1994;]
Last year, after years of mounting concern that I had been wrong about Scargill, I finally apologised to him for the Mirror's accusations. I had come to believe that the cloak-and-dagger tales I had published were untrue and that, just as Maxwell had suggested (probably disingenuously), we had been misled. One key witness changed his mind within a couple of weeks and another was ordered by the French courts to repay a debt to the NUM which he had previously accused Scargill of stealing.
The whole case against Arthur gradually unravelled and gave credence to the belief that we had been duped by a secret service plot. Despite his denials, our chief accuser Windsor was named in parliament as an MI5 agent - and I was doubly convinced when the former head of MI5 said so ambiguously that he "was never an agent in any sense of the word that you can possibly imagine".
Roy Greenslade writing in The Guardian, 8 May 2003,00.html
Thanks to car crash for summing things up here
Class War
And ...?
16.01.2011 09:23
Doesn't alter the basic point: Scargill took on the Heath Government, and in A Very British Coup, succeeded in toppling it. He then took on the Thatcher Government.
The success or failure of the strike didn't hinge around the likes of Roger Windsor, although the likes of Shameless Milne [being reading CiF again, have we?] would like to think so. The strike collapsed when miners started going back to work.
Scargill stood for Parliament. What the public thought of him can be gauged by the number of votes he got. Or didn't get.
Plausible Deny-ability
16.01.2011 14:18
'Windsor was named in parliament as an MI5 agent.' The rest is based on FOI requests for documents that were due to be released in 2014.
Yep sure a 'conspiracy theory' your tiny mind can't cope with this information and so you compartmentalise it by using a derogatory label, this is a sure sign of an Authoritarian, Its how authoritarians deal with information that contradicts their world view, a world view created for them by their Authorities, in this case the 'Main Stream' media. All you and your Authorities have left is Plausible deny-ability, which is part of the operations training manual for covert operations all operations must be plausibly deniable..
Looks like Windsor was used as a Patsy or Useful Idiot to me.
As for your other points they're off topic, As the article is about a ruling class tosser who died recently and who was involved in the plot to break the miners strike, a plot that operated from both sides in the dispute. at a total cost to the Tax payer estimated at the Treasury to be £2.75 Billion.
Class War
I do admire ...
16.01.2011 19:57
As to off topic - yes, you're quite right. I find it sad that one human being can rejoice in the death of another, but then, who are any of us to judge?
Nobody's Rejoicing
16.01.2011 21:45
The Authoritarian Personality type was first identified by Adorno and studied for 30 years by Dr Bob Altemeyer who developed a personality scale that could successfully identify the type and predict behaviour. Compartmentalisation is a key trait, that's what you did with the information about the infiltration and destabilisation of the NUM by the National Security State and its propaganda wing the MSM. Calling it a conspiracy theory when it is based on conspiracy fact is compartmentalisation, compartmentalisation is a marker for the Authoritarian Personality type, that's all that was said there, so no pigeon-holing, poorly spelt or otherwise.
You say - who are we to judge?, Is this a christian thing?, like are you a christian or something? Have you got an invisible friend?
I judge human beings by their actions and the consequences of those actions. You show no remorse or sorrow for the 11 human beings that were killed during the strike, or those that died as the result of the arms dealing and warmongering of the fucker who recently died after a long and debilitating disease unable to go Fox Hunting or shooting game for many years.
Fuck him and his kind and very good riddance.
Class War
When the Revolution doe come ...
16.01.2011 23:19
17.01.2011 00:54
Look all I've done is call out this ruling class fucker for his crimes against Humanity and I'm the nasty one? It's priceless!
It won't be the revolution unless I'm involved!
All of the nastiness of which you speak will come from the fuckers like the recently deceased fucker. i.e. the ruling class, it's how they're socialised.
Class War
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