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Mark Stone - The View from the Grassy Knoll

Love This Article, Hate Censorship... | 13.01.2011 15:39

UK-IMC seem intent on stifling any criticism about how this has all been handled and any openess about information on Mark. We believe this is a proper communication channel (or should we be using the corporate media instead like every other worm that turned?) and so we are using it. You take this down, we will put it back up.

[Admin note] Please note that this article was hidden for it's unsubstantiated attacks on named activists. For most activists the point here is to expose the undercover cops, not to cause upset and unpleasantness for other activists. If you wish to discuss the manner in which this article has been moderated please contact the moderation list: imc-uk-moderation at (which is publicly archived) or alternatively the contact list: imc-uk-contact at (which is not publicly archived)

Love This Article, Hate Censorship...
