Global Open - who Flash went to work for next!
Global Open | 11.01.2011 17:59 | Repression
Mark Kennedy / Stone AKA Flash went on to work for a very dodgy 'commercial intel' firm set up by an ex head of the NPIOU!
This is their website !
This is their website !
Intelligence gathering services
Aimed at clients at a more serious level of threat from activism. Global Open provide:
* Forward-looking intelligence;
* An assessment of future events with the potential for conflict;
* A 24-hour warning service indicating, wherever possible, if a company is about to be targeted;
* Notification of high-risk dates;
* Immediate circulation of new activist tactics;
* A daily summary of events as required;
* Circulation of the movement of activist groups;
* Telephone and email access to our analysts in order to answer your questions.
* Graphs and push-pin maps of the current threat in any country or region.
Contact us here
Other intelligence gathering services
Companies currently being targeted by activists require fast access to information in order to avoid the effects of economic sabotage and personal harassment.
Where necessary, Global Open will:
* Discuss the level of intelligence gathering required by the client and act within those instructions;
* Advise whether the requirement is considered to be proportionate to the risk.
Companies engaged in project security who are concerned about the threat from activism should arrange an appointment to discuss their requirements.
Strategic assessment
Until they are targeted, risk managers engaged in business continuity planning often exclude the risk from activism connected with, for example:
* Animal rights;
* Environmental issues;
* Anti-corporatism;
* Anti-globalisation.
Activists claim that peaceful protest is ineffective. They know that a company is unlikely to change its core business because of the presence of demonstrators. Consequently, activism now extends to the suppliers and service providers of the main target company.
Global Open can make a strategic assessment so a company may see where it lies in the scale of a particular campaign and make an appropriate response.
Aimed at clients at a more serious level of threat from activism. Global Open provide:
* Forward-looking intelligence;
* An assessment of future events with the potential for conflict;
* A 24-hour warning service indicating, wherever possible, if a company is about to be targeted;
* Notification of high-risk dates;
* Immediate circulation of new activist tactics;
* A daily summary of events as required;
* Circulation of the movement of activist groups;
* Telephone and email access to our analysts in order to answer your questions.
* Graphs and push-pin maps of the current threat in any country or region.
Contact us here
Other intelligence gathering services
Companies currently being targeted by activists require fast access to information in order to avoid the effects of economic sabotage and personal harassment.
Where necessary, Global Open will:
* Discuss the level of intelligence gathering required by the client and act within those instructions;
* Advise whether the requirement is considered to be proportionate to the risk.
Companies engaged in project security who are concerned about the threat from activism should arrange an appointment to discuss their requirements.
Strategic assessment
Until they are targeted, risk managers engaged in business continuity planning often exclude the risk from activism connected with, for example:
* Animal rights;
* Environmental issues;
* Anti-corporatism;
* Anti-globalisation.
Activists claim that peaceful protest is ineffective. They know that a company is unlikely to change its core business because of the presence of demonstrators. Consequently, activism now extends to the suppliers and service providers of the main target company.
Global Open can make a strategic assessment so a company may see where it lies in the scale of a particular campaign and make an appropriate response.
Global Open
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Remorse or greed? Is Kennedy now spying on activists in the States?
11.01.2011 19:07
The Evening Standard today reported that:
Global Open describe themselves as:
Where the Evening Standard or the poster of this article got their information is unclear, but as well as helpfully revealing the existence of this company, it does raise serious questions about whether Mark Stone really did switch allegiances as claimed by many mainstream news sources yesterday, or whether he saw an opportunity to make more money with Global Open.
In a different article yesterday, the Evening Standard noted that:
Again they appear to be the only source that suggested where he might be. It is worth noting that Global Open also state on their website that:
The questions raised are whether Mark Kennedy is now spying on activists in the States, and whether his 'depression' was grounds for medical retirement and a handy little police pension for the rest of his life.
Time for mass action
11.01.2011 19:19
Some individuals and groups have started fighting back directly, but I suggest it is time for mass action from all movements against the scum. They are a ball and chain around our legs.
Apart from the specialised anti-infiltrator groups we need to put the fear of god into them with some mass actions and serious repercussions. Payback for all the lives they have destroyed and damage they have done. Even a thousand people could take over their places of work, destroy their documentation, and make them realise they are not immune.
This has no proof
11.01.2011 19:20
the poster has not providedany evidence that Mark-shithead-Kennedy is now with this outfit.
please could mods remove it.
could the poster just re post without the unsupported allegation.
i remove my sugestion of removal.
11.01.2011 19:28
Global Open
11.01.2011 19:57
This is more likely to actually be the sub-unit of NPIOU called the Confidential Intelligence Unit whose speciality is running the long-term infiltrators - that is, it subsumed the old Special Demonstration Squad in the re-organsiations that took place in 1999 and in 2004 which saw the creation of NETCU and the National Domestic Extremism Team. CIU appeared in the media a couple of years back when it was advertising for new staff whose job would include targeting environmental protest groups such as Climate Camp and Plane Stupid.
Global Open appeared in documents produced in injunction taken out against animal rights groups documents about five years ago. It is believed that Global Open prefers to specialise in providing information on protestors and campaign groups to companies, unlike others in its field (they are not the only ones). Given all this, they are a natural fit for PC Kennedy, however, this article provides circumstantial rather than concrete evidence that it is they who he is working for.
Rod Leeming - Head honco?
11.01.2011 20:03
contacted by Rod Leeming from a management consultancy called
Global Open Ltd, who said he had been approached by BAE because
BAE needed someone to provide BAE's media and lnternet monitoring
requirement in order to examine potential threats to it. Such threats
came from a diverse range of groups including political interest groups.
Knew I'd heard that name before........
Also do work for BAE
Mark Kennedy / Stone AKA Flash
11.01.2011 20:05
Global Open first came to light for during the CAAT (Campaign Against the Arms Trade) for employing Paul Mercer to spy on CAAT
CAAT Briefing
Court Documents
Global Open:
Global Open Ltd
10 Springpark Drive
Company Information
Companies House Number: 04152470
Incorporation Date: 01 Feb 2001
Latest set of accounts: Filed on: 23 Sep 10
Made up to: 31 Mar 10
Former Director
Rumi Mohideen (repost)
Also know to AR...
11.01.2011 20:09
26.10.2004 18:13
Human wrongs - Animal rights
So it looks like theve finally found someone accessing the DVLA computers at Swansea. He got 5 months for doing the right thing. Well done youve found one infiltrator, now all that you have to do is find the rest of them. And there will be hundreds of them!
In the meantime time to get on get on the case of a real scumbag. These guys spy on us for money. They are ex filth. And when their (ex) mates pass on information to them they dont get 5 months, just hard cash instead.
The name of the company is Global Open. The boss is Rod Leeming who lives in SE London at 10 Springpark Drive, BR3 6QD. Why not write to them or call round asking them to stop spying on activists? Or better still let the neighbours know that they have a potentioal peeping tom living next door.
Over the next few weeks we will release further details of Rods family and asscicates unless we hear that he has stopped all his peeping activitis.
"digging up someones mum near you"
A.R.M. for the animals
Alex S
10 Springpark Drive - name the date
11.01.2011 20:26
Useful info
11.01.2011 20:30
Please keep posting as we'll try and compile it all up. If you want a more secure method of communication, please email us directly at info {{at}} (we have pgp / gpg as well).
The Inkerman Group
11.01.2011 21:03
revenge is a dish best served..
Heather Millgate
11.01.2011 21:09
‘She qualified as a Solicitor in 2001 and specialises in all types of personal injury claims. She has a particularly keen interest in head/brain injury. She is associated with Headway, the National Brain Injury charity, and in 2005 she ran the London Marathon to raise much needed funds for their Helpline, a crucial service for those new to brain injury. Heather has appeared on BBC Breakfast Television to raise the profile of this excellent service.’
Millgates Solicitors
Orchard House
36 Orchard Drive
Leighton Buzzard
01525 300404
Legal implications
11.01.2011 21:10
There appears to be a fairly strong case for Bindman’s to seek a court order to force Global Open to reveal what information it was being given by Kennedy. During 2010, before he was exposed, he was privy to a lot of legally privileged material about the Ratcliffe case. It also seems likely that Global Open’s client base includes E.on. If either this material was passed to Global Open and/or given to E.on it would appear to a serious case of contempt of court. There are also Data Protection implications.
11.01.2011 21:55
It also might also help explain why he had moved his focus away from the eco anarchist and anti- fascist left in recent times and appeared to have been developing a more Animal Rights bent.
After his set up by SL & Partner on Newsnight last night showing him to grovel, the state is either playing a long game or Mark shithead Kennedy has no friends left.
Unless of course he was trying to get back in our favour for his newer paymasters.......
Really confused now
11.01.2011 22:38
My 2 p worth
If he has gone 'native' and prepared to help the ratcliffe defence - no police company will surely give the scum bag a job
The Eve Stan says this is from an inside source and there are persoal injury lawyers being mentioned - I reckon he is sueing the cops for his bad back when the friendly community cops of drax gave him a good kickin.
And i was sorry for the arse at the time.
Unless someone can enlighten as to where all this new info comes from my bet the cops are getting their own back ha ha couldn't happen to a nicer fella.
Cofused big time
Not so confusing
11.01.2011 23:37
The Times was apparently told that he had been employed by Global Open but, on legal advice, chose merely to describe it as a security company run by former Special Branch officers. The Evening Standard merely repeated this story. Global Open is the only company of this nature which fits this description.
It is possible that the story was fed to the Times by the police to divert attention from their wrongdoing but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t investigate what he was doing for Global Open.
It is also worth noting that Heather Millgate resigned as a director immediately before Kennedy was exposed. Was this just a coincidence or did she, as a solicitor, realise the mess that she was about to find herself in?
This may be of interest . . .
Global Open Ltd, United Kingdom
Sector: Bio-agriculture
Organisation Profile:
Global Open (Europe) Ltd
Global Open Limited was founded in the United Kingdom
and is run by former New Scotland Yard Special Branch
Global Open advises our existing base of clients about
events in Europe and other continents. Our combined
experience totals over 200 years of service and offers our
clients an unrivalled pool of talent and experience.
Discretion and confidentiality Intelligence is gathered
responsibly and legally from diverse sources.We are used to
handling sensitive information as a matter of routine. We
confidently deal with issues necessitating a measure of
discretion and confidentiality between company and client.
Global Open (USA) LLC
Global Open (USA) LLC is our sister company, registered
and run in the United States of America for the benefit of
North American corporations and individuals.
It shares the core aims and objectives of Global Open in
Europe. It uses the services of former Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) officers and their associates.
Organisation Role & Activities (Products & Services):
An appropriate response to the threat relies upon an
accurate assessment of the changing risk.
We ensure that our client have peace of mind by providing:
• Forward looking intelligence via our bulletin board
• Notification and an assessment of future events
• Daily or weekly, industry specific reports
• Monthly strategic reports on the main groups
• Statistical information
• A 24-hr alert/monitoring service
• Notification of high-risk dates
• Immediate circulation of new activist tactics
• Advice to minimise security expenditure
• Advice to maintain a low cost response
• Contingency planning and staff training
Where necessary, Global Open will:
• Discuss the level of intelligence gathering required by
the client and act within those instructions;
• Advise whether the requirement is considered to be
proportionate to the risk.
• Companies engaged in project security who are
concerned about the threat from activism should
arrange an appointment to discuss their requirements.
• Strategic assessment
Until they are targeted, risk managers engaged in business
continuity planning often exclude the risk from activism
connected with, for example:
• Animal rights;
• Environmental issues;
• Anti-corporatism;
• Anti-globalisation.
Organisation’s Achievements:
Corporate Social Responsibility
Global Open will identify and assess local NGOs that may
be approached and report on whether dialogue could be
Corporations need an early warning of a potential threat
to their reputation, particularly if the propaganda put out
on the Internet is politically motivated or is based upon
false data. Often corporations need to respond quickly to a
growing threat with their own facts in order to avoid the
momentum of reputation damage.
Global Open will monitor the Internet and inform
corporations of reputation threats so that they can
respond rapidly when necessary.
Corporations seeking to enhance their role in local
communities need to identify worthy local organisations
and maintain a dialogue with potential allies. Companies
must be careful in their choice of NGOs. The publicity given
to the practice of CSR must stand the test of examination
by political groups in opposition to the corporation.
Approaching NGOs
Activists monitor CSR with interest in order to identify
corporate ‘greenwash’. This is a term used by activists to
denote the practice of hollow or insincere CSR. It increases
the probability of being targeted by activists and political
The support of reputable NGOs will demonstrate a
commitment to those affected by the activities of the
company and should deter a counter-campaign by activists.
Global Open will make the initial approach to a NGO if
required and identify an individual or leading group that is
willing to co-operate.
Number of Staff: 18
We Offer: Intelligence Gathering on the threat to
commerce in all countries where there is a perception of
risk from single-issue activism
Contact Person(s):
Mrs. Heather Millgate
Lawyer/Marketing Manager
There is a picture of Millgate here . . .
It lists John Millgate who is presumably her husband.
From her (now deleted) Linkedin entry . . .
Heather Millgate’s Summary
As a Director of Global Open Ltd and a practising solicitor. I am part of the strategic risk assessment team at Global Open Ltd and specialise in the legal aspects of risk in respect of UK and European Law under the Convention of Human Rights.
Global Open Ltd advise and respond to the economic threat to commerce from European extremist and activist groups in the field of animal rights, climate change, energy, anti-war and anti-corporatism.
We are reliant relies upon the absolute integrity of our staff when dealing with the threat to corporations, particularly when assessing highly confidential information that has a direct bearing upon the threat from activists.
I pride myself in working for a forward looking company that deals with commerce and some government departments in European countries in the field of domestic extremism.
Heather Millgate’s Specialties:
Legal aspects of risk in respect of UK and European Law, intelligence gathering and analysis, advising companies who wish to deal with extremism issues or put in place contingency plans.
From the 2009 BioFinance conference . . .
Lunchtime Workshop
Reduce Your Level Of Vulnerability
14.15 – 14.30
A light hearted, but serious mini workshop provided by Global Open. Designed to raise awareness on personal and organisational risk and how to reduce your level of vulnerability.
Confirmed Speaker:
Heather Millgate
Global Open
Other speakers came from AstraZeneca, Wyeth, GSK, Bristol-Myers Squib, Roche.
Daily Mail reports Kennedy worked for Global Open
12.01.2011 00:39
12.01.2011 06:06
Did anyone keep a copy?
This may possibly be because newspapers often hold stories back for the print editions – where they make their money – but it might have been because of a legal threat from E.ON.
It therefore appears increasingly likely that Kennedy was working for Global Open after leaving the police and until his exposure which blows a hole in all of his pathetic protestations and elevates him to mega-scum. It might also explain why Heather Millgate is suddenly so keen to distance herself from Global Open.
Global Open's focus is definately on animal rights and this would explain Kennedy's increased interest in these groups in the final stages of his infiltration career. Global Open has a US operation and, if he is in the States, could they be looking after him?
Far more sinister
12.01.2011 06:37
Who facilitated this seamless move into the private sector?
What are Global Open’s links with their former colleagues in NPOIU?
Having given Global Open this valuable asset did the police expect a payback?
Sadly no screenshot of the story
12.01.2011 11:05
Google remember the story
Cuts bruises and back injuries
12.01.2011 12:00
This Global Open stuff is really interesting...still no actual evidence he worked for them but keep digging and sharing folks...this is a much more constructive thread.
The Viw From The Grassy Knoll
13.01.2011 14:03
The early part of the unmasking of ‘Mark Stone’ will be familiar to activists, or at least the bare bones of it will. He was infiltrated into the movement in 2003, moving to Nottingham, going to the Sumac Centre a few times, and then turning up at that year’s Earth First! Summer Gathering where he began to become known. Over the next seven years he became a main player in the UK environmental movement, going on numerous actions, attending conferences and gatherings, and generally making himself useful, primarily as a driver. He also infiltrated or attempted to infiltrate other movements, both here and abroad.
The sleeping policeman’s downfall came sometime last year when his long-term girlfriend within the movement found a passport in the name of Mark Kennedy, ‘Stone’s real name. The passport also contained the details of a child. Kennedy span an elaborate tale to account for the find, which his girlfriend appeared to accept. Eventually though she spoke to friends about it, and after an investigation traced a birth certificate for the child which gave his father’s occupation as “police officer” (as his paternal grandfather had been) a rather disparate bunch of friends, six in all, confronted their erstwhile comrade. The undercover cop had obviously been trained in how to act if his cover was blown, and after his excuses fell on deaf ears, he burst into tears, seeking the sympathy of those he had so thoroughly betrayed.
The group questioned Kennedy; primarily about themselves it seems, but also about another suspected undercover cop, formerly based in Leeds. Controversially, Kennedy confirmed that she was part of the same unit. How long the questioning went on we do not know because the fruits of it, if there are any, have not been shared with the movement. Kennedy was allowed to go on his way unharmed.
In fact, far from being harmed or intimidated, immediately following the encounter, Kennedy was still so clear-headed, that he telephoned another long-term partner, who the Group of Six had failed to warn, confessed his occupation, and drove some distance with the aim of seeing her. She is merely one of many women within the movement who Kennedy exploited and betrayed during his seven years undercover.
Within days of Kennedy’s ‘outing’, a short piece appeared on Indymedia making his true identity public. There was also a photo of him wearing a large hat which covered his forehead, hair, and ears. This was later supplemented by a second photo, though this seems to have been regarded by many Indymedia posters as little better than the first. Among the incredulity, shock, and disbelief in the 174 comments (plus many more that were ‘hidden’, or censored, by Indymedia moderators) which followed the post were numerous requests for more information and better photos, requests that were for the most part met by irritation by the cognoscenti and their allies.
While many of the close friends and comrades of Stone/Kennedy, outside of the Group of Six, were in fact offered very little forewarning, support, or protection, there was much talk, both on the net and at a well-attended Anarchist Bookfair meeting, about protecting “those closest to him” and about the need for “security” (a bit like closing the barn door after the pig has already bolted). It appears to have been understood by many however, that further information about Kennedy would be made publically available, not least to ensure that his career as an undercover cop really was well and truly over. If assurances were made, as has been claimed, those assurances were broken, no more information has been provided to the movement by the Group of Six, and information posted to Indymedia by others has been subject to censorship at their direction.
Kennedy had lived at several addresses in Nottingham (and obviously elsewhere as a cop), but at the time of his fall from grace he was living on a canal barge he had bought at the beginning of 2010. The boat, called Tamarisk (of which there are several registered narrow boats), was moored close to Nottingham, and in lieu of Kennedy himself, was an obvious target for those he had betrayed. Members of the Group of Six, or others very close to them, apparently assured other activists that the boat would be dealt with. Instead however, it was allowed to simply sail away, much like Kennedy himself. The name of the boat was only exposed as frustrated activists became more and more angry at the lack of any further information about Kennedy and one of them posted it to a heated Indymedia thread, in which the Group of Six were accused of ‘protecting’ Kennedy. That post was ‘hidden’ following a request on the Indymedia moderation list (received on 10th January 2011) from “some of the people directly involved” for any reference to Kennedy’s canal boat, even its very existence, to be expunged from Indymedia. Now why would they want to stop people finding out about Kennedy’s boat?
The only thing surprising about the recent explosion of coverage of the Stone/Kennedy affair is that it took so long to happen. The story first appeared in The Sunday Times on the 19th of December 2010, with a particularly nauseating political slant, and an even more nauseating photo of the (thankfully disbanded) Clown Army. The piece appeared to be largely culled from Indymedia, and was reasonably sympathetic to both Kennedy and to the wet-end of the environmental movement who had clearly planted the story. As with the avalanche of coverage which would come a few weeks later, one of the common themes was the utter worthlessness of the UK environmental movement in terms of infiltration, a slant on the story that appears to have come from the environmentalists themselves and that they would later shamelessly parrot endlessly for the bourgeois media. The cops it seems should have been focussing their resources on less ‘fluffy’ activists than these “hippies and tree-huggers”.
It was the second Ratcliffe-On-Soar trial, which led to the real media frenzy. The story was that a group of protestors had planned to invade and occupy a power station at Ratcliffe, and Kennedy had been a key-player, and arguably an agent provocateur, in the operation. Naturally the cops were tipped off, and swooped arresting 114 activists, and Kennedy, while they were discussing the action at a meeting in Nottingham. Charges were eventually dropped against most of those arrested, including Kennedy of course, with 26 going on to face trial. Despite their knowledge of Kennedy’s involvement, the first group of 20 chose to fight the case on the basis of climate change and an appeal to the liberal sensibilities of the jury, a principled stand which resulted in them all being convicted. Through their lawyer, the remaining six challenged the prosecution’s lack of disclosure regarding Kennedy, and were discharged before their trial could even begin.
Despite the media lie that would dominate coverage for days to come, the trial was NOT halted because Kennedy had offered to give evidence for the defence.
What had actually happened was that one of the 6 defendants, Dr Simon Lewis, an inveterate careerist and wealthy academic, but someone with a background in Reclaim The Streets, Earth First!, Dissent, and the Climate Camp (as well as a friend of Special Branch tout and Clown Army founder John Jordan), was so frightened of having his lucrative career damaged by an actual conviction that he contacted the cop, Kennedy, and appealed for his help, insisting that he never intended to go on any action in the first place (which to anyone who knows Lewis is entirely believable). In taped phone conversations which were later acquired by the BBC, Kennedy whines self-pityingly about how much he hates himself, before mumbling about possibly helping. This is as far as any help went. Kennedy’s assistance was of course not required anyway, it was his activities and the fact that they had not been disclosed that was important, not any assistance he might give to a grovelling sell-out like Lewis, someone who is happy to talk to cops to save his own skin.
The false story that the media seized on was that Kennedy had “gone native” and that the trial had collapsed because of his offer of help. It was a lie they were able to run with because of the assistance of traitors who have collaborated with the press, often they have been people who barely knew Kennedy personally. Either way, they have queued up to do the media’s bidding, with Simon Lewis’s posh girlfriend Sophie Stevens, an ‘activist’ with all the pedigree of a Hush Puppy, even appearing on Newsnight. While the media frenzy has been useful in terms of Steven’s CV, and the egos (and perhaps pockets) of the other media whores, the truth about Kennedy “going native” is that it has since transpired he is now working for a private security company.
Yet, despite its nauseating slants and untruths, many activists will have learned more from reading between the lines of the bourgeois media than they ever have from the supposed comrades who conducted the investigation into Kennedy and who have been steadfast in their refusal to disclose further photographs of him or any further information, including his whereabouts. While they may not have anything more to say to the movement, at least one of their number certainly had plenty to say to The Guardian.
Despite being an undercover cop, Kennedy’s vanity meant that he was always posing for photographs, there must be hundreds in existence, yet the Group of Six and their associates have repeatedly claimed they had none. Again, it’s funny how they were available to The Guardian.
Having been allowed to escape, Kennedy now supposedly lives abroad at a location known to the Group of Six, but which they have adamantly refused to disclose on the basis that Kennedy has a wife and teenage son who must be protected. This position is not only a dereliction of duty and an abuse of both power and of trust, but it is a vicious smear against the movement who they are implying are no better than TV gangsters. Such reactionary prejudice has at its basis the innate middle-class fear of ‘the other’, of the uncontrollable ‘mob’ who (in this case) cannot be trusted to deal responsibly and intelligently with information their betters hold safely in keeping. In this they have sided with a cop and with the state.
In the UK Mark Kennedy may have primarily engaged in political activity with ineffectual liberals, and indeed spent most of his time partying in the sleazy semi-retired eco-activist scene inhabited by those now protecting him, but he travelled widely, visiting 22 countries according to The Guardian, and in most of those countries he comported himself differently and mixed with a more militant class of activist. Some of those comrades certainly have more to lose than a few months on a probation order, yet they have been hung out to dry by a tiny clique of party-heads and one-time eco warriors in Nottingham. At the very least they deserve to know that Mark Kennedy is not living on the next street to them.
German activists recently uncovered their own undercover cop, it took them seven months rather than seven years, and the subsequent international press release contained as much information as they were able to gather, as well as excellent photographs. Kennedy spent long periods infiltrating German activist groups, and they are both shocked and astonished by the way things have been handled here. With questions being asked in the German parliament, they may eventually get more answers from the authorities than from their UK comrades.
Despite heavy censorship on Indymedia frustration among some activists is beginning to turn to anger, and the Group of Six have been accused of an unspoken agreement with Kennedy – That he would protect them as best he could, and that in return they would let him walk away, leave his boat alone, not post their archive of photographs and personal information to the net, and not disclose his whereabouts or those of his family. With every day such a theory becomes more compelling.
There is no doubt that Kennedy’s former close friends must be extremely distressed and traumatised by the events of the past six months, but those in the Group of Six have to realise that Kennedy’s activities have implications way beyond themselves, and that they need to behave with a sense of responsibility to the wider movement. Divesting themselves may also help take them towards closure in the affair, instead of prolonging it (by intervening on Indymedia for example). They did a good job in tracing Kennedy’s real identity, but it might then have been better to hand the matter over to other activists who were less emotionally involved. That they did not, and let Kennedy walk away, is unfortunately symptomatic of the middle-class ‘activist’, they never imagine that anyone might be better qualified than themselves. As for Kennedy, he should certainly not have got off so lightly.
Another preoccupation both of the press and of some activists has been how bad poor old Mark Kennedy (the cop who lied to those around him for seven years and betrayed his closest friends and comrades) must be feeling now. We neither care nor are interested. Kennedy supposedly spent his working days hanging from a rope, and we can only hope that one day justice finds him at the end of one.
The Boys on the Grassy Knoll
Blue on blue at Drax
13.01.2011 14:03
Remember, it was on this action that Met and W.Yorks cops were on the verge of trading blows with each other, sergeants pushing each other in the chest, cops piling out of vans to get stuck in, and top cops rushing to get between them before it fully kicked off. All with our outer gate crew and others looking on. That's how much control Old Bill had of events. They were a violent, abusive shambles, not a conspiracy
If Mark (then quite new) thought his activist cred would be enhanced by a kicking,it didn't last long. He refused to sue them, giving a rather crappy excuse. That should, perhaps, have aroused suspicion at the time, but I don't think it did and wasn't widely known.
Grassy grass grass
13.01.2011 14:55
The people he refers to as the "group of six" do NOT know the whereabouts of Mark Kennedy and are witholding nothing from anybody in that respect. What one or two of the media tarts amongst the second lot of Ratcliffe defendants (they're not all media tarts, by any means) knows or doesn't know is an entirely different matter.
NONE of those who confronted Mark Kennedy in October have spoken to the Guardian or any other media. They undertook not to and have not done so.
They produced the clearest photos of Flash they had available. Other people were welcome to publish any they had.
The ONLY document they have declined to publish is the birth certificate of the child you have unfortunately now mentioned on here. THAT'S ALL. Are you seriously saying that should be published? The child may still live at the same address. We don't know whether (s)he has any contact with her/his father, or knows anything about this at all. You want the Daily Mail and suchlike scum camped outside the school, and hammering at the house door do you? It was precisely to avoid that shit that the document was witheld. THERE ARE NO OTHER DOCUMENTS. THERE NEVER WERE. The people involved said at the outset what the document was and why they were witholding it (at the Anarchist Bookfair meeting). Why are you inventing lies about the existence of other documents or material? Whose interests are you serving by trying to stir up this sort of shit?
The reason for keeping the name of Kennedy's boat out of this for a limited period was that it was moored -physically attached- to another boat which was the home of his partner, who had initiated his unmasking in the first place. Funny you didn't mention that as you have so much detailed information. She has, understandably, been in a very distraught state and could certainly not have coped with the media scum gang descending on her either. Do you have any clue what that's like, I wonder? As long as the two boats were moored together it was essential to protect her by not disclosing the name of location of either of them.
It sounds like you know all these facts perfectly well and are just being a bastard for whatever twisted reasons motivate you.
Was he seen undercover Oct 2009 till March 2010?
17.01.2011 17:01
The Guardian says "In February 2010 – a month before resigning – he set up Tokra Limited.."
So he resigned in March or April when presumably he"decided to remain undercover in Nottingham, working for a private security firm paid to gather intelligence on protest movements for energy companies." (Daily Mail again)
So what was he doing between October and March? If he disappeared for about six months, wouldn't activists find this suspicious? Or is the Daily Mail story a load of tosh?
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