'Nonviolence Works' Exhibition, Wrexham
wpjf | 09.01.2011 00:18 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles
From 8 January and for the next two weeks, there's an exhibition called 'Nonviolence Works' at St Mary's Cathedral on Regent Street, Wrexham, open every day between 8.30am and 5pm until 22 January.
Members of Wrexham Peace & Justice Forum called in on the opening day to have a look.
individual actions may seem insignificant, but together...
...the small steps of many people...
The exhibition contains brief information about a selection of 60 successful nonviolent actions which have taken place over the last century:
'In everyday life - and between nations - disputes are usually solved without resorting to violence. We must remember that violence is the exception; nonviolence is normal' [exhibition leaflet].
Most of the actions were described in just two or three lines of text, so it's more of a starting point for further study than anything else, although a few of the accounts have been expanded into fuller explanations, accompanied by pictures of the protagonists.
The examples chosen came from across the globe and included a wide range of nonviolent approaches and tactics including a lot of civil disobedience: non-compliance with unjust laws; passive resistance; mass trespass; boycotts; disruption of military exercises; blockading with small boats; occupations; tree-hugging; singing banned songs; graffiti; sit-ins; strikes and, er, unstrikes.
In 1956, Danilo Dolci organised a 'strike in reverse' to draw attention to the Sicilian poor, who were unemployed, hungry, homeless, oppressed by the Mafia and ignored by the Church. On one occasion, Dolci turned up with a gang of unemployed men and set to work to repair holes in the road. Arrested and incarcerated for 'obstruction', he garnered wide publicity and support for the action from many public figures, with famous lawyers offering their services for free. On another occasion, he began a fast with friends after the death of a child from starvation, with agreement that if Dolci died, his friends would in turn take his place until the government responded to their demands. After Dolci had spent eight days fasting in the house of the dead child and in the face of mounting public outrage, the government was shamed into providing a pharmacy, paved streets and a sewerage system in the impoverished fishing village of Trappeto.
Anti-nuclear activists might be interested to read about the actions of the locals at Whyl in Germany. In 1975, inspired by the success of a direct action campaign against a lead factory in the nearby French town of Marckolsheim the previous year in which both towns had cooperated, the people of Whyl went on to stage a huge rally attended by 30,000 people, then occupied the site of a proposed nuclear power station for eight months, the occupiers including whole families in many cases. The power station was never built.
The exhibition leaflet declares that 'all over the world people have recognised the power of nonviolence to confront injustice and bring about change.' Nonviolence can change 'political and public consciousness' as well as raising 'awareness of the danger, injustices and problems associated with, for example, nuclear weapons, road building, GM crops, discrimination against women, the arms trade...'
Call in and see the exhibition for yourselves if you live in or near Wrexham.
For Londoners, there's a meeting next week to discuss ideas about how to bring about peaceful change through nonviolent resistance:
Date: Thursday 13th Jan 2011, 7pm
Location: Room B102, Brunei Gallery, SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG.
Hide the following 15 comments
09.01.2011 02:38
Not advocating violence as a strategy but...
09.01.2011 11:30
1. The Transvaal Indians were there as part of the Imperialist invasion and wholesale theft.
2. The Brazilian Indians were well within their rights for using deadly force against the Europeans invaders. So this "peace settlement" is just another sad chapter in the genocide of the Americas.
3. But it didn't stop the utterly senseless slaughter they were objecting to.
4. Was it really just Gandhi that defeated the British, and was it purely through non-violence? I think the picture in India was a tad more complex than one bloke talking a good non-fight.
5. Shame they didn't do much of a job in stopping the Nazis cash in on Versailles Treaty.
And of course Rosa Parks' single act of defiance was what won the Black their tokenistic Civil Rights (6 decades on and they are still 2nd class citizens), and all those people who lost their lives in the process were insignificant.
Non-violence has its place. So does self-defence.
Crazy Horse = War Hero
Our non-violent opposition to the Iraq war...
09.01.2011 13:11
09.01.2011 13:18
Yeah peaceful protest... works great if you want to get beaten up by state employed bullies.
A Gay Man
How do you know?
09.01.2011 15:18
...has been really great for the people of Iraq hasn't it?
How do you know Alexander? If we hadn't resisted non violently, a lot more people might have died.
Maybe they would even have nuked Bagdad, like Geoff Hoon threatened to do, twice.
Would violent resistence have been more effective?
The futility of A to B
09.01.2011 15:27
"If we hadn't resisted non violently, a lot more people might have died.
Maybe they would even have nuked Bagdad, like Geoff Hoon threatened to do, twice."
Would violent resistence have been more effective?"
If 5% of those who joined the march had instead gone off together and dismantled a US base maybe we wouldn't have gone to war at all.
If 5% of those had been prepared to use violence, then who knows what could have been achieved?
The only thing the march achieved was letting people know that marches are futile.
09.01.2011 16:19
Republican prisoners IN IRELAND ,have spoken out against the imperalist british government, have been inprisoned with out trial, was this mentioned at the church,now there we have a peacfull protest while in prison denied solictors, vists etc,
09.01.2011 20:13
The total number of casualties in World War I, both military and civilian, was about 37 million: 16 million deaths and 21 million wounded.
A bit of a shallow victory for non-violence.
That said, there have been some victories for non-violence. So perhaps we should recognise that a diversity of tactics, some 'violent' and some 'non-violent' (whatever those mean), might actually work. And stop slagging each other off.
@ me
09.01.2011 22:39
me too
A diversity of tactics
09.01.2011 22:51
09.01.2011 23:20
We don't know
09.01.2011 23:55
The point what I am trying to make is this:
It is impossible for us to know what the effect of 1 million people marching from A to B is.
Cause we don't know what would have happened if we hadn't marched. The war could have been different. With even more victims. Maybe even a nuke on Bagdad. Who knows?
And I'd like to remind people that there are more options available to us than A: marching and B: violent insurrection.
There are quite a few options in between: like non-violent direct action.
I believe that if you want to change something you need to get a lot of people to support you.
Violence is rarely effective, instead it is often counter productive
You need to have a lof of fun so that the youth would follow you. Violence sometimes seems fun at first, but the consequences often are not.
And to end this comment I'd like to invite you all to do a search on this website and get inspired by the hundreds of people wo did more than march from A to B. I'd agree that we needed a lot more people to stop it completely. But a lof of us have tried very hard!
some observations
10.01.2011 09:39
As far as I can see, there's no condemnation in the article of people in extreme situations who resort to armed struggle in self-defence.
What are the detractors of non-violence advocating, exactly?
a reader
For Evil to Triumph
11.01.2011 22:02
All that is Necessary is for Good People to Surrender!
"What are the detractors of non-violence advocating, exactly?"
12.01.2011 10:38
Personally my issue is that the article is disingenuous and so pathetically bourgeois it could be parody. I think non-violence has its place, and NVDA should be the first port of call. If nothing else it puts you on a more reasonable footing.
In the face of violent attack however, the use of violence in self-defence is not even controversial in state's own statute.
The article seems to advance the idea that non violent civil disobedience is alone a viable vehicle for social change. The examples it has shown here are often untrue, absurd or problematic. Women's rights and black civil rights were won by marching around alone. People got attacked, people got hurt, things got smashed up.
It seems to be a particularly middle class way of thinking. Far removed from the violent realities of life, removed from the violence of cops, full of the romanticised semi-Christian ideas of noble suffering and martyrdom.
I would hope most activists are accidental activist and not hobbyists. People who find themselves in struggles for social justice or even survival because of oppression, and not some bunch of moral masturbators on another philanthropic mission to save the great unwashed by doing a lot of marching and chanting.
Passivity is exactly what the state beats into us through school and laws as being the way to be. Non violence as the concept of a total solution is really just repackaging the same class war crap as the state, the church and any other oppressive hierarchy.
It is no crime in any sense to defend yourself from violence with violence. People do it every day in a non-political sphere.
I'm not advocating violence as starting point or terrorism. But when faced with a violent attack evolution has the last word on not defending yourself.
Crazy Horse