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David Hart is dead

Tim | 07.01.2011 18:06

The failure of right-wing extremist David Hart's political antics should serve as a warning.

The Daily Telegraph, Times and Guardian have reported on the death of right-wing extremist David Hart.

Hart came to prominence while assisting Margaret Thatcher during the miners' strike – smearing opponents and rallying dark forces against the NUM. His payback was to be given a role in the NUM pension fund from which he made vast amount of money brokering property deals.

He later employed former MI5 officer Charles Elwell to produce British Briefing which engaged in black propaganda against figures on the left, most of whom were branded Communists.

Hart was also responsible for setting up the right-wing Committee for a Free Britain but also for scuppering Michael Portillo’s credibility as Defence Secretary and his bid to lead to Tory party.

Hart’s politics antics appear to have achieved absolutely nothing but the way in which he brought together different aspects of the ruling elite – the military, intelligence services, business and politicians – is a warning of the forces that oppose us.



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Bastard who advised Thatcher and helped set up the UDM

07.01.2011 20:26

This bastard was responsible for setting up the UDm and advising Thatcher during the Miners Strike in 2984-85.

His funeral is at:

St Giles Church, Great Maplestead, Essex on Monday 10th January at 2.30pm.

Omar Devone Little


08.01.2011 05:47

Is it too late or not appropriate to organise a protest?

Hart had zero respect for people he disagreed with and his family needs to be reminded that they are not burying a great man but a twisted individual who was only interested in one thing - David Hart.

If you read the two obituaries that have appeared you can what an evil manipulator he was. He was even disloyal to his family - five children and four mothers - with the eldest (male) being called 'Bimbo' (honest).

Even Thatcher tired of Hart's nonsense after a while and shut him out.

I can't get down there but I think anyone who can should because he would have had qualms about doing the same thing to us!!


A complete bastard

08.01.2011 09:49

Hart was a complete bastard who deserves to be pursued because it will serve as a warning to others. I am definitely going to attempt to attend his funeral and will show him the respect that he deserves – i.e. none. I also think that we should consider protesting at the memorial service planned for later this year.

One aspect of Hart that the obituary writers failed to note is that Hart used his personal friendship with Malcolm Rifkind and Michael Portillo to get a non-paid job at the Ministry of Defence. He then persuaded BAE Systems and Boeing to employ him as a lobbyist. BAE paid £13 million into an offshore account run by Hart and Boeing presumably paid a similar amount. (This explains how he could afford to pay over £10 million to renovate Chadacre Hall in Suffolk which has now been sold for £10 million.) So not only did Hart abuse his friendship with Government ministers but he sought to avoid paying tax. Demanding that HMRC investigates this apparent tax evasion would be a good cause for UK Uncut.

People such as Hart are total scum – they are politically extreme as well as financially and morally corrupt.


Hart scab enforcer in Miners Strike

08.01.2011 12:32

David Hart was Thatcher's chief enforcer during the miners' strike in 1984 (the 2nd British Civil war) where he handed out money to strike breakers from a suite at Claridges.

He was also involved - escaping any conviction for direct involvement - in the coup plot in Equatorial Guinea alongside Mark Thatcher, Simon Mann & Nick du Toit back in 2004

Eat the Rich

Re: a complete bastard

08.01.2011 12:34

I also 100% associate myself with the earlier remarks/commentary made by Ant. Couldn't agree more

Eat the Rich