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Newbury Bypass walk (15th anniversary of the evictions)

Newbury Protester | 07.01.2011 15:52 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Oxford | South Coast

A reunion. If you were there, come back and reminisce. If you weren't there, come and find out why this event was important!

There has been a dedicated group of local people who have kept the memory alive for the last 15 years, by walking along parts of the route: traditionally via Speen, Middle Oak, Bagnor Village and up to Donnington Castle for a pack lunch, and then into town for a pint.

Let's all join them this year, and make a memorable anniversary!

The meeting point is Northcroft Leisure Centre car park, Northcroft Lane, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1RS ( ). Not far from the station and plenty of room to park.

Newbury Protester
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Time & Date

07.01.2011 16:28

11am, Sunday January the 9th, 2011

Newbury Protester


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Why not delve into 2011 and fight the impending further attack.....

07.01.2011 17:21

on the working class.....................................................

Aunty Christ