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Save EMA - student protest central London Jan 11th

A N Other | 06.01.2011 17:07

There’s not long to go until 11 January, and it’s early in the New Year, but let’s mobilise the biggest possible protest movement to stop the Tories in their tracks and save EMA.

It's time for another big protest against the government and their cuts.
All to the streets on January 11th.
Rally outside parliament noon-5pm.


and the face book page has just reappeared-might vanish again on request of the authorities.

Corporate media

Spread the word

A N Other


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Bring water

06.01.2011 18:27

Bring plenty of water to this and every other protest. Not for drinking in the kettle because from now on we will not be kettled-we will break the fuck out as is our right.
No bring water cos the criminal cops were using mace on the last demo and you need to help those attacked by washing their eyes with water.

John Locke

Interesting related reading

06.01.2011 20:34

Some purely academic information (teehee), please repost everywhere relevant (and everywhere irrelevant). Lots of extra info and experience in the indymedia comments sections. Please add to this list and correct where I may be wrong (updated phone numbers etc). Let's build a pool of purely academic information that it's interesting to know.

How to break police lines -

How to hide your identity -

Guide to public order situations -

3 articles on security -

Info for those pictured by cops -

Legal support -

Legal briefings -

Numbers to take on demos (write on your arm/leg) - Bindmans Solicitors 0207 833 4433, Green Black Cross 07946 541511
