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Save EMA, Walkout and Protest [2]

fw | 06.01.2011 16:22

The vote on tuition fees passed, but thanks to our protests, almost didn't. Scrapping EMA is far more controversial than scrapping tuition fees - we can stop this happening, all we have to do is make some noise and show that we care. Assemble with us at 11am by the fountains, and show this government that Bristol will not be silent when the rich threaten our education!

Update - planning taking place on HMG Ministry of Resistance discussion tab, so it can be more democratic. Please post ideas and suggestions there!

Note - some groups have reported that there is a vote parliament about EMA on this day ( This is not the case. New applications for EMA have *already* been stopped. There will be protests in London on this day, and there will be debates/questions about it in parliament then and in the next few weeks. MPs won't speak against it unless they have our voice behind them!

Time Tuesday, January 11 · 11:00am - 2:00pm
Location The Fountains, Bristol

- Original article on IMC Bristol: