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Royal wedding details

Better dead than wed | 05.01.2011 14:37 | Other Press | Social Struggles

Details of Royal Family Inc's latest publicity junket. I'm sure the activist community will want to make sure the happy couple remember their special day.

Middleton will be driven by car to Westminster Abbey along the traditional processional route of the Mall, Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall and Parliament Square.

The service, at 11am on 29 April, will be conducted by the dean of the abbey, the Very Rev John Hall. The archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, will marry the couple and the Right Rev Richard Chartres, the bishop of London and a longstanding friend of the royal family, will give the address.

The couple will return along the same route, but this time in a carriage procession.

The Queen, who has a larger pad than the Middletons, is laying on a reception for the couple's "official and private" guests. In the evening, when the VIPs have gone and granny and grandad have retired to bed, Prince Charles will host a private dinner followed by dancing for close friends and family.

The reception is being funded by the royal family with the Middletons, who are wealthy from their business in children's party accessories, chipping in. The state will bear the cost of security and the troops on parade will be drawn from detachments already on duty in London.

No word yet on the honeymoon.

Better dead than wed


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Thought for the day

05.01.2011 17:08

George Orwell wrote before World War Two "A bomb under the West car park at Twickenham on an international day would end fascism in England for a generation." This would not be entirely accurate for the clientele establishing a similar event now, however the attendence at Westminster Abbey would indubitably represent the body of the British aristocracy and the upper bourgeois parasites who the landed elite have welcomed into their beds for a couple of centuries now in order to continue their mastery over the hard working and down trodden folk of this land.

Abiezer Coppe

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Ridiculous comment re bombing, we dont need royals or bombs

11.01.2011 01:14



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