Sheridan and the Prostitution of Scots Law
Scottish Anarchist | 04.01.2011 19:33 | Other Press | Repression
Indymedia UK have republished an Indymedia Scotland article on the conviction of Tommy Sheridan here:
It is telling to see the IMCista CH and other here side with the police, Rupert Murdoch and the SSP against Tommy Sheridan. That says more about that site's morals and allegiances than Sheridan's. In reality, a great injustice and diminution of everyone's rights has just went uncommented except by genuinely independent thinkers.
It is telling to see the IMCista CH and other here side with the police, Rupert Murdoch and the SSP against Tommy Sheridan. That says more about that site's morals and allegiances than Sheridan's. In reality, a great injustice and diminution of everyone's rights has just went uncommented except by genuinely independent thinkers.
Apologies to honest sex-workers for this unintended smear, but the Scottish judiciary have just prostituted themselves in their prosecution of Tommy Sheridan.
Ian Hamilton QC, a genuine Scottish hero and the only remaining independent voice within the Scottish judiciary has just pointed this out in Scotlands leading legal magazine.
This trial is the first time in history that the Crown has directly paid prosecution witnesses. This is the first time that the police have accepted and built upon mainstream news investigations rather than having such evidence submitted to them. These unfortunate precedents strengthen the corporate press and weaken activists and individuals of all political persuasions. The clear malpractice here is of Elish Angolini, the most corrupt and oppressive Lord Advocate in Scotland's history. Yet on IM Scotland there is nothing but support for the prosecution. I would have commented on that article but IM Scotland do not permit genuinely anonymous submissions.
Jay Knott says Sheridan "was prosecuted for perjury, which is illegal", as if that was enough cause to condemn him. Sheridan was also prosecuted for protests against the Poll Tax and at Faslane. They are also illegal so Jay must also delight in those prosecutions. Many imprisoned anarchists were given extra respect in prison by association in the prisoners minds with Tommy Sheridan, a favour that has been forgotten.
Unlike 'anonymous', I never admired Sheridan and I felt a certain contempt for those who did. I'd slag off his personality politics, and physically opposed the SSP when they tried to monopolise protests. However, he is no different than Colin Fox or any of the other supposedly superior socialists in that regard, except that Sheridan helped build his party through decades of work while Fox et al merely usurped it. I recognise though what the other posters here fail to, that a persons consensual sex-life is a personal matter that has no place in morally despicable newspapers.
The posters and IMCistas on IM Scotland should always remember that when asked 'Which side are you on? Murdochs or Sheridans?' that they gleefully chose Murdoch's News of the World. That is not the case with the majority of intelligent, politically and legally aware Scots, regardless of their feelings towards the ongoing personality politics that typify the Scottish party political left.
Ian Hamilton QC, a genuine Scottish hero and the only remaining independent voice within the Scottish judiciary has just pointed this out in Scotlands leading legal magazine.
This trial is the first time in history that the Crown has directly paid prosecution witnesses. This is the first time that the police have accepted and built upon mainstream news investigations rather than having such evidence submitted to them. These unfortunate precedents strengthen the corporate press and weaken activists and individuals of all political persuasions. The clear malpractice here is of Elish Angolini, the most corrupt and oppressive Lord Advocate in Scotland's history. Yet on IM Scotland there is nothing but support for the prosecution. I would have commented on that article but IM Scotland do not permit genuinely anonymous submissions.
Jay Knott says Sheridan "was prosecuted for perjury, which is illegal", as if that was enough cause to condemn him. Sheridan was also prosecuted for protests against the Poll Tax and at Faslane. They are also illegal so Jay must also delight in those prosecutions. Many imprisoned anarchists were given extra respect in prison by association in the prisoners minds with Tommy Sheridan, a favour that has been forgotten.
Unlike 'anonymous', I never admired Sheridan and I felt a certain contempt for those who did. I'd slag off his personality politics, and physically opposed the SSP when they tried to monopolise protests. However, he is no different than Colin Fox or any of the other supposedly superior socialists in that regard, except that Sheridan helped build his party through decades of work while Fox et al merely usurped it. I recognise though what the other posters here fail to, that a persons consensual sex-life is a personal matter that has no place in morally despicable newspapers.
The posters and IMCistas on IM Scotland should always remember that when asked 'Which side are you on? Murdochs or Sheridans?' that they gleefully chose Murdoch's News of the World. That is not the case with the majority of intelligent, politically and legally aware Scots, regardless of their feelings towards the ongoing personality politics that typify the Scottish party political left.
Scottish Anarchist
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The Six Million Dollar Man Hunt
04.01.2011 20:25
Mr Kerr said he had submitted Freedom of Information requests to Lothian and Borders Police in connection with the perjury inquiry which had followed Sheridan's success in the civil litigation. He lived in Edinburgh and was concerned as a council taxpayer about "spending huge amounts of our money on what seemed to me to be an inappropriate investigation". Referring to costs, he said: "The final figure we got to was around £1.5m which had been spent up to about a year ago. It is probably higher now. It excludes the cost of the Crown operation or the cost of the trial which, I gather, is estimated to be £2m or £3m, which seems to me an incredible waste."
Fuck Murdoch
why do we care?
04.01.2011 21:08
I hope that what this teaches the Scottish left is that cult of personalities fucks things up, whether internally or by giving the State & corporations the tools to do it. Regardless of the specific issues, the likes of Sheridan and Galloway, demonstrates why focusing power on a party leader rather than the communities they claim to serve will generally backfire. This is the curse of the non-anarchist Left. Power to the masses, not unaccountable leaders.
Why you should care
04.01.2011 22:41
Personally I couldn't care less if the allegations are true or not, they don't affect my opinion of Sheridan one bit. He is a twat and he probably did lie, and I've never spoken two words to him despite seeing him at numerous events I attended. If they are true though, going to a swingers club, indulging in threesomes and lying to his wife about it is distasteful but it isn't my definition of misogyny and more importantly it isn't anyone's business except his wife's. All this moral superiority from his former colleagues and friends who profited from his demise is hypocritical. I have met many of them, including McNeillage and Leckie, and frankly they are little Tommy-wannabes themselves at best, and they have sunk even lower in my opinion.
Ignore my opinion though, read the Ian Hamilton articles for a non-anarchist condemnation of this debacle. Tommy may have been heading for a fall from his little pedastal, along with the rest of his former flunkies, that's not the problem. The problem is the shitty way it was kicked out from under him. At Faslane Tommy was mocked relentlessly by the campers for being a media magnet, he was fair game for that and couldn't defend against it. But spending four million pounds of public money to humiliate and imprison him for protecting his personal life while we can't afford decent public services? You don't need to support or even stomach Tommy to condemn that abuse. And if they can do that to him today, they can now do it to you tomorrow. Ever done anything you aren't particularly proud of?
Scottish Anarchist
voice from inside the SSP
05.01.2011 01:53
Very interesting reading.
I personally couldn't give a fuck what happens to Shop'em Sheridan. He's a lying cheating selfish fuck and always has been. Danny might go on about IMC Scotland people being M15 moles or whatever but Tommy publicly said he'd out people who rioted against the Poll Tax. He made a shit load of mistakes and publicly attacked anyone who said otherwise even calling people scabs who wouldn't lie for him. He put his own ego before the politics he claimed to stand for. He's a snitch, a misogynist, he destroyed the SSP from within and doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy.
But how did it all start?
05.01.2011 02:53
Once he got that £200K he went on a wrecking spree, causing mayhem on the Scottish left and refused to pay his parliamentary workers.
He dragged former comrades, friends and lovers into open court demanding that they lie for his personal benefit. His treatment of Katrine Trolle on the witness stand was nothing short of disgusting.
It Say's Here
05.01.2011 10:46
Why is anyone bothered if Sheridan destroyed the SSP? You talk as if you lost an ally.
More than that, why is anyone bothered if he robbed Murdoch of £200k? That's a result, whether he did it by armed robbery or legal methods.
Sheridan may have started the whole legal ball rolling, but this started with the News of the World setting him up and raking through his personal life for dirt. Your sexual sanctimousness about his behaviour is really out of touch with modern life, where happily married couples do visit sex clubs or stay together after affairs. That's their business, not Murdochs, not yours. Concern for Mrs Sheridan is hollow when she faced prison herself thanks to their testimony.
The same sanctimoniousness is displayed by claiming real socialists wouldn't lie in court, even in a political show trial like this. I don't like Sheridan at all but I would've been happy to lie in court to protect anyone from this sort of abuse by the worlds leading media magnate misusing public funds to micro-manage British politics.
Most importantly, your schadenfreude and personal dislikes have led to you ignoring the civil liberties issues. Fabbri is happy to call Sheridan a misogynist, which in my view belittles the term and plays into the hands of the truly misogynist News of the World. Yet Fabbri, like everyone else in Scotland, is now open to the same tactics of combined state and corporate abuse at the expense of the tax-payer. It's nice to know that isn't a problem for Fabbri the monk who has never made a signle questionable decision but I know for a fact that friends and colleagues within Indymedia Scotland not only have done far more reprehensible things in their sex lives, at least a few of them are active 'anti-mysandrists', ie proud to be misogynist.
I guess Fabbri wouldn't have any problem with me selling evidence of that misogynist hypocrisy to the News of the World?
It Says Here -Billy Bragg
It says here that the unions will never learn
It says here that the economy is on the upturn
And it says here we should be proud
That we are free
And our free press reflects our democracy
Those braying voices on the right of the house
Are echoed down the street of shame
Where politics mix with bingo and tits
In a strictly money and numbers game
Where they offer you a feature
On stockings and suspenders
Next to a call for stiffer penalties for sex offenders
It says here that this year's prince is born
It says here do you ever wish
That you were better informed
And it says here that we can only stop the rot
With a large dose of law and order
And a touch of the short sharp shock
If this does not reflect you view you should understand
That those who own the papers also own this land
And they'd rather you believe
In coronation street capers
In the war of circulation, it sells newspapers
Could it be an infringement
Of the freedom of the press
To print pictures of women in states of undress
When you wake up to the fact
That you paper is tory
Just remember, there are two sides to every story
Scottish Anarchist
Fabbri, Which Side Are You on?
05.01.2011 15:22
Good news to you I'll tell,
Of how that good old union
Has come in here to dwell.
which side are you on boys
which side are you on
which side are you on boys
which side are you on
which side are you on boys
which side are you on
which side are you on now
which side are you on
My daddy was a miner,
And I'm a miner's son,
And I'll stick with the union,
Till every battle's won.
They say in Harlan County,
There are no neutrals there.
You'll either be a union man,
Or a thug for J.H. Blair.
Oh, workers can you stand it?
Oh, tell me how you can.
Will you be a lousy scab,
Or will you be a man ?
Don't scab for the bosses,
Don't listen to their lies.
Us poor folks haven't got a chance,
Unless we organize.
they stole a few elections,
still we the people won
We voted out corruption and
big corporations
we voted for an end to war
new direction
we ain't gonna stop now
until our job is done
lord knows the free market
is anything but free
it costs dearly to the planet
and the likes of you and me
i don't need those money lenders
suckin' on my tit
a little socialism
don't scare me one bit
too many stories written
out in black and white
c'mon people of privilege
it's time to join the fight
are we living in the shadow of slavery
or are we moving on
tell me which side are you on now
which side are you on
which side are you on boys
which side are you on
which side are you on boys
which side are you on
which side are you on boys
which side are you on
which side are you on now
which side are you on
my mother was a feminist
she taught me to see
that the road to ruin is paved
with patriarchy
so, let the way of the women
guide democracy
from plunder and pollution
let mother earth be free
feminism ain't about women
no, that's not who it is for
it's about a shifting consciousness
that'll bring an end to war
so listen up you fathers
listen up you sons
which side are you on now
which side are you on
which side are you on now
which side are you on
which side are you on now
which side are you on
so are we just consumers
or are we citizens
are we gonna make more garbage
or are we gonna make amends
are you part of the solution
or are you part of the con?
which side are you on now
which side are you on?
Florence Reese, Billy Bragg, Public Enemy, Ani Difranco
Ta Fabbri
05.01.2011 17:32
"Danny might go on about IMC Scotland people being M15 moles or whatever"
Yes, one person linked to IM Scotland does claim to be MI5. Another of his friends is currently charging me with having warned his latest group that he is a danger to underage female children, a fact I stand by and welcome the court case. Those people have previously grassed me to the police for being an arsonist, terrosist, Nazi etc, becuase I criticised their mysoginy. I am currently smeared on various IM's as a convicted sex-offender, and am looking for legal redress for that. More hurtful is that some people who have met me have condemned me as a sexist when in actuality I have been an active feminist as hopefully my previous posts here should indicate, if not then my behaviour and lack of female accusers should indicate.
All that is from pseudo-activists, or as [removed] calls them 'salt-of-the-earth activists'. He was the first person to grass me up though so any reader should investigate for themselves before coming to judgement. For instance, I was condemned as a sexist at a time I was condemning mysogynists and spreading White Ribbons. I was told I'd been accused by two anonymous former activist lovers of being sexist, yet I've only had two former activist lovers and one of them denies that, the other is out of touch though we parted on good terms. No one I know has ever accused me of being a mysognist, and I'll go to my grave before I abuse anyone sexually, but various indymedia collectives carry smears that I am a convicted sex offender, an obvious smear that I will sue them for.
I also have proof that Indymedia Scotland have misused IP addresses, and given their lack of acceptance of anonymous posts they still do and want to continue to do so. That fact should be dubious. I post under my normal IP but to test them I have posted from others, with hugely differnet responses.
I have been arrested and charged for indymedia posts, and have proof of this that no IM admin has ever investigated. So they might not all be MI5, but several of them are provably police inform ers. My advice to activists is not to post here, let this place repost the mainstream media reports on your actions, or repost on IM Uk from Tor. That used to be the IM-UK advice too...
As to tabloid shit that is used against activists, the most shameful behaviour I've witnessed is by 'salt-of-the-earth' activists close to Indymedia Scotland. I have recordings of phone calls alleging child abuse, photos of sex sessions, videos too, all by the same crew who are taking the moral high ground here, names and addresses that you don't want revealed but didn't ask to be kept private. I don't think it would be right to publish that here, or to sell it to the press, but since IM UK are happy to reprint IM S articles and comments condeming others for lesser offences, then I feel no particular external moral constraint.
I obviously can't name names here, can I, even in my own defence from your false allegations, so why shouldn't I publish them elsewhere?
Ideally, they would all lose.
05.01.2011 18:31
The ability to spin out such a lengthy tale from my 3-line "here's another side to the story" response on someone's idle conspiracy-inclined commentary is a great talent, Danny.
The biggest anarchist ego in Scotland
05.01.2011 18:58
Its all about you Danny boy isn't it? You and your ego.
You'd think that an anarchist whizz kid like you would understand that open publishing doesn't neccesarily mean being 'happy' with what is published, and nor is there a lot of printing going on either.
If forced to choose between you and the rest of the activist community in Scotland, not many would choose you.
If it upsets you so much, get your own blog and then let people CHOOSE if they want streams of your paranoid dribble.
I suspect many in IM uk would be delighted if you chose never to 'reprint' your thoughts here again.
bored stiff
Breaking news
05.01.2011 22:18
Ch? Fabbri? If you now claim that you can simultaneously condemn Sheridan and the News of The World, then why have you only condemned Sheridan's honesty repeatedly and not condemned Andy Coulson's honesty at all?
News of the World suspends assistant editor over phone-hacking claims
A senior News of the World executive has been suspended by the paper following a "serious allegation" that he was involved with phone hacking when the paper was edited by Andy Coulson, now the prime minister's director of communications.
Sheridan on trial – but it's Coulson in the dock
Mr Coulson was also questioned over evidence he gave to a House of Commons select committee inquiry in 2009 into phone hacking, which, Mr Sheridan said, concluded that the News of the World "at best turned a blind eye to illegal activities such as phone hacking and blagging and at worst actively condoned them".
The Downing Street aide replied: "I don't accept there was a culture of phone hacking at the News of the World. There was a very unfortunate case – this is to put it mildly – involving Clive Goodman. No one was more sorry than me. That was why I resigned."
Scottish Anarchist
I am a weak citizen and all the law in the land will not save me (from Murdoch)
05.01.2011 22:41
The case against Goodman, who was jailed for his part in the phone hacking, rested partly on similar transcripts found in the same raid. Several were labelled "Clive". Yet it was only when victims of the practice decided to mount legal action – following the Guardian's revelations that the paper had made secret payments to others who had been targeted – that the police were forced to reveal the existence of the documents marked "Ian".
In December, the Crown Prosecution Service announced that there was no evidence to justify further charges after a Scotland Yard inquiry that was specifically tasked not to look at the material gathered in 2006. They chose not to investigate the evidence, apparently happy to accept Goodman's assertion that he had acted alone. That is a defence that has been cited again and again by News of the World executives, past and present, in the face of several parliamentary investigations, and two more by the Press Complaints Commission.
As evidence that more executives may have known about the practice emerges, that defence is looking shaky.
Let me redact that a little bit more to make things clearer:
"t was only when victims of the practice decided to mount legal action... that the police were forced to reveal the existence of the documents marked "Ian". In December, the Crown Prosecution Service announced that there was no evidence to justify further charges...apparently happy to accept Goodman's assertion that he had acted alone"
So, while the police spent millions of pounds trying to prove Sheridan is a liar on behalf of the News of the World, using the unchallenged testimony of Andy Coulson, they simultaneously dropped charges against the News of The World for hacking into the phones of people like Sheridan. How very convenient for Rupert Murdoch and David Cameron, that the police should disbelieve Sheridan and yet wholly accept Coulson's veracity.
Like I said earlier, Ian Hamilton QC and the Firm magazine are the only media to have pointed out the injustices of the Sheridan trial. Which is pretty fucking brave of them, given even 'independent media' like IM Scotland were happy with the News of the World's public lynching. Let's review what Hamilton said:
"Why did Coulson, the Editor of The News of the World, come from London to interview and pay a potential crown witness for a video recording? This is contrary to proper criminal procedure. Purchase of witnesses has no place in Scots law. Indeed payment by the Americans of witnesses in the Magrahi case is one of the things that make many people think the conviction is unsafe. Why did Coulson hand over £200,000 when the police could have got the same evidence for nothing? Either the recording was evidence or it was not evidence and, if it was fabricated, no amount of money could make it sweet.
The admissibility of evidence bought by a third party and handed to the Lord Advocate to be used in criminal proceedings was not, I think, argued in court. I do not know if Mr Sheridan will appeal. So far he has not done so. I tell you this. As a criminal lawyer of many years experience such a happening sticks in my craw. So many questions occur to me.
Was the money given to the haver before he gave evidence? Were any conditions attached to the giving of the money? If so what were they? Is it true that the haver was sent on holiday by The News of the World? If so why? Was this to keep him from being interviewed by the defence or their experts?
Now that The News of the World is calling for the prosecution of all the Sheridan defence witnesses it looks as though Rupert Murdoch is using our Scottish criminal law as his own personal weapon. He is probably richer than the Scottish state so he can afford to. I write these words in fear. If he were to use the law against me, as it was used against Tommy Sheridan, it would break me as it has broken him. I am a weak citizen and all the law in the land will not save me."
Scottish Anarchist
Working for the Man
05.01.2011 23:36
There you go then. I shouldn't have to point out that it is illegal for the police to hide evidence from a defence, or for Coulson to lie on oath. The Metropolitan Police Force hid pertinent evidence to protect the Murdoch empire. Lothian and Borders Police force pursed an expensive, vindictive campaign against a minor local politician to protect the Murdoch empire. The same Murdoch flunky whose reporters hacked phones lied about it at the Sheridan trial while employed at No10 Downing Street. The prosecution of Sheridan broke Scottish law, showing Scottish Crown Office complicity. Two police forces, two Crown Prosecutors, two states, caught blatantly working for the man, fabricating evidence and sitting on other evidence in the service of the world's largest media magnate.
Yet Indymedia Scotland still dismiss this as 'paranoid drivel' while unquestioningly accepting and quoting from the provenly dishonest prosecution narrative. That's not just shoddy journalism, that is an overtly political betrayal. I mean, I can understand why a petty thief like McNeillage, who normally breaks into the houses of the poor, would jump at the chance of making £200,000 selling out a friend. That's a lot of filthy lucre. I can't say though what motivates Fabbri and CH in siding with the police, the state and Murdoch. At best, giving them every benefit of doubt, their motivation is purely petty political point scoring by ignorant people untrained in the basics of journalism. If that is the reason they sided with Rupert Murdoch then presumably they will now make amends by actively pursuing the false conviction of Sheridan - but I wouldn't bet £200k on it.
Sheridan, SSP, NOTW in numbers
06.01.2011 00:05
Number of stories about the Sheridan thing posted to IMC Scotland = 1
No. of those stories taking TS's side against the NOTW = 1
No of lines of vitriol spat between leftist groups over the issue over Xmas = plenty.
No. of hidden agendas behind that vitriol = 100s
No. of hidden agendas in IMC Scotland's coverage of the issue = 0
Organization singled out by Danny over our coverage of the issue = IMC Scotland.
Really, why would you pick on one of the few left/activist/whatever orgs in Scotland that *aren't* touched by the fallout from the Sheridan Clusterfuck? People can draw their own conclusions.
Job opportunities
06.01.2011 00:23
Andy Hayman, the Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner who cleared Coulson and sat on evidence, immediately retired on a full public pension, but didn't spend too much time in retirement doing gardening. He is now fruitfully employed by The Times, another of Murdoch's many newspapers.
So much for a difficult jobs market, there seems to be plenty of pie from Sky today if you suck Satan's dick. Tommy Sheridan pointed out these facts and managed to get Coulson to incriminate himself on oath, so his employment prospects for the next three to five years will be limited to prison work.
For any so called anarchist, socialist, citizen-journalist, progressive or libertarian to see these sides as balanced, let alone side against Sheridan, well, they really have to have some grudge against the man or some undeclared interest. What is it Fabbri and CH, did Sheridan screw your mothers?
If properly investigated this story could be the undoing of the modern day 'Citizen Kane', Rupert Murdoch, who not only owns most of the mainstream media, but Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, David Cameron and the police, so most Indymedia readers would expect a bit more interest here. I mean, you're not going to be hearing much in the Times, the News of the World, the Sun or on Sky TV, so surely the little remaining 'independent media' should take a more independent line and put aside their grubby little grudges for five minutes?
you can only be outraged by what surprises you
06.01.2011 00:37
How do you call yourself an anarchist and yet get surprised at this? This is almost the definition of capitalism. Nobody on here is having a go at the police or NoTW because we shouldn't have to on IMC. Its a given. Danny, you obviously have way too much faith in the law and criminal justice system.
outrage is a cosy sham
Guns of Brixton
06.01.2011 00:45
There is no need for them to draw their own conclusions, I am happy to explain that in full.
Here is a good quote from Ian Hamilton:
"Mr Sheridan is a political figure. The police don’t like his politics. Neither do I, but neither of these facts matter. Fifteen of them burst into his house where they knew there was a three-year-old child. They terrified the whole family including the child. She hid in a spasm of terror behind a sofa. She will remember that all her life. The Sheridans are not violent people. They are public figures untainted by violence. The violent people were the police. Why did it take fifteen policemen to burst in when the suspects would have gone to a police station if asked?"
Have you ever been in that situation CH? My family has, on the third police raid on my elderly parents their heavy squad blocked the front and back of their house, and the shock of that nearly killed my dad. After the first police visit I had given them my mobile number and told them to call me if they ever wanted to interview me rather than harrass my family, but they ignored that preferring the raids. In each case, guess what I was being sought for? Comments I supposedly posted on Indymedia. I can prove that, yet you haven't even investigated that and instead label me paranoid. If I am mad, I am mad as in furious not mad as in paranoid. So, if you personally weren't responsible for sending the cops around to my family then why haven't you even investigated who in your collective did?
06.01.2011 00:57
"Nobody on here is having a go at the police or NoTW because we shouldn't have to on IMC."
No, no, no. See that is where we disagree. At least part of the function of a site that calls itself Indymedia should be to investigate, list and publicise factual corruption of the state by corporate power. It doesn't matter if you suspect it, or know about it, I'm sure no one here is surprised, but you have to prove it to your average Sun reader. Or else call yourself by a different name.
fuckin priceless
06.01.2011 07:24
and when ah went to bed wis there no another comment saying fabbri spoke fer every activist in Scotland - an its Tommy who has the ego is it?!! ye dinnae speak fer me wee man, ahve no heard of ye and ah think ah wid remember seeing a clown on a picket line
whit the fuckve you ever done?!!
am ah wrong to think yer ladeedah collective is just the 2 of yis? wid the word scrotum no better describe yis then since ye are talkin baws, or a bra since yis are both tits
de yis hold meetings coz ahd love tae come along tae which ever phonebox yis meet in and see the Magnificent fabbri who is applauding the cops here
Sadly Typical
06.01.2011 14:32
And then when the other IMCista asks me a direct question, why mention Indymedia Scotland as if I was the first to do so, then my factual and honest reply is hidden. That the only way you can make yourselves look good, by editing out the replies - it's hardly journalism here is it? More like a confession of guilt.
It's high time for an independent media
06.01.2011 16:25
If any Indymedia reader is interested in the case and it's repercussions, Ian Hamilton's blog is to be commended but I failed to mention another outstanding source of factual information that is an exemplar of true citizen journalism.
Unless this site can learn from and emulate these individual's blogs and sites then there seems no role left for you beyond your own delusional self-congratulation, and while there may not be any greater use for your talents and time, at least you should stop misrepresenting yourselves to the public.
Scottish Anarchist
The Rise and Lies of Rupert Murdoch
07.01.2011 12:01
Much more important and informative is the BBC Scotland complicity with Lothian and Borders police. On the day of the conviction they cleared their schedules to broadcast a lengthy pre-prepared character assassination called 'The Rise and Lies of Tommy Sheridan'. That in itself and unprecedented, but the programme included footage of police interviews with the Sheridans that should have been protected under the Data Protection Act. Far from being a confession, the interviews were a staunch defence that added nothing to the public knowledge of the case. However this highly illegal and immoral move shows direct complicity of the BBC with the Lothian and Borders Police manhunt in the service of Sky TV. It illustrates clearly the complete lack of boundaries between BBC and Sky and an identical agenda.
For a second day, there are calls in non-BBC, non-News International newspapers based in England for an independent investigation in complicity between the Metropolitan Police lack of prosecution of the News of the World phone hackers, which fail to even note similar or greater illegal complicity by Lothian and Borders Police.
All these facts converge onto a single simple truth, that the UK and Scottish governments and state institutions are wholly subservient to Rupert Murdoch, corrupt employees of the corporate elite. Someone has said on this thread that this is no surprise, but that is no reason to ignore it or fail to utilise and publicise it. Other comments have demeaned Sheridan, but he has cleverly shown his worth not in the quality of his friends, but in the quality of his enemies. Sheridan is now taking new legal action against the police and the BBC, purportedly not for damages but to force extra disclosure.
Murdoch's The Sun 'newspaper' today has exploited the murder of Joanna Yates by offering a reward of £50,000 to catch her killer. Such rewards are rarely influential and it is motivated to deflect attention from their libellous and tawdry coverage of the case. However it is telling that the reward is being touted uncritically both on the BBC and on Sky TV news, and similar TV advertising for the Sun would cost millions of pounds. Compare that £50k to the £250k News International spent to convict Sheridan, and their priorities are laid bare. To Murdoch, Sheridan is as dangerous as five murderers.
In a couple of years Sheridan will be freed and is likely to have far more influence than before, while the collective is unlikely to influence any new readers with it's current sniping. If any individuals agree with this assessment then I can only point out that both the BBC and Sky are hugely damaging to us all and yet are incredibly soft targets for direct actions under any banner. Yes, they will smear you if caught, and yes they will prosecute you with the full force of their police lackeys, but their security is non-existent. Do not cooperate with them, do not use them for publicity, but if you can break into a cardboard box then you can cost them huge amounts of money and embarrassment.
scottish preview
Solidarity and political bigotry
07.01.2011 15:23
"My husband had died tragically and I didn't feel that I could give evidence, as the trial was going on during a date when it would have been his birthday and I was suffering from bad depression. But now I'm so enthusiastic about giving evidence to prove that Tommy was there that I'd rugby tackle him to do it, as his conviction is a miscarriage of justice"
CH commented favourably upon Hulett's obituary on Indymedia Scotland, however obviously without the same commitment to justice that Alistair and Fatima embody.
Everyone needs a hobby.
07.01.2011 18:01
Which is why you've spent half a week attacking us and myself based on a 3-line comment linking to a SSY article.
IMScotland, fair and balanced as Murdoch's Fox News
08.01.2011 08:22
The Washington Post put it this way:
UK police plead for evidence in tabloid case
"But the police force - which has been accused of sweeping the allegations under a rug - refused to explain why it was asking the powerful paper to volunteer potentially incriminating evidence about itself. The force also refused to say whether it had ever sought such evidence before, or say what would happen if the tabloid didn't comply with its request."
"If The Guardian can find numerous News of the World journalists who admit that the newspaper gathered information by illegal means, why can't Scotland Yard?"
CH- "Which is why you've spent half a week attacking us and myself based on a 3-line comment linking to a SSY article"
The SSY article is a party political smear piece, not journalism. For Indymedia Scotland to reprint it uncritically shows which side you are on. And there's a few folk attacking you CH, look at the hidden comments:
The fact the comments are hidden shows you are even less accountable or independent than the News of the World tabloid gutter press. They expose your double standards, since if even a fraction of this abuse of power by the police and the press had happened to anyone you weren't gunning for, you would've cried blue murder. As it is you've been seen to be uncritically supporting the abuse, when even relatively right-wing mainstream press have been exposing it and criticising it.
The only people in Scotland whose views you represent are Lothian and Borders police and the SSY, a bitter, dead political party consisting of a few scabs and informers. So who elected you Indymedia Scotland? Personally I think there should be no safe place for scabs and grasses, certainly not in positions of influence, and they should be dealt with harshly to stop the decline in Scottish activism. Would you disagree CH and Fabbri?
What happened to Principle 4 ?
09.01.2011 11:49
One of the comments on that Guardian editorial reads:
"We also need answers from the Scottish courts, pertaining to the Tommy Sheridan Trial.
When Coulson swore on oath that he knew nothing about hacking, Mulcaire was called as a witness to verify this or otherwise. Why did the judge let him refuse to appear?
When Bird also claimed he knew nothing of the hacking, Tommy Sheridan asked for the emails on the subject. Bird refused to produce them. Why did the judge allow this?
When the News of the World produced a video (in which Sheridan is not seen) many witnesses claimed the voice was not that of Sheridan. The voice in the video used foul language which even Tommy's enemies admit he has never been known to use. The source of the voice, who does regular impersonations of Sheridan, was suspected. Tommy wanted to call him as a witness, but the judge would not let him. If the video had been found to be fake, the case would have collapsed and it would be the NOTW who would have committed perjury.
Why were these three vital pieces of evidence, which could have incriminated the Murdoch organisation, suppressed at the Tommy Sheridan trial, to the advantage of News International? We need answers."
And yet the mainstream press is the only forum where citizens can even ask these questions.
Indymedia UK also need to answer a few questions. In the article "How do you know that Indymedia does not keep logs?" (
"Maybe the police have infiltrated us. Maybe there is some software security issue we're unaware of that means the police can track our users. Maybe the police/GCHQ/NSA/FBI/CIA are monitoring all the connections to our server. Maybe we're just a bunch of amoral snitches... Although we have previously had hassle from the FBI, the police, and even Russian oligarchs, that doesn't mean you have to trust us"
Having been at the sharp end of a couple of these issues, I have good reason not to blindly trust IMCistas, which I'm obviously not permitted to discuss here. Never mind, the article sensibly recommends using Tor when posting here and states:
"We end with a reiteration of our commitment to the global Indymedia Principles of Unity - and particularly want to highlight Principle 4:
4. All IMC's, based upon the trust of their contributors and readers, shall utilize open web based publishing, allowing individuals, groups and organizations to express their views, anonymously if desired"
Yet IM Scotland articles republished on the IM-UK don't permit anonymous comments using Tor to protect IP addresses. And many comments critical of IM Scotland have been hidden on IM UK, presumably as an act of 'unity'. So what happened to Principle 4 - was it voted out collectively or is it being ignored for a reason?
As the Guardian editorial said, there are too many murky links – between a powerful news organisation, the police and the government – for this to be ignored.
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