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Huhne must tackle broadcasting bias

R.A.McCartney | 04.01.2011 16:40 | Analysis | Climate Chaos | Other Press

News broadcasters have virtually stopped referring to scientific predictions that global warming will lead to disaster. However, they are continually reporting predictions about the future which assume that global warming will have no impact in 2050 and beyond. In effect, people are being told that Global Warming is not a problem.

Most people still rely on the broadcast media for news. UK broadcasters are legally bound to be balanced. Climate change deniers have used this to get their views reported by broadcasters when they report on Global Warming, even though they have little scientific support. Chris Huhne should be able to use the same argument to ensure that every time broadcasters report predictions about the future, they include a reference to the disastrous effects that global warming will have.

The most common prediction which is made is that China and India will continue their current rate of economic growth into 2050 and beyond. Over and over again I hear the phrase “the fundamentals of the Indian economy are good”. Yet one bad monsoon in 2009 was blamed for food price inflation throwing the Indian economy off course in 2010. Chris Huhne said after the Cancun Summit that the world is on course for a 5℃ rise in global temperatures by 2100. This will have a catastrophic effect on food production, and the economies of virtually all countries. It is inconceivable that it won’t be having an impact by 2050.

Other recent predictions which ignored Global Warming have been on population, life expectancy, and housing.

A Recent ITV program by John Pilger “ (The War you don’t see”, 14/12/2010) said that British news broadcasters live in dread of a complaint by the Israelis if they broadcast anything which offends them. Broadcasters should be made to feel the same dread if they report any predictions about the future which ignore the terrifying effects which Global Warming is going to have. As Climate Change Minister, Chris Huhne has a duty to use the full resources of his department to do this.



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Details of 'The War You Don't See'.

04.01.2011 16:49

Shows up the flaws in our media & journalists and of course the state's involvement.

The new John Pilger film which sheds a lot of light on this.

Related Link:


Thats great except

04.01.2011 19:08

The climate is changing naturally because thats what the climate has always done.
Most of these climate believers change their story to fit whats happening anyway.

It used to be called "global warming", but since that is a load of bollox, its now called "Climate change". What next?

Utter bollox that is just used by the west and particularly the UK to make tax collection more palettable for the population who don't like paying taxes.

I bought a plane ticket recently. In the summary of prices it should a £10 fee saying "Would you like to donate £10 to plant a tree to offset your carbon blah blah.,..."

I unticked it and got my ticket for £10 less!
I just wonder how many people are so stupid as to leave it ticked because its just another palettably way to extract money out of your pocket.

counter argument

Counter counter argument

04.01.2011 19:45

"The climate is changing naturally because thats what the climate has always done."

Yawn. That is true, but it is also true that we are now having an effect.

Myths debunked at

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