This Weekend London Sat+Sun Dual Power Meeting
Everywherefrombelow | 03.01.2011 18:30 | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements | Zapatista
Callout for anyone interested in more than just marching round the
park on March 26. We want to draw up a map and a plan. Space invaders,
poets, musicians, climbers, trapeze artists, parachutists,
balloonists, hang glider pilots, tunnellers welcome!!
park on March 26. We want to draw up a map and a plan. Space invaders,
poets, musicians, climbers, trapeze artists, parachutists,
balloonists, hang glider pilots, tunnellers welcome!!
Operation Dual Power - pls circulate
Camden Meeting Sat Jan 8/Sun Jan 9, 3 to 6 p.m both days
Callout for
Working Group on Building People’s Assemblies
Meeting to launch Operation Dual Power
Sat Jan 8/Sun Jan 9, 3 to 6 p.m. both days, prompt start please
St Martin’s Community Centre, 43 Carol St NW1 0HT
close to Camden Town tube, hot drinks and food available
Facebook Group
The TUC are calling a huge march for Sat March 26,
March for the Alternative
But what is the alternative?
We doubt the TUC bureaucrats have much idea, but the people who have
been in direct action on the streets at Millbank, in Vodaphone and
Topshop, in uni and college occupations, against tuition fee rises and
the EMA cuts, and local government cuts at Town Halls across the
country – they have the right idea!
We need to seize the spaces where people can gather into direct
democracy decision-making bodies – People’s Assemblies. We need to
challenge the legitimacy of this feeble and hated Con-Dem government
by establishing alternative sovereignty in as many key locations as
We think by March 26, with the galvanic student movement, and the
looming Eurozone crisis, a strong majority of rank-and-file trade
unionists will NOT be satisfied by a march from A to B, or footprints
going round in circles, as the TUC march logo has it!
We propose a map of direct action targets for March 26 (media,
education, local and national govt buildings, bank branches, courts,
police stations, libraries) to be seized and occupied as seats of the
sovereign populace, including any places, space or agencies that
should be held accountable to their local communities. We, the people,
should be making the decisions about how to share our commonwealth.
This is a working group for to which
all are invited to participate. Image courtesy of Flamenco collective action
Camden Meeting Sat Jan 8/Sun Jan 9, 3 to 6 p.m both days
Callout for
Working Group on Building People’s Assemblies
Meeting to launch Operation Dual Power
Sat Jan 8/Sun Jan 9, 3 to 6 p.m. both days, prompt start please
St Martin’s Community Centre, 43 Carol St NW1 0HT
close to Camden Town tube, hot drinks and food available
Facebook Group
The TUC are calling a huge march for Sat March 26,
March for the Alternative
But what is the alternative?
We doubt the TUC bureaucrats have much idea, but the people who have
been in direct action on the streets at Millbank, in Vodaphone and
Topshop, in uni and college occupations, against tuition fee rises and
the EMA cuts, and local government cuts at Town Halls across the
country – they have the right idea!
We need to seize the spaces where people can gather into direct
democracy decision-making bodies – People’s Assemblies. We need to
challenge the legitimacy of this feeble and hated Con-Dem government
by establishing alternative sovereignty in as many key locations as
We think by March 26, with the galvanic student movement, and the
looming Eurozone crisis, a strong majority of rank-and-file trade
unionists will NOT be satisfied by a march from A to B, or footprints
going round in circles, as the TUC march logo has it!
We propose a map of direct action targets for March 26 (media,
education, local and national govt buildings, bank branches, courts,
police stations, libraries) to be seized and occupied as seats of the
sovereign populace, including any places, space or agencies that
should be held accountable to their local communities. We, the people,
should be making the decisions about how to share our commonwealth.
This is a working group for to which
all are invited to participate. Image courtesy of Flamenco collective action