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New Homes Bonus Risk To Countryside

Anthony Butcher | 31.12.2010 13:22

North Somerset Council could receive £49 million in Government payments if it gives the green light to the South West Bristol Urban Extension warned local campaigners today.
North Somerset Council could receive £49 million in Government payments if it gives the green light to the South West Bristol Urban Extension warned local campaigners today.

"The coalition Government's new Localism Bill includes a cash payout to councils, called the New Homes Bonus, of around £4,600 for every home built in their area according to the Home Builders Federation" reported Anthony Butcher, an independent council candidate for Wraxall and Long Ashton. "With our councils facing massive cuts in their budgets, they will come under intense pressure to accept such huge payments, to the detriment of our countryside and villages."

There are 9,500 houses planned for the Bristol Urban Extension, a new town the size of Clevedon, to be called Ashton Park, and a further 1200 houses could be built on the adjacent Fenswood Farm, owned by the University. These two developments are to be built on the Green Belt land between Bishopsworth and Long Ashton. North Somerset Council would receive payments of £43.6 million and £5.5 million if they approve these applications.

"The Government is effectively bribing councils to allow massive housing developments in a way that private developers can only dream of. They are slashing their budgets and then offering an easy way out; building on the Green Belt" added Mr Butcher, a former hospital campaigner. "We need to send a clear message to our politicians that we want our countryside, villages and communities saved for future generations."

Anthony Butcher
- Original article on IMC Bristol: