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Anti Nuclear Campaigners In Court In Lowestoft

Stop Nuclear Power Network | 29.12.2010 19:18 | Ecology | Energy Crisis | Repression

4 January 2011, 10am (plus 5, 10, and 11 January)

Two anti nuclear campaigners, Andreas Speck (46) from London and Ian Mills (45) from Chippenham, will be tried at Lowestoft Magistrates Court from 4 January on, for "failing to leave land" (S69(3)(a) CJPOA 1994) when they blockaded Sizewell nuclear power station in Suffolk on 22 February 2010 [1].

The blockade, which lasted eight hours, coincided with the end of the former government's consultation on National Policy Statements on Energy (including nuclear power), which the protestors said "were flawed".

Andreas Speck, a member of Kick Nuclear, the London group of the Stop Nuclear Power Network [2], says: "The present government is presently having to re-consult on the National Policy Statements, which shows that one of our criticism from February was true - the consultations were flawed. However, far from really consulting about our future energy system, the present consultation, which ends on 26 January 2011, is equally flawed, and designed to push through new nuclear. This shows that nonviolent direct action of the kind we did on 22 February 2010 at Sizewell is still necessary."

The trial is listed for 4, 5, 10, and 11 January 2011.

- Andreas Speck, 07580-320627


[1] For information on the action itself, see

[2] The Stop Nuclear Power Network is a UK-based non-hierarchical grassroots network of groups and individuals campaigning and taking nonviolent action against nuclear power and its expansion and supporting sustainable alternatives. See

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Unjust war, illegal violence.

30.12.2010 20:33

In the matter of international law reguards War. The anti-fascist side is backed by the anti-fascist covenants. These covenants should be studied to provide a path to liberation as all nations are signed on to them in some form or other. However the Imperialist Camp has chosen to ignore them and has set the world on to the path of re-conquest for maximum profit by using the methods of aggressive war, which totally discharges and avoids the sole and only purpose of the anti-fascist side which is to end aggressive war as foreign policy and put in its place collective agree as democracy as the new methods of settling disputes between nations.

Union Jack

Unjust war.

30.12.2010 20:35

Nuremburg Trials specifies that the planning and doing of aggressive war is the supreme international crime on earth.

Jackson B.