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Notts Cuts Watch #11 (Concerned of Notts) | 26.12.2010 12:23

Even as Christmas approached, the cutting of public services in Nottinghamshire continued. The festivities have taken the sails out of the resistance to these attacks, but I'm sure it will be back with a vengeance in the new year. (On which note, make sure you put the Combating the Cuts event on January 15th in your diary.) Until then, why not spend some of the post-Christmas lull reading up on exactly what's being cut? Knowledge is power and all that.


Warning over legal aid cuts from Nottingham Law Centre, Nottingham Post
CITY residents will be less likely to get crucial legal help because of public spending cuts, it is claimed.

Post Comment: Justice for all?, Nottingham Post
JUSTICE secretary and Rushcliffe MP Ken Clarke says there could be financial assistance for Law Centres which do a good job.


MP calls for U-turn over ending of student payment, Nottingham Post
NOTTINGHAM South MP Lilian Greenwood has urged the Government to perform a U-turn on plans to scrap the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).

Groundbreaking academy plan for Hucknall National Comprehensive?, Hucknall Dispatch
SPECULATION is rife that Hucknall National Comprehensive School is about to become an independent academy.

Why sport could suffer if specialist schemes go next summer, Nottingham Post
NEXT summer promises to be a momentous one for Becky Downie.

Uncertain times ahead, Newark Advertiser
A community workshop that serves elderly, disabled and vulnerable people will have to close next year unless it can find thousands of pounds to keep going.

Fire Service

Union leader voices anger over concerns about impact of fire service cut-backs, Retford Times
THE Fire Brigade Union says it has major concerns over plans to dilute full-time cover for the Retford area.

Playing with fire, Newark Advertiser
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service has been accused of putting lives at risk with planned cuts.

Warsop and Edwinstowe fire stations under threat, Mansfield Chad
COMMUNITY leaders and union bosses say plans to close Warsop and Edwinstowe fire stations will put lives in danger.

Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue, False Economy
The service faces a £5m cut equalling 12 percent of its budget over two years.


Support grows for fresh hospital review, Newark Advertiser
Support is growing for an independent review into changes at Newark Hospital.

Health bosses’ walk-in centre consultation reaches halfway mark, Nottingham Post
HEALTH bosses say they are taking people’s views on the future of Stapleford’s walk-in centre “very seriously”.

Nottingham City Council

Nottingham City Council to put up day centre costs and other elderly services, Nottingham Post
NOTTINGHAM City Council has voted to increase day-centres charges by 75 per cent from January. at a meeting yesterday.

Cuts sensation: Newstead Abbey to close to public, Hucknall Dispatch
“MAD, bad and dangerous to know” was how the poet, Lord Byron, was once described.

Nottingham children’s services, False Economy
Nottingham City Children’s Services have decided to close down both City Learning Centres in the city – the South eLearning Centre and the North eLearning Centre – on March 31st 2011.

Nottinghamshire County Council

County council must now save an additional £15m next year, Retford Times
AN EXTRA £15 million will need to be found by the county council on top of the savings already identified.

Campaigners point out risks of axing rangers Bestwood Country Park, Nottingham Post
MAKING rangers redundant at Bestwood Country Park will put education, the environment and people’s safety at risk, say campaigners.

Notts SOS

Collective action can stop these cuts, Guardian
Across the country, small but determined groups are spontaneously forming to oppose the ongoing cuts – and I joined my local one last November. I’m a retired maths teacher living in Nottingham and was an active member of the Labour party for decades; I first joined as a young socialist in 1964. Before the 1997 election, I had creeping suspicions about Tony Blair. I finally left the party on the Saturday the Guardian front page led with Blair’s education secretary, David Blunkett, keeping Chris Woodhead on as the chief inspector of schools.


Notts probation workers set to strike, Nottingham Post
PROBATION workers in Notts look set to take strike action over their workload. (Concerned of Notts)