Brixton 'Kettled Generation' Protest (woody) | 17.12.2010 11:22 | London
Council Leaders hysteria
Council leaders reacted hysterically to the protest outside Brixton Police station on Tuesday 14th Dec. Management emailed all council staff to warn of the protest and potential riots that could result. They even included a request that people leave work early to avoid the area. Nothing can better illustrate the council’s disconnection and fear of the local community.
The meeting and protest outside Brixton Police station however, showed the solidarity between young and old that we will need to successfully resist the cuts. Trade Unions need to stand in solidarity with young people to defeat the cuts planned by the council and to resist the savage offensive by the Tories.
Kettled Generation
Between forty to fifty students, parents and teachers met in the evening to discuss the next steps in our campaign. The meeting heard from students who organised the sit in at Camden Sixth Form for Girls, occupiers from Goldsmiths, Southbank and Camberwell College, students from the walk outs and local youth leaders.
The meeting broke into two groups with 25 students from across South London deciding to facilitate links between university activists and local groups of school and sixth formers. Students agreed to both launch a South London Coordinating meeting across Schools and Universities in January and arrange school meetings with university occupiers. The Camberwell occupation is planning to stay over Christmas and are calling for support (contact:
The second group of parents, trade Unionists and community activists included Marcia Rigg from the Justice for Sean Rigg campaign, representatives from the Karibu Education Centre and members of the Lambeth NUT committee. A full report of the discussion will be produced but included support the “Don’t Kettle our kids” campaign being launched by members of the NUT locally.
Kettle of Brixton Police Station
Around 35 activists and students showed their opposition to police violence outside Brixton Police Station earlier in the evening. Christmas break and the number of events recently took its toll on the school student mobilisation but a number of students still came from 4 Lambeth Schools. The protest was lifted by a strong turn out from Lambeth Unison and heard from Students from Gravney, South Norwood Harris Academy, Marcia Rigg and local Trade Unions.
Video: Brixton Protest and meeting:
Lambeth NUT, Lambeth Unison, RightToWork, Education Activist Network, Woodcraft Folk and Karibu Education Centre.
The "Kettled Generation", refers to a generation of young people fighting against the Con-Dem's cuts, fees and police brutality.
Although the government is vandalising the UK's public services, attacking the lives of working class people, restoring wealth to the ruling elite and kettling our young people... students are fighting back, with the spirit of Greece & France, exposing the weaknesses of the Coalition. We have to build on this, keep up the fight, demand an end to police violence and build maximum possible unity against the cuts.
Support the students! Support the protests!
Resist! - Occupy! - Strike!
Woodcraft Folk's Kettled generation blog: (woody)
Original article on IMC London: