Support Assange? Support PFC Manning too. (Chris Herz) | 16.12.2010 13:26 | London
Londoners are to be congratulated for their support of Wikileaks and for Mr Julian Assage. But I beg you to note and to help Private First Class Bradley Manning who is suspected by the regime here in Washington of being the source of the secret government cables which have brought to Mr Assange and his organization all of this notoriety.
Londoners are to be congratulated for their support of Wikileaks and for Mr Julian Assane. But I beg you to take not of and to help Private First Class Bradley Manning who is suspected by the regime here in Washington as the ultimate source of the secret government communications which have been published by Mr Assange and his colleagues.
Mr Glenn Greenwald of has written this day of the odious and abnormal conditions of severe solitary confinement under which PFC Manning is being held in the US Marine Corps Brig (Prison) at Quantico, Virginia, hard by Washington. I urge all to refer to Mr Greenwald's article for the gory details which include solitary confinement for many months now, deprivation of everything, including blankets and pillows, and of course no human or humane contact at all.
All the world should know the Brig's Internet information is easily attainable through Google. Some relevant telephone numbers are:
Commanding Officer: 703 784 6870
Supervisor: 703 784 6873
First Sergeant: 703 784 4241
All these people need to know what the whole world thinks of them and of their treatment of PFC Manning. But there is another interesting telephone number listed in their website:
Special Quarters 703 432 6156
Perhaps here is where special prisoners are confined. There may be a creature named Lieutenant Villiard associated with this operation. He needs to hear from you as well.
The treatment meted out to PFC Manning contravenes the European Conventinon on Human Rights and every other form of law in civilized countries. But it is quite routine in the USA for all prisoners of political note. This is why Mr Assange should never be extradited hither. Prisons are what we do here in the USA and since the death of Stalin there has been nothing to compare.
Regards to all,
Chris Herz (Chris Herz)
Original article on IMC London: