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EDL come out as pro-police/ pro-Tory/ anti-student Loyalist mob

Tommy Farr | 15.12.2010 21:53

Tommy Robinson / Yaxley-Lennon in Peterbrough on Saturday stating

"we are disgusted with the behaviour of the so called fucking students .. we support British police .. we are your allies .. we cause no harm to this nation .. "

" the british police are here to uphold democracy!"

"winston churchill is everything England is about .. the man is a fucking prophet "

" students living off their dads bank cards who have never lived a normal day in their life .. they do not understand what it is to be a working class member of this community"

" we stand for england we stand for winston churchill we are the true choice of england we are the patriots"

and then they usual bollox ".. Islam rules this country with fear ..we are living it .."

what a fucking eejit! Islam has no power in Britain!

So the claim is it is 'working class' to support Churchill.

Robinson you are either thick stupid or playing a very dirty game. Soon you will be attacking all those who are fighting against the cuts, fighting for their jobs and services.

and so who was Churchill? Born in Blenheim Palace ( yes Palace) Churchill was a member of the British aristocracy. He went to the second most senior private school, Harrow. He joined the army as an officer after attending Sandhurst and found the income to small so his millionaire mother bankrolled him. He was in the army for 4 years before becoming a journalist and then Tory MP for Oldham. He was First Lord of the Admiralty at the start of the First World War, but was obliged to leave the war cabinet after the disastrous Battle of Gallipoli.

As Home Secretary in 1911 he ordered troops to shoot at striking railway workers in Llanelli killing 2. In 1920 he suggested poison gas should be used against the Kurds of Iraq "I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes" but village buring and aerial bombing subdued them and it was not used. In the General Strike of 1926 Churchill was reported to have suggested that machine guns be used on the striking miners and he argued that "either the country will break the General Strike, or the General Strike will break the country" and claimed that the fascism of Benito Mussolini had "rendered a service to the whole world," showing, as it had, "a way to combat subversive forces" and called Mussolini the "Roman genius... the greatest lawgiver among men." In 1930 he proposed abolishing universal sufferage ( everyone having a vote). He attacked the Indian pacifist Ghandi in 1930, and said ".. Gandhi-ism and everything it stands for will have to be grappled with and crushed."

Churchill is above all remembered for opposing appeasement of Hitler and Nazism, but while stated in the House of Commons in 1937 "I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between communism and Nazism, I would choose communism" in 1935 Churchill expressed a hope that Hitler might yet "go down in history as the man who restored honour and peace of mind to the great Germanic nation and brought it back serene, helpful and strong to the forefront of the European family circle." and continued to support the fascists in Italy and Spain.

He wrote great speeches during the war. His first speech as prime minister was the famous "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat". Another included "... we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender." Though he 'led' Britain to defeat the Germans the British people massively rejected his politics in the 1945 election.

That Churchill is a hero for working class people is an idiot idea. Churchill is a symbol of the British upper class. While he was correct on Hitler, unlike many othe politicians, this man was deeply anti-working class and deeply anti-trade union.

Tommy Robinson is trying to turn the EDL into a loyalist mob, using anti-Muslim bigotry and lies, that can be used to attack those ordinary British people fighting for their jobs their communities and their services.

While people have attacked the EDL as racist before, that was never quite correct. Now we have a simple accusation. That Tommy Robinson is a Tory!

Tommy Farr


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He's a grass and a pussy.

15.12.2010 23:15

What sorta hooligan are you Tommy?

Support cops? Rubbin off to Oswald Mosely these days then. Last time I saw you Benny was rubbin your face in the Tarmac you soft prat.


It's already started

16.12.2010 00:13

EDL organiser Jeff Marsh has used his Casuals United Blog to openly call on EDL supporters to grass up student protestors, and when Merseyside Trades Unionist Alex McFadden (who was famously slashed by Nick Griffin's ex-bodyguard Joe Owens after being named on the Nazi hit-list site Redwatch) protested against the cuts in Liverpool, EDL organiser Pablo Carpo (real name allegedly Paul Carpenter) posted photos of Alec McFadden on Facebook which had been Photoshopped to make banners protesting against cuts (1st photo) look as though they were protesting against British troops (2nd photo). As I understand it, after the faked photos were published on Facebook by the EDL, anti-cuts campaigners were bombarded with death threats


have they forgotton

16.12.2010 01:21

how many police officers they've faught with on EDL demos? They've sent a fair few of each other to hospital.

It will be funny next time that happens, and theres yet another thing to make them look like the lying hypocrites they are.

short memories

tommy is compromised!

16.12.2010 09:12

" Tommy has been arrested 6 times this year, the most recent being in London when he jumped over a barrier to snatch an Islamic protestors flag but landed straight into the arms of plod. Cynics claimed this meant he could have a cosy chat with his handlers from MI5/ Special Branch but this remains unverified. Tommy has done time in the past for assaulting a copper following a domestic dispute, i.e., he was battering a lady friend and when asked to stop by plod, attacked them as well. Nice. Tommy’s legal position is not good: he has done time for violence before so if he is nicked again it means more jail. Which he clearly does not want to do as it means he may miss out on all the money he is making from the EDL merchandise. Tommy is also being investigated for mortgage fraud so he could be useful to plod and could provide information on the extremists and hooligans in the ranks of the EDL in exchange for leniency over his mounting ‘legal issues... The EDL have been contradictory over their relationship with the cops: some say they should liaise and maintain order; others just want to have it with anyone, anti-fascists, local people, cops or when that is not possible, themselves. At first Tommy was for liaising, then he wasn’t and now he is, having just done a ‘support the police’ speech to plaudits on their forum. Make your mind up. Or does your handler do that for you Tommy?"

tommy a crook and a tout? surely not! and what was all the to-do over the merchandise profits tommy?
full article here:

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16.12.2010 10:00

Why is churchill so fetishised by these clowns?

the anonny mouse

That Cosy Chat in the Baltic Pub

16.12.2010 15:36

The EDL had a tendency to do some unusual things with customer lists before the leak. Maybe the leak is just a little bit too convenient - but it would help those named if they chose to ensure their finances are in order. You know, get themselves credit checked and so on.


where's the EDL apologists and mugs when you want them?

16.12.2010 19:23

Where's all the EDL apologists? The one's who claim they are anarchists and leftwing and the EDL are really just libertarians attacking militant Islam. That might be your motivation. That might be the motivation of many EDL but the whole direction of the EDL is as a right wing mob that will end up fighting physically against the ordinary people of this country who are fighting fro our jobs services and communities. You are either in total denial or liars.

tommy farr

non-denial denial

17.12.2010 09:38

we have asked the EDLers who usually respond on indymedia - jeff marsh roadhog etc - to comment on the photo of caxley-trousers at the BNP meeting. nothing. we asked them about the nazi members depicted on the EDL demos. nothing. they know anti-fascists have amassed evidence about them and they look ever more stupid denying it. they also realise that 'peacefully protesting islamic extremism' is hopelessly out of step with the political climate and their day is over. once again, care to respond about the BNP meeting photo jeff? didn't think so.

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Islamification of Britain

17.12.2010 16:09

The Indymedia article says that Islam has no power in Britain. Even if that was true it doesn't change the fact that Britain is being Islamified. Look at what has happened to Tower Hamlets! They even elected an Islamist as mayor.

Does it matter?

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