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@ | 15.12.2010 17:38

Parody from the western Mass Media....

Comrades It's really important and urgent that you forward this message of what is reallly happening in greece on the panellenic strike....
Spread this link and watch the videos....
BBC was telling that only a minority does not accept the austeriry measures while most of greeks do....that's completely bullshit!!!! the demo is massive!!!! more than 100 molotov cocktails have been thrown...clashes are still going on with univerisity occupations by anarchist comrades....please spread and fight with us!!! @
Something is changing...



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Hardly surprising

15.12.2010 18:51

I was wondering when the mainstream media over here would start trumpeting on about 'a handful of extremists, hardcore leftists and anarchists' being the troublemakers in greece. I cannot imagine how this media would react if that level of militancy in greece was in the streets of London. Its always britain that has the 'troublemakers'. Never in Iran, Haiti, Rome, greece, just a handful in respectable London only. Good on the greeks and italians and UK students.
Keep it up comrades.
In solidarity.



15.12.2010 21:38

man.. those greeks throw so many molotovs, they need an excuse not to throw one!

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